Agenda and minutes

Venue: Teignbridge District Council Offices, Forde Park, Newton Abbot

Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305  Email:

Note No. Item



Election of Chairman and Vice/Chairman

(NB. In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chairman and Vice-

Chairman must be County Councillors.  County and District Councillors may vote)                   



RESOLVED that Councillor  Brook  be elected  Chairman and Councillor  Clarance                be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuring year.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2016 attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2016 be signed as a correct record.



Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.  


There were no items requiring urgent attention.



Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

[An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme] (


There was no petition received from a Member of the public or the Council.



Updated Road Warden Scheme

Presentation by the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste.


The Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste reported on the appointment of a member of staff, Mr V Gough for a 12 month period to review and update the guidance notes on the updated road warden scheme which was gaining momentum with some 66 wardens now trained and more wardens coming on. 


The roll out of the scheme would be presented to the next meeting of the HATOC.   



A380 South Devon Highway: Review of Traffic Speeds pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/58) attached.


Electoral Divisions:        Newton Abbot North, Newton Abbot South, and Teignbridge South




The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/58) in summary regarding:-


-early traffic speed data - traffic was generally performing as anticipated with occasional enforcement proposed to help maintain compliance with the speed limits.  Within the 50mph limit data indicated speeds ranging from 53mph - 65.9mph (85th percentile), 46.1mph - 58.5mph  (mean);


-road noise - data was not yet available but emissions expected to be in line with predictions produced for the Public Inquiry 2009.  Whilst the new road offered a net reduction in overall traffic noise experienced by residents, there were several notable increases predicted.  Detailed noise surveys were to be carried out following the summer in anticipation of residents’ claims under Part I of the Land Compensation Act;


-air quality  - early data indicated a 50% drop in nitrogen dioxide pollution along A380 through Kingskerswell  with a moderate increase at locations adjacent to the new road;


-Devon and Cornwall Safety Camera Partnership comments on recorded speeds and had recommended occasional enforcement.  Discussions were being held on potential locations for enforcement;


-representations from Devon and Cornwall Police that the public were likely to view  the dual carriageway as 70mph and  recorded speeds indicated  occasional enforcement would be beneficial. 


The local County Councillor  referred to road noise caused by excessive speeds and the impact on parts of Kingskerswell and Aller.  Other members considered there were a significant number of vehicles exceeding 66mph and the importance of ongoing monitoring to assess the problem and impact. 


Whilst Members  were minded to support the lobbying of the Devon and Cornwall Safety Camera Partnership and Police for enforcement and the introduction of an average speed camera at the Aller interchange - Yon Street overbridge,  they wished to know the financial implications prior to making a decision.


RESOLVED that data regarding vehicle speeds on the A380 South Devon Highway be noted and the consideration of enforcement of traffic speed be deferred to the next meeting for a report on the financial implications.   



Teignmouth Traffic Management Review pdf icon PDF 8 MB

Report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/59)


Electoral Divisions: Teignmouth Town, Teign Estuary      




(Dr Maun and Cllr Russell attended under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and spoke for and against the proposals respectively)


The Committee received a presentation and considered the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/59) on work with Teignmouth Town Council and other stakeholders developing proposals  to rationalise existing parking arrangements within the town and results of the statutory consultation in June 2016.  A commitment to review the operation after 1 year had been made with particular consideration to any displacement issues.  The proposal which provided a comprehensive solution would secure safe and expeditious movement of traffic around Teignmouth and to its associated parking facilities and therefore complied with S122 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.


Following consultation - and although many of the issues proved non-controversial or could be accommodated - the issues of Residents Parking within the town and the future use of the Promenade (Upper Den Carriageway) had proved difficult to resolve. 


Some Members raised concerns regarding the environmental impact  and particularly bathing water quality, of camper vans along Upper Den Carriageway (the Promenade) ie the illegal dumping of waste into the surface water drainage system. Some members favoured   extended closure until 30 September each year (instead of 10 September as advertised) in response to the Environment Agency’s testing regime which ran until 30 September.  The bathing water quality was of significant importance to the local economy and environment.   Members noted however that the camper vans issue was one of a number of variables affecting the water quality testing and ongoing concerns of camper vans should be referred to and addressed by the District Environment team.  Pay & Display should also discourage longer stays by camper vans reducing potential for pollution.


Officers advised that it was not possible to extend the length of the restriction along Upper Den Carriageway (the Promenade) without readvertising (but this could be considered as part of a future review) and a lack of support for Upper Den Carriageway (the Promenade) would mean reverting to the status quo which closed the road for a much shorter period and therefore would not address the potential for pollution from the highway drainage system.


A Member  referred to the contentious nature of residents parking within the town and was concerned how carers for the elderly, shiftworkers and visitors to properties would be able to access. Officers advised of permit options for essential visitors (Doctors and nurses had their own), day visitors and general permits.   The Town Council had rejected the town centre residents parking zone but requested a smaller zone in the Salisbury Terrace, Higher Brimley Road area to be re-examined. The current reduced proposal for north of the railway line close to the town centre was therefore based  where a clear majority of responses were in favour  and where up to 50% on street parking during the day was associated with non residents (as opposed to 33% in the larger area).




(a) that the Devon County Council (Various Streets, Teignmouth) (Waiting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



School Lane, Heathfield, Bovey Tracey: Proposed Prohibition of HGVs over 7.5t pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/60) attached.


Electoral Division:  Bovey Tracey Rural



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/60) on representations received during the statutory consultation for a prohibition of HGVs over 7.5t.  The proposal was linked to the Stover Trail multiuse trail between Bovey Tracey and Newton Abbot and addressed concerns raised by local residents , offering improved safety for users of the Stover Trail without adversely impacting on access for residents and businesses.    The local County Councillor supported the proposals.




(a) that the responses to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order be noted;


(b) that approval be given to make and seal the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised.



Brunel Road, Newton Abbot: Stopping-up of Highway pdf icon PDF 241 KB


Report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/61) attached.


Electoral Division:  Newton Abbot North




The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/61) on following an Ofsted report, officers were tasked to improve parking for staff at Estuary House, with a section of land in Brunel Road identified as parking and as public highway.  The section of highway was deemed unnecessary and stopping up removed the requirement for the authority to maintain it. 


Consultations would be carried out with Newton Abbot Town Council and Teignbridge District Councils and statutory undertakers with utilities affected.




(a) that the Committee has no objection to an application being made to the

 Magistrates Court under Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 for the stopping-up

part of the public highway in Brunel Road, Newton Abbot as shown on the

accompanying Drawing attached as Appendix I to report HCW/16/61;


(b) that the Head of Service be authorised, in consultation with  the Chairman and local

County Councillor to resolve any issues following the necessary consultations specified in

section 4 of this report.






Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/62) attached.  In accordance with Minute *3 of the Meeting of this Committee on 27 June 2003 this report details the actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under Delegated Powers since the last meeting.


The Committee received the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HCW/16/62) on actions taken in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders under delegated powers, following consultation with the Chairman and local County Councillors.    



Retirement of Mr Peter Brunt, Neighbourhood Highway Manager


RESOLVED that the Committee’s thanks be placed on record for Mr Brunt’s service to this HATOC and the County Council on his retirement. 



Calendar of Meetings

Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;




Thursday 3 November 2016 at 10am

Thursday 30 March 2017 at 10am


All meetings to be held at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot.


Please use link below for County Council Calendar of meetings