Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall

Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299  Email:

Note: Due to Covid restrictions and social distancing measures, members of the press and public must contact the Clerk to book a place should they wish to attend this meeting in person 

Note No. Item



Election of Chair and Vice Chair

In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chair and Vice  Chair must be County Councillors.


RESOLVED that Councillor Y Atkinson be elected Chair, and Councillor D Barnes be elected Vice Chair for the ensuing year.  



Minutes pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on of the meeting held on 15 March 2021, attached


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meetings held on 15 March 2021 be signed as a correct record



Member Training: Workings of the Committee pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Presentation by the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste, attached


The Committee received a presentation from the Head of Highways,

Infrastructure Development and Waste on the workings of the Committee. The

presentation covered the Committee’s Constitution; its Terms of Reference;

and Scheme of Delegation.#


Officers answered Members’ questions relating to the frequency of reviews in respect of approval of Schemes within the Local Transport Plan (currently  £250, 000 for Cabinet approval, £25,000 to £250,000 for Committee approval and below £25,000 for Chief Officer approval) and frequency of meetings..


The designated local Neighbourhood Highways Officers were a good point of

contact for Members on all highway matters and issues or concerns should

also be reported via the County Council’s website: Report a problem - Roads

and transport (


Parking enforcement matters could also be directed to the Civil Enforcement

Officers’ (CEOs) via the designated e-mail box.






Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.


No item was raised as a matter of urgency.



Bus Services in Exeter

Stagecoach to update on service developments and answer Members’ questions


Members were invited to refer any questions to the Committee’s Democratic Services Officer for the Managing Director’s (Stagecoach South West) attention as he was unable to attend due to another urgent commitment.




Bus Shelters in Exeter pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/24), attached


The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/24) on an update on Clear Channel’s progress with bus shelter replacement installations (details attached at Appendix1 to the Report).  The Report also referred  to practice elsewhere and the future context of the Government’s Bus Back Better Bus Strategy.


Since the last meeting of this Committee, the Government had launched their new Bus Strategy - Bus Back Better.  Bus back better - GOV.UK (  This set out the expectation that local authorities would  work in formal partnership with bus companies to improve services, as well as encouraging better bus/rail integration and higher priority for buses on the highway.  From this there could be implications for the acquisition and management of bus stop infrastructure.


A draft Bus Services Improvement Plan (with input from stakeholders) would be presented to the Cabinet in October 2021 for publication by the County Council by the end of that month.


Members asked questions relating to potential shelter sites at Mount Pleasant Road, Harrington Lane, Grecian and Russell Way, and potential further sites in the current and following year . This potential for further 2 sites and 2 more for next year had been impacted by the pandemic.  


Officers would discuss the issues in regard to the proposed sites in Mount Pleasant Road with the local members.


The Officers would also review the current priority list and future proposals with the Chair for further consultation with Members prior to further consideration at the next meeting.




Queen Street - Update on the Temporary Scheme and further Consultation pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Presentation by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment


The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment gave a presentation (attached) on an update on the current temporary scheme and proposed further consultation. The presentation covered:


·         the background to the temporary arrangements;

·         access arrangements and a summary of the transport impacts;

·         3 options for the future; and

·         proposed next steps. 


Members referred to consultation with the local Hackney Carriage Association, arrangements for the forthcoming Tour of Britain cycle event and inclusion of the Dinham Crescent/Mews in future consultation.


It was MOVED by Councillor C Whitton and SECONDED by Councillor D Barnes and




(a) that consultation be undertaken and on making the Scheme permanent and If supported a Traffic Regulation Order be progressed in liaison with the Chair and Local Member and the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment; and


(b) that the details of any scheme be presented to a future meeting of this Committee for approval.



(N.B. In accordance with Standing Order 32(4) Councillor P Prowse  requested that his abstention from the vote taken be recorded)





Heavitree and Whipton Local Streets - Consultation Results and Next Steps pdf icon PDF 449 KB

Presentation by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment



The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment gave a presentation (attached to these Minutes) which covered:


·         Consultation, marketing and promotion

·         Total reposes and feedback and main issues identified, and the

·         Proposed next steps.


Members also referred to the proposed Electric Vehicle Rapid Charging Bays proposed for Hamlin Lane (Minute *14 refers) and the Officer confirmed that local feedback could help inform sites for additional bays in the area.


It was MOVED by Councillor D Barnes, SECONDED by Councillor P Prowse and


RESOLVED that, with a focus on Ladysmith Road, Hamlin Lane, Sweetbrier Lane, (around Whipton Lane) and Thornpark Rise/Bramley Avenue, the proposed next steps be endorsed as follows: 


·         to identify and consult on proposals to reduce the negative effects of traffic on focus areas and create more attractive areas for walking and cycling;

·         to identify how best to increase electric vehicle charging; and

·         progress a scheme Improve safety for all users at the Sweetbrier Lane/ Whipton Lane roundabout.





