Agenda and minutes

Venue: Kilworthy Park, West Devon Borough Council Offices, Tavistock

Contact: Gerry Rufolo 01392 382299  Email:

Note: Due to Covid restrictions and social distancing measures, members of the press and public must contact the Clerk to book a place should they wish to attend this meeting in person 

Note No. Item



Election of Chair and Vice Chair

In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chair and Vice  Chair must be County Councillors.


RESOLVED that Councillor P Sanders be elected Chair and Councillor L Samuel be elected Vice Chair for the ensuing year.  



Minutes pdf icon PDF 182 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2021, attached .


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 March 2021 be signed as a correct record.



Matter of Urgency: Minor Rural Roads Maintenance

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.  


(An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)


The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider this as a matter of urgency, at the request of Councillor J McInnes to raise concerns about the poor state of many minor rural roads in the District and County.


Members discussed maintenance issues in regard to rural roads, in particular  there was no plan for the treatment of lower category roads, and the impact this was having on local communities. Members also noted the detrimental impact on officers particularly within the Neighbourhood Highway teams in managing complaints and expectations from local parish councils and communities against a difficult financial background and demand on local services.  Members also discussed the role of local Road Wardens and difficulties in accessing Chapter 8 training carried out during the working day and the impact of the pandemic which had resulted in delays in the training programmes.


The Neighbourhood Highways Manager reported on the role of asset management, which prioritised higher category roads, and that alternative treatment solutions were being investigated for more minor roads.


It was MOVED by Councillor McInnes and SECONDED by Councillor D Sellis and   


RESOLVED that the Cabinet be called upon to develop policies and programmes specifically for the improvement of the Minor Road network in view of the poor state of many rural roads in the County.   



Workings of the Committee pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Presentation by the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste, attached.


The Committee received a presentation from the Head of Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste on the workings of the Committee. The presentation covered the Committee’s Constitution; its Terms of Reference; and Scheme of Delegation.


Members’ discussion with the Neighbourhood Highways Manager included:


·         the main sources of financing via Government grant in respect of the Local Transport Plan for the County and from developer contributions (under Section 106 agreements);

·         the role of the Speed Compliance Action Forum (SCARF);

·         explanation of Traffic Regulation Orders and review of the programme of road restrictions annually at this Committee and the deadline for the insertion of proposals which was provisionally the end of August, early September (Members would be advised by email);

·         adoption of a new contractor Milestones replacing Skanska for highways maintenance across the County;

·         concern over the apparent lack of coordination in respect of closures for utility and other works recently in Tavistock (in Callington Road, Parkwood Road and Crediton Road) which had caused considerable disruption;

·         confirmation that a programme for review of parking arrangements in small towns/villages (including one for Chagford) remained in place and would be carried out when resources permitted;

·         information on highways which was shared with Parish and Town Councils via a Newsletter (which would also be copied to members);

·         the role of Road Wardens in the parishes including their supervisory role for untrained volunteers and difficulties in accessing Chapter 8 training; and

·         the need to review the level for Local Transport Plan schemes which were subject to Cabinet approval rather than by HATOCs (set at schemes over £250,000).


(N.B. All highway matters and issues or concerns should be reported via the County Council’s website: Report a Problem - Roads and Transport] 




Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 10 KB

Report of the Chief Officer, Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste

(HIW/21/52), attached


The Committee noted the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/52) on actions taken in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders under delegated powers since the last meeting.




Dates of Meetings

5 November 2021 (Okehampton) and 25 March 2022 (Tavistock).


Meetings will start at 10.30 am and alternate between Kilworthy House, Tavistock and Town Council Offices, Okehampton.


Confirmation of meeting dates are published on the Council’s website: Browse Meetings, 2000 - Democracy in Devon


Monday, 8 November 2021 and 25 March 2022.


Confirmation of all dates available on the Council’s website:


Browse Meetings, 2000 - Democracy in Devon