Venue: County Hall, Committee Suite, Exeter
Contact: Gerry Rufolo 01392 382299 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2022, previously circulated.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2022 be signed as a correct record.
[N.B. Arising on a question from the local Member on Minute *40 Prohibition of Motor Caravans along a section of Foxholes Hill, Exmouth, the Officer confirmed that the proposed restriction had been delayed but would be implemented shortly]. |
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
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Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum A Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum has been established by Devon Bus Enhanced Partnership Board under the new Enhanced Partnership arrangements (more information on the Travel Devon website: DevonBus Enhanced Partnership - Travel Devon
This provides an opportunity to share information, receive feedback and discuss relevant issues amongst stakeholder representatives. The Board has agreed that one representative from each Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (8 in total) should be appointed to the Forum to help ensure adequate geographical representation of elected Members. Other key stakeholders and interested parties will be invited to join the Forum. The Forum will meet 3 times a year.
RECOMMENDED that a representative from this Committee be appointed. Minutes: The Committee noted the establishment of the Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum by the Devon Bus Enhanced Partnership Board under the new Enhanced Partnership arrangements (more information on the Travel Devon website: DevonBus Enhanced Partnership - Travel Devon
RESOLVED that Councillor S Hughes be appointed to the Forum. |
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B3181 Moonhill Copse Pedestrian Crossing PDF 2 MB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/24), attached Minutes: (Councillor H Gent declared disclosable pecuniary interest in this item as the proposal may (indirectly) affect land in which he has an interest and left the meeting for duration of its consideration).
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/24) on proposals for a signalised pedestrian ‘puffin’ crossing on the B3181, at Poltimore Way on the corner of Moonhill Copse.
There was currently a shared pedestrian and cycle path along the northern edge of the B3181 in this location, and a short pedestrian link to the Poltimore Gate bus stop on the southern edge. Pedestrians wishing to cross at this point – either to continue their onward journey or to reach the bus stop – must do so using a dropped kerb (uncontrolled) crossing. With the high volumes of traffic using this road and significant housing growth in the area, this presented a significant barrier to people using sustainable transport.
Arising on a Member’s request, a break-down of the costs involved (estimated at £101,000) would be circulated to members.
Members also discussed the need for a holistic review for the process of the approval and installation of pedestrian crossings and other road safety infrastructure associated with more major residential developments and use of Section 106 resources. Members also referred to early ‘future proofing’ of road safety infrastructure pending agreed residential development and timely availability of S 106 monies, notwithstanding any cash flow implications and the need for early / timely local Member consultation.
It was MOVED by Councillor S Randall Johnson, SECONDED by Councillor R Scott and
(a) that the proposed puffin crossing of the B3181 at Moonhill Copse, shown in the plans provided in Appendix 1, be approved for construction at an estimated cost of £101,000;
(b) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair and the local County Councillors, to make minor amendments to the scheme details; and
(c) that a report be submitted for all Highways and Traffic Orders Committees on the current policy and processes for the approval and installation of road safety infrastructure associated with major residential developments.
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Honiton Road/Tithebarn Way Junction Signalisation PDF 1 MB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/25), attached Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/25) on the proposed signalisation of the existing junction of the C832 Honiton Road with the C836 Tithebarn Way. This would separate conflicting movements into different signal stages, reducing the likelihood of collisions. It was also likely to improve the efficiency of the junction, particularly in relation to facilitating right-turns from Honiton Road East to Tithebarn Way and facilitating turns out of Tithebarn Way.
As part of the scheme, it was proposed to install two staggered signalised pedestrian/cycle crossings, across Tithebarn Way and Honiton Road West and to install directional signage at the junction, to aid road users navigating the junction; and bus shelters would also be installed at the existing bus stops to the west of the junction. This would benefit users of these bus stops, including people switching to a bus from the nearby Park and Change.
The bus stop on the northern side of Honiton Road would also be relocated slightly, using a short section of new footway in the existing verge, to maximise the residual footway/cycleway space available.
Members referred to the need to reduce the speed limit to the approach to the junction from 40 mph to 30 mph in view of the current and proposed residential development in the area. Officers confirmed that this proposal would not be compliant with current Department of Transport and local policy guidance.