Magdalen Road, Exeter, Permanent Road Layout Changes pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/25), attached




Additional documents:


(Nigel Fitzhugh attended (remotely) under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and spoke to this item in support of the proposals and Ian Irvin and Margaret Pickering attended (remotely) under the Scheme and spoke and requested amendments to the Officer’s proposals).


The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/25) on the outcomes of the consultation authorised at the last meeting. The Report detailed the transport data, access arrangements, consultations and options and proposals

and proposed further consultation as detailed in the design on a preferred scheme as shown at Appendix 1 of the Report.


The Report and the presentation (attached) outlined all the options and a summary of the views from over 1500 responses to the consultation. This included 75% of respondents being in favour of reducing through traffic, clean air and pedestrian facilities being the top priority of respondents and on street parking the top priority for traders.  


It was MOVED by Councillor C Whitton, SECONDED by Councillor Y Atkinson and




(a) that the proposals to widen the northern footway, restrict vehicular traffic to one way westbound and provide a contra-flow (eastbound) on-road cycle lane on Magdalen Road, shown indicatively in Appendix I, be progressed for further consultation and detailed design;


(b) that following further consultation, a Traffic Regulation Order for the proposals on Magdalen Road be advertised;


(c) that full consideration be given to the increased traffic in the one-way section of Denmark Road, and that Officers bring forward proposals to reduce traffic flows and speeds here, including consideration of a no right turn into Heavitree Road from Denmark Road, and similarly from Spicer Road;


(d) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair and the local member, to make amendments to the scheme details for a preferred scheme for approval at a future meeting of Devon County Council’s Cabinet.


(N.B. In accordance with Standing Order 32(4) Councillor P Prowse  requested that his abstention from the vote taken be recorded)




Wonford Road Exeter: E9 Strategic Cycle Route pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/26), attached



(Andrew Blewett attended under the Council’s Public Participation and spoke to this item in support of the proposals to limit vehicular access in Wonford Road)


The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/26) on a proposed permanent  restriction for ‘no entry except buses and cycles’ on Wonford Road, at a point between Deepdene Park and Mardon House. 


The Scheme (illustrated in Appendix I of the Report) also included construction of a new footway on the southern side of Wonford Road, filling a gap in footway provision from the western end of number 43 Wonford Road towards the westbound bus stop by number 37/opposite Victoria Park Road.  The section of new footway would also help to improve visibility to and from vehicles emerging from Deepdene Park and 39 and 41 Wonford Road.  Dropped kerbs were also proposed to aid crossing of Wonford Road. Additional advance signage advising of the closure point and a physical build out to reinforce the restriction would also be provided.


Members had also received written representations from the residents of Deepdene Park which had included a report by Tetratech which had proposed a modification to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order. The contents of the Tetratech report had been circulated to members and the officer response was provided in Appendix V of the Committee Report. 


It was MOVED by Councillor Y Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor P Prowse and




(a) that the Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit all vehicles except buses and cycles on Wonford Road, at a point between Deepdene Park and Mardon Centre as shown in Appendix I, be made and sealed;


(b) that the proposals for Wonford Road shown indicatively in Appendix I be  approved for construction at a total estimated cost of £127,500; and


(c) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair and the local member, to make minor amendments to the scheme details.





Ludwell Lane Walking and Cycling Improvements pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/27), attached



The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/27) on the results of the public consultation on a point closure to through vehicles at the Pynes Hill end of Ludwell Lane, as illustrated in Appendix I.


The proposed works included physical works to install a permanent barrier and turning head at the point of closure, as shown in Appendix I.  Access would be agreed with Ludwell Farm and Devon Wildlife Trust, to enable access for unusual loads from the Pynes Hill end if required.


Changes to signage and road markings were also proposed at the western and eastern ends of Ludwell Lane to make road users aware of the restrictions.


Members discussed the implication for residents who lived in the Lane and the wider public support for the proposals. 


It was MOVED by Councillor M Asvachin, and SECONDED by Councillor S Aves and 




(a) that the results of the Traffic Regulation Order consultations be noted;


(b) that the Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit vehicles on Ludwell Lane, at the Pynes Hill end as indicated in Appendix I, be made and sealed;


(c) that the proposals for Ludwell Lane shown in Appendix I of the Report be approved for construction at a total estimated cost of £105,000; and


(d) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair and the local member, to make minor amendments to the scheme details.




