Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms, Teignbridge District Council. View directions

Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305  Email:

Note No. Item



Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

(NB: In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman must be County Councillors.  County and District Councillors may vote)   


RESOLVED that Councillors Brook and Russell be elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively for the ensuing year.






Minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2017 (previously circulated).                 


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2017 be signed as a correct record



Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.  


There were no items requiring urgent attention.



Standards Monitoring


Mrs A Mayes MBE who was attending in her capacity as a Co-opted Member of the County Council's Standards Committee to observe and monitor compliance with the Council’s ethical governance framework was welcomed to the meeting.




Members' Induction: Duties and Responsibilities and Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) Approval Process

Presentation by the Acting Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste




The Committee received a presentation from the Acting Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste on the work of the Committee covering the Constitution, Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation.


A Member suggested it would be beneficial if the limit of £250,000 for approval of highway improvement schemes determined by Highways and Traffic Orders Committees (HATOCs) could be increased, having been at that level for many years.           




(a) that the Procedures Committee be asked to consider  increasing the limit of £250k for  the approval of highway improvement schemes to be determined by HATOCs, under delegated powers to HATOCs  and to amending the Constitution and Financial Regulations accordingly;


(b) that the presentation be circulated to Members for information.



Devon Highways Term Maintenance Contract

A representative from Skanska to discuss issues with Members.


(Mr S Kane (Contract Manager, Skanska) attended and spoke to this item at the invitation of the Committee).


The Committee received a presentation from Mr Kane covering:-


-the Company’s origin and ethos, employee number and wide ranging infrastructure and engineering activities across local authority and other sectors;


-management of the Devon Highways Maintenance Contract, including 9 operational Depots, co-location of staff, use of the existing ‘Devon Highways’ brand, investment in new operational vehicles, a new training academy, information sharing and development of ‘system thinking’ to achieve efficiencies and cashable savings;


-the Company’s safety culture, sustainable/energy policies and working practices, behavioural code of practice for employees in relations with contract partners and the public; and the Company’s training ethos, career development of employees, including apprenticeships.


Members’ questions, comments and officer responses included:-


-employees from previous contractor transferred under TUPE regulations;


-potholes (reactive works) – meeting repair criteria and timescales, DCC developing on an IT emailing system as a priority to keep those reporting such matters informed  of progress;


-logo’s on current pothole reporting system – officers to investigate and advise Members;


-delay with the provision of some signage for works being undertaken;


-fleet diversity


-delay in carrying out some planned works due to co-ordination eg resurfacing of country lanes;


-automatic linking of timescale for works according to policy to better inform interested parties;


-how quality issues in general would be monitored and improved upon;


-further sharing of work prioritisation discussions between Skanska and DCC;


-Members to bring to Skanska’s attention any specific delays through their local highway officer so these may be expedited where appropriate – some catch up/delay on lead in time following change of contractor.





A380 South Devon Highway: Review of Traffic Enforcement Options (minute *29, 30 March 2017)

Police representative to report on monitoring and enforcement on the South Devon Highway, surrounding roads and the general Teignbridge area.


Police Representative MPC Phil Saundercock (Road Safety Camera Partnership)  attended as requested by the Committee to update Members on the monitoring and enforcement of traffic speeds on the South Devon Highway following the Committee’s ongoing concerns since the opening of the road that, in particular, the 50 mph speed limit was consistently being breached by many motorists and that this continued to have a significant adverse effect (particularly noise) on many residents particularly in the Aller and Kingskerswell areas. 


MPC Saundercock referred to enforcement options that could be carried out by various police teams but that police budget reductions had significantly diminished this capability and diverted resources elsewhere.  Operation Falcon was to be carried out shortly but this was not a long term solution.  Discussions were taking place with DCC to expedite camera and speed monitoring and enforcement accessibility by hardening verges in appropriate locations. 


The local County Councillors were hugely disappointed that further data was not now available when the average speed had previously been reported as 66 mph in the 50 mph areas.  There was also a knock on effect since the SDH opening on the old Newton Road traffic, with little enforcement of the 20 and 30 mph limits introduced to discourage through traffic from use of the old road.  A significant area was currently blighted.  


The Chairman requested MPC Saundercock to feedback the Committee’s and the local community’s strength of feeling and concerns.




(a) that the Police be requested to give very serious consideration to the many reasons for  enforcing the 50mph initially imposed;


(b) that the Police be requested to attend the next meeting and along with County Council Officers provide a report to the next meeting of this Committee (November 2017) on the results of Operation Falcon and other speed data to be collected.         



Annual Waiting Restriction Programme pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Report of the Acting Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/62), attached.

Electoral Divisions:  All in Teignbridge





Members considered the Report of the Acting Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/62) on annual waiting restrictions programme process for 2017/2018.