It was MOVED by Councillor H Gent, SECONDED by Councillor S Randall Johnson and
(a) that the signalisation of the junction of Honiton Road and Tithebarn Way, as shown in Appendix I, at an estimated cost of £165,000 be approved; and
(b) that delegated authority be given to the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport, in consultation with the Chair and Local County Councillors, to approve minor changes to the scheme design; and
(c) that this Committee’s proposal to reduce the speed limit on the Honiton Road from 40 mph to 30 mph be referred to Cabinet for approval as an exception to the Council’s current policy.
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Crossing improvement Clapper Lane Honiton PDF 561 KB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/26), attached Minutes: (Councillor P Twiss declared a personal interest in this matter)
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/26) on a proposed scheme to make the current crossing point more visible to motorists through the use of coloured and textured surface and raising the crossing on a table which should slow motorists down on the approach and over the crossing point. Also mains powered school flashing ‘wig wag’ lights would be installed on both approaches to the school, further alerting motorists of the presence of children crossing at school travel time. Problematic parent parking opposite the school gates obscuring children at the crossing point, was to be addressed by ‘Keep Clear’ Zig Zag markings and accompanying Traffic Regulation Order and signage enabling enforcement to prevent this issue and providing a deterrent.
It was proposed that the scheme would be externally funded through Honiton Town Council. Estimated costs at this stage of the design process were £33,807. Final cost estimates and funding would be agreed with the Town Council.
The Report also sought approval for £48,000 to take account of risks and contingencies that may be identified through the detailed design process.
Works will not be committed until the full funding package had been secured.
The local Member reported that only a limited amount of funding was available from the Town Council and there was likely to be a shortfall and proposed that this should be paid by the County Council.
The scheme would require a road closure for the works to take place.
It was MOVED by Councillor P Twiss, SECONDED by Councillor S Randall Johnson and
(a) that the proposed scheme shown on Plan No: 22009/001 at an estimated cost of £48,000 be approved;
(b) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair and the local County Councillor, to make minor amendments to the scheme details; and
(c) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport be requested to pay (from other budget lines) any shortfall in the external funding support from the Town Council for this project.
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Colyford & Colyton on Coly Road (B3161): Speed Limit In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor M Hartnell has requested that the Committee consider a request to extend the 30mph speed limit between Colyford & Colyton on Coly Road (B3161) in response to local concerns regarding the safety of pedestrians and the speed of traffic on this narrow and winding road that has no pavement. Both Colyton Parish Council and the Colyford Village Residents Association support the proposal. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor M Hartnell had requested that the Committee consider a request to extend the 30mph speed limit between Colyford & Colyton on Coly Road (B3161) in response to local concerns regarding the safety of pedestrians and the speed of traffic on this narrow and winding road where there was no pavement. Both Colyton Parish Council and the Colyford Village Residents Association supported the proposal.
The Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport reported that the proposal had been subject to a SCARF process a number of years ago and could be looked at again, and that the proposal did not conform with current national and local policy guidance.
It was MOVED by Councillor M Hartnell, SECONDED by Councillor R Scott and
RESOLVED that that this Committee’s proposal to extend the 30mph speed limit between Colyford and Colyton on Coly Road (B3161) be referred to Cabinet for approval, as an exception to current policy.
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Traffic Sensitive Routes Review PDF 101 KB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/2), attached Minutes: The Committee noted the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/2) on a review of the traffic sensitive streets network across the County.
The County Council’s legal duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004/Section 59 New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 was to co-ordinate works activities on the road network. As part of this duty, a power was afforded to the Council to enable the designation of certain streets as ‘Traffic Sensitive’. When a street was designated ‘Traffic Sensitive’, timings of works could be better regulated to ensure the free flow of traffic so far as reasonably practicable through the Council’s Permit for Works Scheme.
The last recorded full review had been undertaken in 2018. The review formed part of a 5 yearly routine review, designed to ensure that designations remained fit for purpose. The consultation would include all members and a website link would be forwarded.
The review aimed to consider strategic visions for network growth wherever possible. Works promoters might find adjusted restrictions on working practices/timescales (this included Devon County Council’s contractors). However, the overall objective was to trigger early communication and better planning. It was not to prevent works taking place.
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Action Taken Under Delegated Powers PDF 56 KB Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/27), attached
Minutes: The Committee noted the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport on actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under delegated powers since the last meeting. |
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Dates of Future Meetings Minutes: 17 July, 5 December 2023 and 19 April 2024 (all to be held at County Hall, Exeter at 10.30 am). |