Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall

Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299  Email:

Note No. Item



Minutes pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2019, attached.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 9 July 2019 be signed as a correct record.





The Chair welcomed Mr R Hodgins who was attending the meeting in his capacity as a Co-opted Member of the Council's Standards Committee to observe and monitor compliance with the Council’s ethical governance framework.



Pennsylvania Close, Exeter: Petition

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.


(An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)


The Chair was presented by Mr A Rockey on behalf of the Pennsylvania Close Residents with a petition containing 30 signatures requesting a Residents’ Parking Scheme for the area. 


The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure and Waste would be asked to respond direct to the petitioner on the issues raised within 15 days.



Bus Services in Exeter

Bus and Coach Operators to answer Members’ questions


Mr P Clark Operational Director, Stagecoach South West, attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on developments affecting bus services and the network in and around Exeter. 


Mr Clark referred to the encouraging increasing patronage and growth on the network and that the 2020 annual route consultation was to commence shortly from December 2019 which would be made available on the Company’s website.


Mr Clark answered Members’ questions relating to:


·         buses missing the stop on Sidmouth Road (near the Digby Arch) on which the Company had responded to the local County Councillor;

·         the Park and Ride green route now stopped at all the stops to increase patronage as it had been a loss making service;  

·         drivers allegedly idling their engines as witnessed in College Road and Mr Clark undertook to remind drivers about this noting that all vehicles were tracked and monitored and instances should be reported to Stagecoach;

·         a Company review of the network was in hand to mitigate long waits at stops and drivers leaving too early which was prohibited;

·         the driver staff shortage was being addressed with only three down currently on the Exeter network but sickness leave could be problematic and mitigated by moving drivers from other areas;

·         congestion on the R and S routes resulted in delays on occasion; 

·         NHS staff were required to show their staff id for their bus passes; and

·         the position of the bus stops in Bovemoors Lane (near the junction with Carlile Road) which was not convenient for local users; and near the Cowley Bridge roundabout by West Garth Road which was felt by local users to be dangerous - Mr Clark agreed to review these locations (with the local managers).     


The Chair thanked Mr Clark for his attendance and answers to Members’ questions.



Co-Bikes and Co-Car Scheme pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Presentation by Managing Director of Co-Cars/Co Bikes/Co Delivery



The Committee received a presentation by the Managing Director of Co-Cars/Co Bikes/Co Delivery, a Social Enterprise Co-operative. The presentation (attached to these Minutes) covered:


·         the Company’s presence across the South West;

·         aims relating to connectivity and improved air quality, productivity, attractive environments and advantages of sharing, and flexibility;

·         current membership across the network with 75% of members in and around Exeter; and

·         active and planned sites for the docking stations and operations and partner organisations.


Discussion points/comments with the Managing Director included:


·         planned future growth from 5 cars currently in the City to 30 cars and 50 across the South West, and 100 bikes which was the largest number of electric bikes in the Country;

·         the positive local press/magazine and other media coverage following the re-launch in September 2019;

·         plans for sites West of the River including at St Thomas Railway Station and in Station Road near the sports hub; and in Topsham with the support of the Estuary League of Friends; and work with the City Council to identify further sites;

·         the benefits of sites at Rail Stations promoting intermodal connectivity;

·         the move from Hybrid cars to fully electric with the progress of charging points;

·         surveys showing the impact resulting in less cars on the roads; and

·         the need to promote the development of more cycle paths and Officers undertook to re-investigate proposals for a cycle path in the Heavitree Cemetery area.


The Chair thanked the Managing Director for the presentation and congratulated the Company for the progress in their contribution towards the development of sustainable transport in the City and beyond. 





Exeter Bus Station Final Scheme Traffic Orders pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways Infrastructure, Development and Waste (HIW/19/83), attached



(Mr Dent attended in accordance with the Public Participation Scheme and spoke to this item raising a number of comments relating to the need for improved walking and cycling provision and safety matters).


The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/83) on proposed restrictions around the new bus station once it was operational.


Members discussion points with the Officers related to:


·         the detailed consultation with local Members in the development of the proposals now presented;

·         the proposals had been subject to a full Safety Audit (stage II);  

·         enforcement issues and the limited space available for further enhanced pedestrian and cycle provision noting that the proposals represented significant improved safety with the proposed restrictions relating to vehicle access;

·         the limited scope for expanding the proposed restrictions following the statutory consultation;

·         limited parking provision in Belgrave Road with incorporation of a loading bay and the limited impact on access to the Post Office public collection office; and

·         the impact of any delay in coordination with other parties.


It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Whitton and


RESOLVED that, subject to consideration of the Safety Audit by the Chair and two local Members (County Councillors Aves and Whitton), the proposals as detailed in the Report HIW/19/83 be approved for advertisement and any significant submissions be brought back to this Committee prior to a final decision.




Bus Shelters: Clear Channel's interaction with Devon Highways pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Presentation by the Chief Officer for Highways Infrastructure, Development and Waste


Additional documents:


The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on past and ongoing operational difficulties with Clear Channel relating to the bus shelter replacement programme and maintenance issues.


Members noted the limitations of the contract in terms of any sanctions which could be imposed given that the contract facilitated the cost-free provision and maintenance of shelters across the City.  However, to help ensure operational improvements, it was noted by the Committee that further consideration could be given to the terms of the High Street digital advertisement agreement which generated additional income for the contractor.


