Venue: Committee Suite, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QD
Contact: Wendy Simpson 01392 384383 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2021, attached.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2021 be signed as a correct record. |
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
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A3052: Speed Limits and Facilities for Active Travel - Greendale to Cat and Fiddle (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2), Councillor Randall-Johnson had asked that the Committee consider this item.)
Report of the Chief Officer for Highways Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/22/4), attached.
Decision: RESOLVED
(a) that Cabinet be requested to support an extension of the 40mph speed limit to the eastern boundary of the Cat and Fiddle;
(b) the pedestrian crossing on the A3052 between Crealy Adventure Park and Hill Barton Business Park, as shown in Appendix 1 be approved in principle at an estimated cost of £225,000 subject to confirmation of funding;
(c) the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair of the Highways and Traffic Orders Committee and local Members to make minor amendments to the scheme details; and
(d) that the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee be asked, in their overview role, to review the Local Speed Limit policy.
Minutes: (Councillor R Steer-Kemp, Chair of the Bishops Clyst Parish Council attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 and spoke in support of the proposal to install a light-controlled crossing on the A3052 at the Hill Barton/Crealy junction and a reduction to the speed limit at the Cat and Fiddle.
The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/22/4) which related to speed limits and facilities for active travel on the A3052 at Greendale to Cat and Fiddle.
The local Member had requested a report be presented to consider the reduction of the speed limit on the A3052 to 40mph, safer crossing points and the provision of a shared cycle and footpath to Greendale.
The Chief Officer reported on the background to the matter as detailed in the Report.
The Report sought approval to progress a pedestrian crossing on the A3052, west of the junction for Crealy Adventured Park and a new footway on the north side of the A3052 from the new crossing to Hill Barton Industrial Estate, with improved bus stop facilities to increase safety and improve public transport links.
Discussion points with Members and Officers included safety concerns as a result of: - the speed of large HGVs using the road for accessing the Hill Barton industrial estate and other nearby commercial sites; - the inadequate size of the road island at the Cat and Fiddle and concern for disabled users trying to navigate crossing the road from the residential park; - increased use of the Exeter City Football Club youth training ground nearby; and - planning permission for a 30 bed hotel at the Cat and Fiddle car park site.
It was MOVED by Councillor Randall Johnson, SECONDED by Councillor Gent and
(a) that Cabinet be requested to support an extension of the 40mph speed limit to the eastern boundary of the Cat and Fiddle;
(b) the pedestrian crossing on the A3052 between Crealy Adventure Park and Hill Barton Business Park, as shown in Appendix 1 be approved in principle at an estimated cost of £225,000 subject to confirmation of funding;
(c) the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair of the Highways and Traffic Orders Committee and local Members to make minor amendments to the scheme details; and
(d) that the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee be asked, in their overview role, to review the Local Speed Limit policy.
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Pedestrian Crossing, A 3052 Newton Poppleford - Coroner's Inquest (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2), Councillor Bailey had asked that the Committee consider this item.)
Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/22/5), attached. Decision:
(a) that the request from the Assistant Coroner that consideration is given to allowing additional time for pedestrians to cross and to improve any existing lighting at the pedestrian crossing be noted; and
(b) that a full report be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.
Minutes: (Mrs B Raw, the daughter of the Deceased, addressed the Committee.)
The Committee received the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development & Waste (HIW/22/5) after a request from the Assistant Coroner following the inquest into the death of a pedestrian following a collision on the pedestrian crossing on the A3052 in Newton Poppleford.
The report stated that whilst it was possible that factors such as reduced visibility due to poor weather and the LED lights of a waiting vehicle may have contributed to the collision, the Assistant Coroner had requested that consideration be given to allowing additional time for pedestrians to cross and improvement of any existing lighting at the crossing.
Members requested that the Report to the next meeting should include an assessment of the impact of changing the puffin to a zebra crossing, requests for additional crossings and wig wag signals in the village.
Members were advised that the Chair had recently contacted all Members requesting submissions in respect of new 20mph speed limit schemes.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hughes, SECONDED by Councillor Randall Johnson and
(a) that the request from the Assistant Coroner that consideration is given to allowing additional time for pedestrians to cross and to improve any existing lighting at the pedestrian crossing be noted; and
(b) that a full report be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.
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Action Taken Under Delegated Powers Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/22/6), attached. Minutes: The Committee noted the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development & Waste (HIW/22/6) on details of actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under delegated powers since the last meeting. |