Agenda and minutes

Venue: Teignbridge District Council Offices, Forde Park, Newton Abbot

Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305  Email:

Note No. Item



Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2016 attached


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2016 be signed as a correct record.



Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.  


There were no items requiring urgent attention.



Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

[An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme] (


There was no petition received from a Member of the public or the Council.



Devon Highway Update

10.02am   Presentation by the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste.


The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on the Cabinet’s decision to award the County Council’s Highways Term Maintenance Contract to Skanska Construction UK Limited, as a single lot bid for the County Council (for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2024, with extension options to 2027).  Transitional arrangements would be made at the appropriate time and members were assured that South West Highways (the current contractor) remained totally committed to deliver the 2016/17 programme. 



Community Road Warden Scheme pdf icon PDF 704 KB

10.15am   Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HCW/16/70) attached.


Electoral Divisions:  All in Teignbridge





The Committee received the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste

(HCW/16/70) on changes to the Community Road Warden Scheme in light of feedback since

the scheme’s introduction 2 years ago.  Some 70% of local councils had responded who were either carrying out highway maintenance or who would like to.  The scheme guidance was being simplified and updated, and its scope widened to include the option to undertake minor carriageway surfacing repairs (including potholes following successful trial) and a process to apply for financial grants towards materials, labour and equipment introduced. The intention was to relaunch the scheme through a number of local Parish and Town Council events to be held during November. 


Members’ raised the requirement for Chapter 8 Training for tasks perceived as simple and bureaucracy around temporary road closures for small community events eg Remembrance Sunday parades and village fetes.  The Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste advised however that the County Council was following national guidance on safe practices, protecting local councils and the County Council from litigation, but aimed to have a lighter touch with simplified procedures for local volunteers wherever possible.



A380 South Devon Highway: Review of Traffic Enforcement Options (Minute *6 14/7/16) pdf icon PDF 81 KB

10.30am   Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/16/1) attached.


Electoral Divisions: Newton Abbot North, Newton Abbot South, Teignbridge South






The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/16/1) in response to the Committee’s decision 14 July 2016 to defer consideration of enforcement of traffic speed on the South Devon Highway (SDH), for a report on the financial implications.


In July the traffic counter recorded poor compliance in the Yon Street area with the 50mph speed limit on the northbound carriageway and speeds had remained constant since June 2016. 


The Report gave a number of options with a range of effectiveness and associated costs.  As the SDH had not yet been open 12 months it was recommended that further speed and collision data was collected (as due to the limited history of the new road scheme there was no validated collisions data, usually released to the County Council in May of the following year).  When the data was available it was recommended this was considered within the County Council and Police joint procedure to allow concerns regarding the speed of vehicles to be assessed consistently (SCARF) across Devon. No budget was allocated at the time for speed enforcement within the building of the scheme.    It was also noted Part 1 compensation claims were anticipated from residents in Spring 2017 for noise and other effects on properties arising from the new road.


Local members were concerned that speeds remained well above 50mph speed limit with significant noise issues affecting residents in the Aller/Kingskerswell areas which was worst at night.  Two major incidents on the SDH had so far occurred, effecting the economy and operation of this main artery serving the South Devon area.  The local members reiterated that enforcement was key and would like to see action now but recognised the benefit of more comprehensive data, to enable to move forward within the next six months.

Members wished to see a more detailed report to fully understand the financial implications, particularly of installing average speed cameras due to their effectiveness over other measures and whether these were likely to be cost neutral due to revenue and accident reduction, with evidence of use by other LAs.  


In relation to the junction of Aller Brake Road and St Marychurch Road the former turn towards Newton Abbot at the bottom of Aller Brake Road had been removed with the new scheme due to the inability to turn across the dual carriageway.  However a new restricted junction at the top of Aller Brake Road enabled drivers to turn right into Aller Brake Road and left out, on to St Marychurch Road towards Newton Abbot.   Some drivers were ignoring the turning restriction and making illegal manoeuvers at the junction.  Whilst not a policing priority the Police had confirmed that enforcement would be carried out if a valid Traffic Regulation Order was in place.  Further discussions would take place to see what steps could improve compliance. 


Members considered the layout was not popular with the wider community (nor with the Police and Crime Commissioner), encouraged increased usage following  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.



