Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Okehampton

Contact: Gerry Rufolo 01392 382299  Email:

Note No. Item



Election of Chair and Vice Chair

In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chair and Vice Chair must be County Councillors.


RESOLVED that Councillor P Sanders be elected Chair and Councillor L Samuel be elected Vice Chair for the ensuing (municipal) year. 




Minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2021 (previously circulated).


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 July 2021 be signed as a correct record.    



Matters of Urgency

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.  


(Items taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)


The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider the following matters to allow Members to raise local issues and apprise the Committee on the current position:


(i) Cycleway/Multi Trail Route 28

A matter raised by Councillor N Heyworth in relation to concerns raised by a local group concerning delivery of the route between Moretonhampstead and Chagford. The local Neighbourhood Highway Manager referred to the need for community support and undertook to raise the issue with the Strategic Planning Team.       

(ii) Highways Maintenance Finance

Arising on a question and concerns by the Chair, the Neighbourhood Highway Group Manager reported on the current budgetary pressures across all County Council services, although the current position for highways maintenance was to deliver a balanced budget through the Council’s main contractor Milestone for the current financial year. However, there remained considerable cost and inflationary pressures within the Highways budget which would need careful management. 

(iii) Grenofen Gateway, Tavistock

A matter raised by Councillor D Sellis in relation to requested removal of the gateway. The gateway caused congestion problems when traffic was diverted from the A386.  There was a significant cost implication and Officers undertook to review the matter.

(iv) EV Charging Points (On-street)

A matter raised by Councillor D Sellis. The County Council’s strategy was set out at:  Electric Vehicle Charging - Roads and transport (

(v) Lewdown Traffic Speed and Sign Cleaning / overgrown Vegetations

A matter raised by Councillor T Southcott relating to proposed vehicle speed reduction in Lewdown. Officers confirmed that a TRO had been approved for advertisement and would be implemented if no objections were received. Any objections would be reported to Committee for determination. 

Councillor Southcott also referred to the need for sign cleaning and clearance of vegetation obscuring road signs (which could be done by community members subject to the required Chapter 8 training).



(vi) Sampford Courtenay: Station Road, Speed Reductions

A matter raised by Councillor Goffey who would liaise with officers about the issue.

(v) 20mph projects prioritised for delivery in 2022/23

A matter raised by Councillor D Sellis.

Officers reported that a Report had been produced for the Cabinet meeting on 13 July 2022 and available here: 20mph projects prioritised for delivery in 2022 23 - Final.pdf (

Of the 105 expressions of interest 4 sites had been identified for delivery: Tiverton (Mid Devon) – Selected areas;  Ashburton (Teignbridge), Atherington (North Devon); and Winkleigh (Torridge) – Selected area.

There was no budget available nor officer resource capacity to deliver more in the current year.       



Mary Tavy: Petition to Reduce Speed Limit pdf icon PDF 692 KB

Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/29), attached



(Councillor P Reid (Chair, Mary Tavy Parish Council) attended in accordance with standing Order 25 and spoke to this item and requested a further site visit).


The Committee considered the Report of the Director for Climate Change, Environment and Transport. (CET/22/29) on actions taken subsequent to the presentation of a petition to this Committee to reduce the speed limit on the approach to Mary Tavy on the A386.


Officers confirmed that the current speed limit conformed to existing national guidance and was appropriate taking account of relevant factors and in accordance with County Council policy. 


Although lowering the speed limit was not possible other options and alternatives had been investigated. 


The site audit undertaken by the Traffic Orders, Policy and Programme Team had identified a combination of five separate traffic sign/line installations which advised approaching drivers of the junction ahead or the need to reduce speed (photographs Appendix A of the Report).  It had concluded that no additional signs could be  justified, although it was acknowledged that when verge-side vegetation was left uncut some of the signs had been obscured.  The Team had recommended that no further action was taken.


It was MOVED by Councillor D Sellis, SECONDED by the P Sanders and


RESOLVED that a site visit comprising the Chair, Councillor Sellis and local Borough and Parish Councillors be arranged (to meet in the Mary Tavy Inn car park) to allow further consideration of the available options.




Local Waiting Restriction Programme pdf icon PDF 436 KB

Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/28), attached


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/22/28) on submissions in response to the statutory consultation on the restrictions proposed in the West Devon area, as part of the local waiting restriction programme, which had been advertised from 26 May until 20 June 2022.


A summary of the proposals advertised were detailed in Appendix 1 (with associated plans) and details of the objections received to the proposals, and the Officers’ response were shown in Appendix 2 of the Report.


Following advertisement proposals which had not attracted objections would l be implemented; and those which had received objections were detailed in Appendix 2, with recommendations for each location.


The respective local Member commented on the proposals. 


It was MOVED by Councillor P Sanders; and SECONDED by Councillor L Samuel and 




(a) that the local waiting restriction programme be noted; and


(b) that the recommendations contained in Appendix 2 of the Report be agreed subject to the following:


(i) Chapel Street/Fore Street, Bere Alston: invitations be also sent to the Parish Council and West Devon Brough Council representatives for the site visit; and authority to approve being delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport;


(ii) Fore Street, Bere Alston: deferred pending a site visit with local members and authority to approve being delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport;


(iii) Road from Uppaton House to Sunny Glen, Buckland Monachorum: Implement as advertised;


(iv) Fore Street, North Tawton: local Town and District Council members to be invited also to the site visit; and authority to approve being delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport; and


(v) Plymouth Road Industrial Estate: deferred pending further discussion with the local County Councillor; and authority to approve being delegated to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport.









Dates of Future Meetings

21 October (Tavistock) and 4 April 2023 (Okehampton).


Meetings will start at 10.30 am and alternate between Kilworthy House, Tavistock and Town Council Offices, Okehampton.


Up to date information available here: Browse meetings - West Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee - Democracy in Devon


21 October (Tavistock) and 4 April 2023 (Okehampton).


Meetings to start at 10.30 am and alternate between Kilworthy House, Tavistock and Town Council Offices, Okehampton.


Up to date information available here: Browse meetings - West Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee - Democracy in Devon