Following a request from the local Exeter City Council Member, the Officers undertook to add a new request for a shelter at the Lakeside Avenue junction off Glasshouse Lane to the list of requests for consideration as part of the additional shelter programme.  


(N.B replacement and additional shelter programmes attached).


Clear Channel representatives would be invited to the next meeting to update the Committee. 



Highways Permit Scheme pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Presentation by the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste


The Committee received a presentation from the Highway Coordination Manager on a proposed permit scheme for approving works on the highway and the introduction of statutory regulations. The presentation covered:


·         the current noticing system for informing the County Council as Highways Authority of proposed road works;

·         the Council’s statutory duty to coordinate works and reduce disruption;

·         the requirement for all local authorities to consider introducing a scheme by April 2020 and the project timeline;

·         the scope covering all statutory undertakers and DCC Highway works and in phase 2 all other privately licenced works;

·         types of highway works included in the proposed scheme; 

·         permit discounts available for recommended good practice; and

·         the range of conditions permitted. 


Discussion points with the Officers included:


·         the Scheme allowed for the provision of financial incentives for good working practices relating to collaboration and innovation;

·         the provisions allowed for the imposition of a set of prescribed conditions by the County Council as appropriate, including requirements for consultation (to include Local Members where appropriate);

·         the Scheme would apply equally to the Local Authority and its contractors as well as Utilities and private contractors; and

·         the proposed timeline included a period for consultation before ‘going live’ in March 2020 for statutory undertakers and Devon Highways; and March 2021 for private contractors.


The Chair thanked the Officer for the informative presentation.


[N.B. presentation attached to the minutes of this meeting and additional information on the Scheme was available at:]



Exeter Transport Steering Group pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Minutes of the Steering Group held on 18 December 2018, atached



The Committee received the Minutes of the Steering Group held in 17 December 2018 noting that the minutes of the last meeting of the Group held in October 2019 would be reported to the next meeting.





E3 Cycle Scheme, Hill Barton Road, Exeter, Proposed Signalised Toucan Crossing pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/19/42), attached



The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/19/42) on a proposed signalised Toucan Crossing on the E3 Cycle Route connecting Redhayes Bridge to the City Centre (Appendix I of the Report).  The E3 Cycle Route was part of Exeter’s strategic cycle network which had been approved by Cabinet on 8 June 2016.


At this location the E3 Cycle Route followed Hollow Lane, crossing Hill Barton Road and continued along Whip ton Barton Road.  There was currently no formalised crossing facility at this location, with the nearest existing facility situated approximately 140m to the north of the route.  The proposed crossing would provide a suitable and direct facility to cross Hill Barton Road, delivering the next section of the E3 route and would encourage walking and cycling.


It was MOVED by Councillor Foggin, SECONDED by Councillor Atkinson and 




(a) that the signalised crossing shown on B23006AJ-CP-001, included in Appendix II of the Report be approved for construction at an estimated cost of £187,000; and


(b) that the Head of Planning, Transport and Environment be given delegated powers, in consultation with the Chair of this Committee and the local County Councillor to make minor amendments to the scheme details.





South Lawn Terrace Enhancements pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Presentation by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment




The Committee received a presentation [presentation attached to these Minutes] by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment which covered the:


·         Scheme design to reduce speed on a main traffic route adjacent to St Michael’s Church of England primary and aimed to reduce traffic speeds, and increase driver awareness of the presence of pupils;

·         innovative project as part of the Draft Exeter transport strategy based around creating spaces that focused on people while maintaining effective transport infrastructure and was an example of a people focussed place making solution;

·         funding by Sustrans through the Road Safety Trust fund with £10,000 capital funding from Devon County Council and the project was one of three key pilot studies delivered across the UK, the other two locations being Southampton, and Cardiff;  

·         light touch psychological and physical traffic calming measures outside schools the effectiveness of which would be monitored; 

·         application of graphics to the road surface was a cost effective technique, quick to implement and avoided extended periods of traffic disruption;  

·         graphic design created by school pupils in collaboration with project designers;

·         enthusiastic engagement by the School and the local community in this project promoted by Sustrans and extensive consultations; and the

·         innovative approach to highway infrastructure, in line with Exeter’s draft Transport Strategy where there was a push on place making and in-line with the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Traffic Speed Task Group’s recommendations.


The Chair and Members thanked the Officer for the presentation and commended the innovative approach and noted that the effectiveness of the project would be monitored along with other similar ones in other local authority areas promoted by Sustrans.



Request for a Shelter to be Placed in Lakeside Avenue Junction of Glasshouse Lane

(In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Newby has requested that the Committee consider this matter)



(An item raised by Councillor Newby in accordance with Standing Order 23(2) taken at Minute *121 above)



Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/84), attached



The Committee noted Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/84) on actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under delegated powers since the last meeting. 


The Committee also noted that proposals relating to parking restrictions in Prince of Wales Road, Exeter had not been supported by the Chair and had not been progressed as part of the annual waiting restriction programme. However, they could be reconsidered as part of a future review. 







Dates of Meetings

27 January and 27 April, 22 July and 13 October 2020 and 18 January and 15 March 2021 all at 2.15 pm at County hall, Exeter.


27 January and 27 April, 22 July and 13 October 2020 and 18 January and 15 March 2021 all at 2.15 pm at County hall, Exeter.