Southey Lane, Kingskerswell - Removal of Turning Restrictions pdf icon PDF 3 MB

10.50am   Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/16/53)



Electoral Division: Teignbridge South 






(Councillor Haines declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this matter by virtue of being the owner of land or property affected by the proposal and withdrew from the meeting during its consideration).


(Mr Cann attended under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and spoke in favour of the proposal).


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/16/53) on an Order advertised to remove turning restrictions following construction of the South Devon Highway (SDH). 


The proposal effectively addressed concerns raised by local residents, especially those of Fairfield Road. 


One objection had been received to the proposed Order, objecting to the removal of the left turn in restriction due to the lack of visibility for vehicles turning into Southey Lane from Torquay Road.  Officers advised the road safety audit had highlighted a risk in relation to forward visibility of drivers turning left into the lane.  However warning signs could be erected to advise drivers and on balance it was considered the risk to all road users would be less in taking this route rather than travelling through the old village and negotiating Fore Street/Fluder Hill.


The local County Councillor commented this proposal had the support of the vast majority of the local community and raised during the SDH public consultations and would be of real benefit. 




(a) that the responses to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order be noted; and


(b) that an Order be made and sealed to revoke the banned turns at Southey Lane/Torquay Road.





Request for extension of 30mph speed limit on St Marychurch Road, Newton Abbot pdf icon PDF 2 MB

11.10am   Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HCW/16/2) attached.


Electoral Divisions:  Newton Abbot South, Teignbridge South






The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/16/2) following a request to consider extending the 30 mph speed limit on St Marychurch Road from its current extent SE of Newtake Rise junction to a position SE of the junction with Twickenham Road (approximately 425m).  There had been 7 collisions (all slight injury) 2011-2015, 1 of which speed related, below the threshold action normally considered.  However congestion and traffic flow along this stretch had reduced with the new South Devon Highway. Until a minimum of one year’s validated collision data was available (June 2017) following the new road it was not possible to adequately assess the impact. No budget had been identified for any future changes.


The local members commented that although this looked like a rural road it was on the urban boundary of Newton Abbot  and requested extension of the 30mph past the junction given the unacceptable speed on the St Marychurch Road.  Residents were at risk when crossing to the local shop and dog walking, nor was it safe for cyclists.


Members recognised the road network around Newton Abbot was evolving given the new South Devon Highway and increased house building on a number of sites across the town and would welcome more details on what constituted rural/urban areas, which officers undertook to forward on.   




(a) that the County Council’s policies on speed limits be noted;


(b) that the historic collision data on St Marychurch Road, Newton Abbot be noted and the Committee be updated at its July 2017 meeting when a full one year’s data was available following the opening of the S Devon Highway.







B3344 New Bridge, Clay Lane, Kingsteignton

11.30am   In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Gribble has requested that the Committee consider this matter.


Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report.


Electoral Divisions:  Kingsteignton, Chudleigh Rural






In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Gribble had requested that the Committee consider this matter, as the local County Councillor for a neighbouring division whose residents were affected by increased traffic problems due to continued local development and damage caused by lorries, requesting a meeting on site with officers to assess what may need to be done including a review of signing.


Councillors Brook and Dempster as the local County Councillors indicated their willingness to proceed on this basis and it was:


RESOLVED that officers liaise with Councillor Gribble and the local members to consider the current situation. 



Transport Capital Programme 2016/17 (Cabinet minute *70) pdf icon PDF 130 KB

11.40am   Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/16/43) to Cabinet, 14/9/16 -  attached for information. 


Electoral Divisions:  All in Teignbridge



The Committee received the report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/16/43) approved by the Cabinet at its meeting on 14 September 2016 (Cabinet Minute 70 refers) on the revised Capital Programme for 2016/17 to reflect changes in scheme costs, funding sources and timing, but for the Teignbridge area remained substantially unchanged.


Members raised the progress of local some local schemes, including cycle paths around Dawlish/Teignmouth/Teign Estuary and the strategic cycle network around Newton Abbot - Torbay border and officers undertook to report back to local members as necessary. 





Calendar of Meetings

Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;


11.50am   Close.







All meetings to be held at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot.


Thurs 30 March 2016


Thurs 13 July 2017


Thurs 2 Nov 2017


Thurs 29 March 2018.



Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;