Due to previous difficulties in delivering requests for waiting restrictions (resource and / or funding pressures), the Council introduced an annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme for each HATOC area for funding and delivering waiting restriction schemes. The 2016/17 programme delivered proposals at over 250 sites across Devon and building on that success it was intended to develop a programme for 2017/18 to include minor aids to movement improvements such as drop crossing, footway improvements and bollards.  The Report outlined that Cabinet had allocated £100,000 countywide, equated to £12,500 to each HATOC area and approval was being sought for the 2017/18 programme.  Appendix I (waiting restriction proposals) of the Report identified the proposed schemes and outlined the need for consultation on the detail with the local Member and Chairman of the HATOC, before the proposals would be designed and any associated Traffic Order drafted and advertised.  Proposals with no objections would be implemented, those with minor objections would be determined under delegated powers by the acting Chief Officer in consultation with the Local Member and the Chairman of HATOC and those attracting significant objections would be reported to a future HATOC meeting.


In discussion Members noted:-


-there was scope to add additional schemes, with a mid-August 2017 deadline.  Officers would be contacting local Members with details for comment over the next few days;


-there were catch up works scheduled from last year’s programme following the demobilisation of the former contractor  with a temporary contingency fund being established until refunds received where appropriate. 




(a) that work on the annual waiting restrictions programme process for 2017/2018 be noted;


(b) that the recommendations contained in Appendix I to the report be endorsed and subject to consultation with local Members on the details, the proposals be advertised.




Request for extension of 30mph speed limit on St Marychurch Road, and Alteration of Aller Brake Road junction, Newton Abbot pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Report of the Acting Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/63), attached.


Electoral Divisions:  Newton Abbot South, Ipplepen & The Kerswells




Members considered the Report of the Acting Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/63) on a request from the local County Councillor to consider an extension of the 30 mph speed limit to include the junction of Twickenham Road.


Members fully supported this request as it was felt that the Twickenham Road junction area of St Marychurch Road did have many characteristics of an urban road and was considered so generally by motorists.   Conflicts between motorists and motorists/cyclists/ pedestrians were a frequent occurrence.  Requests from the public had been made since at least the early 1980s for a 30mph extension.    Members considered traffic approaching the area downhill towards Twickenham Road needed an earlier indication to reduce speed for entering the built up area.    Local residents currently had great difficulty in safely crossing the road to get to local shops etc.  




(a) that the County Council’s policies on speed limits be noted;


(b) that the historic data on collisions on St Marychurch Road be noted, and the situation continue to be kept under review in future years;


(c) that the data on the number of vehicles contravening the turning bans at the Aller Brake Road be noted and a request be made to the Police for further enforcement;


(d) that the Cabinet be asked to approve, as a departure from policy, the extension of  the 30mph restriction to a position south east of the junction with Twickenham Road, a distance of approximately 425 metres.




Highweek Area, Newton Abbot - Experimental Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/17/44), attached.


Electoral Divisions: Bovey Rural and Newton Abbot North




(In accordance with Standing Order 25(2) Councillor Hocking, Teignbridge District Council attended and spoke with the consent of the Committee in support  of this item).




Members considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/17/44).  Newton Abbot was undergoing significant growth, with Highweek village suffering from the impact of through traffic on its narrow streets due partly to congestion elsewhere which would potentially worsen further with additional programmed highway improvements on the A382 corridor improvement scheme and A382-A383 connection. 


The Report’s proposals addressed traffic concerns raised by the Highweek Residents Association and had the support of local County and District Councillors, who had also conducted consultation with residents, whom generally supported these on an experimental basis - measures for Whitehill Road and Ringslade Road had received stronger support than those proposed for Pitt Hill Road at this stage.  Whilst it was not possible to please all residents, the proposals aimed to benefit the local community as a whole.


The local County Councillor also drew attention that the one way signing on drawing number B2300331/003 was erroneously positioned and should be sited at the Stoneleigh Close end.

It was agreed this was an error and the correct location at Stoneleigh Close would be detailed in the Experimental Order.




(a) that the introduction of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order detailed within the report to reduce traffic through Highweek be approved;


(b) that officers be authorised to vary the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order as required in consultation with the Local Members and Chairman and in line with the statutory process.





Newton Abbot East West Cycleway, Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 613 KB

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/17/43), attached.


Electoral Divisions:  Newton Abbot North; Newton Abbot South; and Teignbridge South



(Mr Chris Bonnett and Mr Owen Parfitt (Jacobs, contractor) attended and spoke to this item at the invitation of the Committee).


Members considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/17/43) on the need to extend the existing route further west to connect with new developments as part of developing a high quality cycle network for the Newton Abbot area and links with the existing cycle network in the Balls Corner area, Stover Trail and to the town centre and railway station.  The proposed share path and crossings would offer pedestrians and cyclists a safe, convenient and direct route, particularly for children travelling to local schools.


Members and Officers were mindful of ongoing safety concerns of traffic and pedestrian movements around the junction with Greenaway Road using the shop and these proposals aimed to encourage sensible and safe parking whilst maintaining reasonable access to the business.


The local County Councillors welcomed the proposals for this much needed scheme which had received no objections following a widespread leaflet drop.




(a) that this Committee supports the proposed scheme;


(b) that the consultation of the proposed road humps and traffic regulation order be approved.




Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

[An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme] (


There was no petition received from a Member of the public or the Council.



Calendar of Meetings

Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;




2 November 2017

29 March 2018.


All meetings to be held at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot.


Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;