Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2018, attached Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 November 2018 be signed as a correct record. |
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Matter of Urgency: Road Traffic Collision Alphington Road, Exeter Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: (An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider this as a matter of urgency in view of the need to apprise Members of the current position and that investigations were ongoing.
The Neighbourhood Highway Group Manager reported on the facts available in the public domain relating to a road traffic collision on 15 December 2018 near the Rail Bridge in Alphington Road, Exeter which had resulted in the fatality of Emily Brewster.
The County Council was investigating and would act according to its findings and available resource, but that no public statement would be made until the Coroner’s Inquest had delivered a verdict. The Chair asked for a report to this Committee following the Coroner’s Inquest.
Members expressed their condolences to Emily’s family and friends.
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Bus Services in Exeter Bus and Coach Operators to answer Members’ questions Minutes: Mr M Gibbon, Operations Manager (Exeter), Stagecoach South West, attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on developments affecting bus services and the network in and around Exeter.
Mr Gibbon reported that a consultation meeting with interested parties to include fare structures was to be held the following day to which Members of this Committee had been invited.
Mr Gibbon answered Members’ questions relating to:
· routes R and S, the frequency of which had been reduced and that as requested by a Member he would review the positioning of the stops in the High Street to minimise if possible the distance between them; · the position of EU staff employed by Stagecoach in accordance with regulations noting that some public bodies were paying for the completion of their settlement status forms, where appropriate; · withdrawal of the evening H route serving the Quay, noting that if it was re-introduced Stagecoach would again have to address with the County Council any inappropriate parking affecting bus movements, as previously experienced; · continuing problems with conflict between taxis and buses at the bus stops/taxi ranks near the Chevalier Public House; · the 1+2 fares trial for children and adults which had now ended and was being assessed by Stagecoach, this and other fares for example discounts for 16 -18 year olds could be discussed at the consultation meeting the following day; · fares and that there was no set review period for the review of fares, but this generally happened during April and May each year, and as a commercial operation Stagecoach was not required to consult on its fare structures; and · the quality of the timetable charts displayed by Stagecoach in bus shelters which had been updated to make them more simple, clear and accessible for use across the network in Devon.
The Chair requested that the fare structure be discussed with Stagecoach at the next meeting and thanked Mr Gibbon for his attendance and answers to Members’ questions. |
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Bus Shelters in Exeter Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment to report Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment reported on a priority list (as attached) for free shelters to be provided over and above the replacement programme, plus shelters to be paid for from the County Council’s share of digital advertising revenue. Work was ready to proceed on the nine priority sites. Officers would liaise with Stagecoach to ensure that updated timetables (as referred to in Minute *85) were displayed in new shelters. