Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms, Teignbridge District Council. View directions

Contact: Fiona Rutley 01392 382305  Email:

Note No. Item



Minutes pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2016 attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2016 be signed as a correct record.




Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.  


There was no item raised as a matter of urgency.




Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

[An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme] (


There was no petition received from a Member of the public or the Council.



Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/27)


Electoral Divisions:  All in Teignbridge




The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/27) on the development of an annual local programme for the HATOC area for the funding and delivery of waiting restriction schemes for 2017/18.


Proposals for parking restrictions and representations received as detailed in Section 4 of the report were considered:- 


-Local County Councillors were in support of the recommendations in Section 4 in their respective Divisions, excepting Councillor Barker regarding proposals near Blackpool School, Bickington where 18 representations had been received, the majority objecting and with the Parish Council supporting the proposals as advertised for No Waiting At Any Time.  Councillor Barker also supported the proposal as advertised as requested by the village, as some parents dropping/picking up from Blackpool School were parking on both sides of the unrestricted road (60 mph) over the dual carriageway bridge with children crossing the road and with a sharp bend just off the bottom left of the Plan. A speed limit reduction had also previously been considered inappropriate.  There was a separate safe school drop off zone for provided by DCC (field entrance by school);  


-The local Member for Exminster & Kenton (Councillor Connett) had conveyed his support for the recommendations relating to proposals in his Division. (Councillor Connett was not present but would have declared a personal interest in relation to Kennford (Plan TB ENV5551-024)).




(a) that work on the annual waiting restrictions programme and the prioritisation process applied in 2016/17 be noted;


(b) that in respect of Section 4 of the report (HIW/17/27) the report recommendations be approved, subject to:-


(i) Bickington (Plan TB ENV5551-020) - restrictions to be implemented as advertised;


(ii) Bovey Tracey (Plan TB ENV5551-015) – That the proposal should be implemented as advertised but that consideration should be given to amending all limited waiting in the area to present a more consistent approach to drivers wishing to park as part of the 2017/18 programme.;


(c) that pending Cabinet consideration of the scope of works and funding, a further programme be developed for 2017/18.



South Devon Highway - DCC (South Devon Highway & Various Roads, Abbotskerswell, Kingskerswell & Newton Abbot)(40/50mph Speed Limits) Order pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/28)


Electoral Divisions:  Newton Abbot N, Newton Abbot S, and Teignbridge South





The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/28) on the advertised Order to make permanent the 50 mph speed limit initially implemented as a temporary Order.  In recognising the unique nature of the S Devon Highway as a new high speed road through a community, a departure from Policy was considered appropriate based on designer assessment, safety audit comment, onward commitment to monitor, and support from Police to carry out enforcement. 1 representation (comment) had been received (Appendix 1) to the advertised Order.  The case for 50 mph throughout its entirety was justified and explained on road safety and environmental grounds in Appendix 2.


Given the route was through a community the environmental noise and air quality pollution impact continued to be considered and initial data analysis indicated noise was reduced in part due to the 50 mph speed limit.  Further work was required before the figures were published.


The local and neighbouring County Councillors fully supported the 50 mph limit with improved traffic flows across South Devon and improved environmental conditions for some residents.  However enforcement was important due to the increased environmental impact on some other residents. 




(a) that the responses to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order be noted;


(b) that the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised, be made, sealed and implemented.



A380 South Devon Highway: Review of Traffic Enforcement Options pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/29)


  Electoral Divisions:  Newton Abbot N, Newton Abbot S, and Teignbridge South



The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/29) on the effectiveness and financial implications of Average Speed Cameras (ASC) in relation to the South Devon Highway.


RAC Foundation/other authority data suggested ASCs were very effective at reducing personal injury collisions.  Initial noise data analysis indicated levels as predicted or in some cases significantly lower. Validated collision data was expected in May 2017 to be considered in the Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) process, considering the business case for ASCs and other viable changes to speed enforcement. 


As previously stated the South Devon Highway had a unique nature as a new high speed road through a community, with a 50 mph speed limit to protect both road users and the amenity of local residents.


The local County Councillor reported on the numerous ongoing requests from residents for the appropriate authority(ies) to carry out their responsibilities/enforcement.  




(a) that the information provided on the costs and effectiveness of Average Speed Camera deployment be noted;


(b) that the information presented in this report be used in the Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) process when validated collision data was available;


(c) that DCC Officers press the Police to monitor and enforce the 50 mph speed limit on the South Devon Highway and surrounding roads on a regular basis;


(d) that the Police also be requested to report to the next meeting on general speed enforcement in the Teignbridge area.



Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 60 KB

In accordance with Minute *3 of the Meeting of this Committee on 27 June 2003 this report details the actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under Delegated Powers since the last meeting.


Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/30)


Electoral Divisions:  Newton Abbot South, Newton Abbot North, Dawlish





The Committee received the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/30) on actions taken in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders under delegated powers following consultation with the Chairman and local County Councillors at:-


-Various Roads, Dawlish

-Prospect Terrace, Newton Abbot

-Tudor Road, Newton Abbot.



Calendar of Meetings

Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;




Please use link below for County Council Calendar of Meetings;


All meetings to be held at Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Newton Abbot.


Thursdays: 13 July 2017,  2 November 2017,  29 March 2018.