Dryden Road: Presentation on Consultation Results and Progression of the Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Presentation by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment



The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment gave a presentation (attached to these Minutes) which covered:


·         the background to the proposals;

·         consultation results and overview;

·         ranking of options; and

·         proposed next steps.


Members referred to the possibility of bus access, and/or new pull-in arrangements to facilitate vehicles to pass more easily in Bovemoor’s Lane. 


It was MOVED by Councillor M Asvachin, and SECONDED by Councillor T Wardle and


RESOLVED  that in accordance with the strategy and public support for removal of through traffic:


(a) further discussion with RD&E be carried out to identify any changes to alleviate Bovemoor’s Lane that could help mitigate their concerns;


(b) the advertisement of Traffic Regulation Order for closure of the Dryden Road and measures to reinforce 20 mph speed limit be progressed;


(c) a decision on construction of any scheme be presented to a future meeting of this meeting.



Proposed Waiting Restrictions around Exeter College pdf icon PDF 724 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/43), attached


(Roger Gash attended under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and spoke to this item against the proposals and referred to the consultation processes, engagement with the local Member, the need for identified additional/replacement parking and questioned the purpose of the Scheme). 


The Committee Report of the Chief Officer for Highways Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/43) on responses to the statutory consultation on the proposed changes to the waiting restrictions in the area around Exeter College. The proposed Traffic Regulation Order included an extension to the existing one way restriction on Queens Terrace to bring it up to the junction with Hele Road. It was also proposed to remove parking at the junction of Hele Road and Queens Terrace to narrow the junction which would  improve facilities for pedestrians in the area and reduce vehicle speeds entering the junction.


The proposals were shown on in Appendix I of the Report. The report  summarised the responses from the statutory advertisement and the Officer’s responses.


The local Member referred to the need further engagement and consideration and review, notwithstanding the conditions of the current planning permission, particularly in regard to the proposed loss of current parking provision and other impacts.    


It was MOVED by Councillor C Whitton, SECONDED by Councillor Y Atkinson and


RESOLVED that, pending further consultation with the Chair and local Member, the decision be delegated to the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and if necessary a further report be submitted to this Committee.





Rapid Charging Exeter (StreetHUBZ) On-street Electric Vehicle Charging Bays pdf icon PDF 386 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/44), attached


The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/44) on submissions to the statutory consultation on Phase 2 of the proposed electric vehicle charging bays within the Exeter area. There were proposals for 19 rapid electric vehicle charging hubs across Exeter (Phase 2 of the project) with, generally, three dedicated public Electric Vehicle (EV) bays and one car club bay.  Each hub would have two chargers and two batteries capable of charging four vehicles simultaneously.


Officers had consulted the relevant local County Councillors and Chair/Vice Chair before advertisement from 20 May until 24 June 2021.


A summary of the proposals advertised were outlined in Appendix I and details of the Officer’s recommendations at Appendix II.


It was MOVED by Councillor Y Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor M Asvachin, and 




(a) that the work on the Electric Vehicle Charging Scheme be noted; and


(b) that the recommendations contained in Appendix II to the Report be  agreed subject to deferment of the following proposals pending further consultation with the Chair and local Member, with final determination being delegated to the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste:


(i) Powderham  Crescent; and

(ii) Heraldry Way, Woodwater Lane, and Pynes Hill.




Residents' Parking Schemes: Progress

In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor P Prowse has asked that the Committee consider updates on Residents’ Parking proposals at:  


(a) Stoke Valley Road (petition Feb 2020),

(b) Prince Charles Road (petition August 2020),

(c) Stoke Hill Crescent; and

(d) Pennsylvania Close


Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report.  



In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor P Prowse had asked that the Committee consider updates on Residents’ Parking proposals at:


(a) Stoke Valley Road (petition Feb 2020),


(b) Prince Charles Road (petition August 2020),


(c) Stoke Hill Crescent; and


(d) Pennsylvania Close


The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported that schemes for Stoke Valley Road, Prince Charles Road and Stoke Hill Crescent areas were being progressed for consultation with the Chair and local Members. The request relating to residents’ parking specifically for Pennsylvania Close has been previously considered and refused. Residents had been offered the opportunity to be included in an adjoining Scheme. 




Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/45), attached


The Committee noted the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways,

Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/21/45) on actions taken under

delegated powers.



Dates of Meetings

18 October 2021 and 17 January 2022 and 6 May 2022


Confirmation of dates of all meetings available on the Council’s website:

Browse Meetings, 2000 - Democracy in Devon



18 October 2021 and 17 January 2022 and 6 May 2022 Confirmation of dates of all meetings available on the Council’s website: