Venue: Meeting Rooms at Taw View, Civic Centre, North Walk, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EE
Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2018, attached Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2018 be signed as a correct record. |
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Matter of Urgency: 0n Street Parking Restrictions South Molton Item which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: (An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider this item as a matter of urgency and reported on a recent request from South Molton Parish Council for the County Council to undertake a review of the on-street parking in South Molton.
(Councillor D Worden (South Molton Town Council and North Devon District Council) attended under Standing Order 25 (2) and spoke to this item and expressed the Town Council’s concerns regarding the lack of on-street parking for residents in several streets near the Town Centre and other areas where temporary parking was a problem)
The Chair referred to the need for a holistic review of on-street parking in the Town (including a review of the length of parking permitted and pinch points in East Street). The Committee noted the resource issues (staffing and financial) involved and other similar demands from across the County.
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Edgell and
(a)that a review of on-street parking in South Molten be undertaken by Officers in consultation with the Town Council and local County Councillor, subject to the availability of resources;
(b) that the Cabinet be requested to allocate additional resources for holistic parking reviews generally for Towns as appropriate.
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Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme PDF 6 MB Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/73), attached Minutes: (Councillors B Greenslade and D Worden (North Devon District Council) attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 (2) and respectively spoke to this item in so far as it related to the County Council Division and South Molton)
The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/73) on Annual Local Waiting Restrictions programme and eleven proposals advertised where significant objections had been received.
Details of these proposals and the objections received were shown in Appendix I to the Report with plans of the proposals shown in Appendix II.
Proposals agreed for advertisement at the last meeting which had not attracted objections would be implemented without the need to report back to Committee. Arising on a question from the local District Council Member, Officers confirmed this included the proposals at Lower Park Road, Braunton.
It was MOVED by Councillor Yabsley, SECONDED by Councillor Mathews and
(a) that the work on the annual waiting restrictions programme process for 2018/2019 be noted; and
(b) that the recommendations listed in Appendix 1 of Report HIW/18/73 be agreed subject to:
(i) East Street, South Molton: amended proposals are considered as part of next year’s review;
(ii) Various Streets, Croyde: implementation of the 2 new sections of Double Yellow Lines on St Mary’s Rd and Cloutmans Lane as shown in green on the plan No. ENV5669/20(B) and no other changes; and
(iii) Park Street, Lynton: withdrawal of consideration of the proposal.
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Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report Minutes: The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste gave a presentation covering additional funding streams for highway maintenance and allocations for Northern Devon including the Pothole Action Fund and allocations by Division area.
Members referred to the ‘Dragon Patcher’ and the Chief Officer’s negotiation with the contractor to extend its use in Northern Devon and across the County as an efficient method of repairing potholes when weather permitted.
[N.B. presentation attached] |
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Barnstaple Pannier Market: Closure of Cross Street (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Yabsley has requested that the Committee consider this matter)
The North Devon Council has set up a working group regarding the Barnstaple Pannier Market. At the last meeting of the working group, the issue of the potential closure of Butcher’s Row and Cross Street was discussed as follows:
“It was noted by the Chairman that he was continuing to talk to HATOC about the potential of closing off Butcher’s Row/Cross Street during Pannier Market trade hours. It was agreed by the working group that North Devon Council put in a formal request to HATOC requesting the closure of Cross Street.”
Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Yabsley had requested that the Committee consider this matter)
(Councillor Greenslade attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 (2) and spoke to this item)
The Committee noted that North Devon District Council had set up a working group regarding the Barnstaple Pannier Market. At its last meeting the potential of closing off Butcher’s Row/Cross Street during Pannier Market trade hours had been discussed. The Working Group had agreed that North Devon District Council should make a formal request to the County Council to make an application for the closure of Cross Street.
The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported that a formal request from the District Council should be submitted to the County Council (Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment). Any advertised proposal to close the road was likely to attract objections and lead to a public inquiry with significant resource implications.
Members asked that in the interim Officers could investigate the possibility of incorporating some road surface visual markings or rumble strips to warn pedestrians moving from a pedestrianised to a non-pedestrianised area. |
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Speed Limits: Mondeo Way, Barnstaple; and Hamlet of Eastleigh and Holmacott, and Newton Tracey (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Biederman has requested that the Committee consider this matter)
Councillor Biederman has asked:
“A - To consider requesting Cabinet to support a request for 30mph speed limit for the B3233 from Mondeo Way to Barnstaple, with the sections in the built-up areas of Instow, Yelland, Fremington, Bickington being 20mph.
Reason many residents are in fear of leaving their homes to catch the bus or use local services, due to the current levels of and speed of traffic using the network. This will help to increase the use of public transport.
B – To consider requesting cabinet to support a 20mph speed limit through the Villages/Hamlet of Eastleigh & Woollacott as The Old Barnstaple/Old Bideford Road is now so busy with traffic trying to avoid the congestion on the A39 & B3233, cars are flying through these villages in an attempt to get to their destination, an accident is waiting to happen. These villages have houses right on the roadside with no pavements.
C – To Consider requesting cabinet to support a 20mph speed limit in the Village of Newton Tracey, again as levels of traffic increase and lack of pavements in this village, it is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians to get to the local public transport stop and to safely get in and out of their properties, in a car.”
Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report. Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Biederman had requested that the Committee consider this matter)
Councillor L Burgess (Eastleigh Parish Council) attended in accordance with Standing Order 25 (2) and spoke and expressed local residents’ concerns about the level of vehicle speeds on the B3233 and requested a reduction of the speed limit from 60mph and reported representations from a Child from Westleigh about excessive speed and dangers for him and other children from the Village in crossing the Road particularly in the Winter months.
Councillor Biederman had asked:
“A - To consider requesting Cabinet to support a request for 30mph speed limit for the B3233 from Mondeo Way to Barnstaple, with the sections in the built-up areas of Instow, Yelland, Fremington, Bickington being 20mph;
Reason many residents are in fear of leaving their homes to catch the bus or use local services, due to the current levels of and speed of traffic using the network. This will help to increase the use of public transport.
B – To consider requesting cabinet to support a 20mph speed limit through the Villages/Hamlet of Eastleigh & Woollacott as The Old Barnstaple/Old Bideford Road is now so busy with traffic trying to avoid the congestion on the A39 & B3233, cars are flying through these villages to get to their destination, an accident is waiting to happen. These villages have houses right on the roadside with no pavements; and . C – To Consider requesting cabinet to support a 20mph speed limit in the Village of Newton Tracey, again as levels of traffic increase and lack of pavements in this village, it is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians to get to the local public transport stop and to safely get in and out of their properties, in a car.”
The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on
· national speed limit guidance and current research findings and that new revised guidance was expected shortly from the Government (Ministry of Transport) after some considerable delay; · a Task Group from County Council’s Corporate, Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee was also reviewing current local and national speed limit policy for report in due course; · a Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) process in relation to this part of the B3233 had been completed and the outcome was that no action was required, and the speed limit was appropriate to the site; and · the lack of any road casualty record for this location over the last 5 years.
It was MOVED by Councillor Biederman, SECONDED by Councillor Davis and
(a) that Officers consider further options relating to the crossing issue at this location to resolve the need for unaccompanied children to cross the road safely between the two bus stops sited on a bend on a rural road in the dark on the B3233 Westleigh, for report to the next meeting;
(b) that the Cabinet be requested:
(i) to consider and review the speed limits and safety on the rural ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
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Cedars Roundabout (Minute 31) Minutes: The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment up dated Members on the progress of the trial at the Cedars Roundabout using temporary traffic lights and other measures agreed at the last meeting on 28 June 2018. The Committee noted that in view of the road closures on the A3125 the trial was now planned for January or February 2019. Payment triggers for S106 development contributions had now been reached and funding was now available to support the delivery of this scheme. |
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Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/74), attached
Minutes: The Committee noted the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/74) on actions taken by the Chief Officer under delegated powers. |
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Dates of Meetings 12 March, 27 June and 31 October 2019 and 30 April 2020 (all at 10.30 am at Taw View, Barnstaple)
It is proposed that the meeting scheduled for 12 March 2019 be changed to Friday, 15 March 2019.
Minutes: 15 March 2019, 27 June, 31 October 2019 and 30 March 2020
The County Council Calendar of meetings was available on the County Council website: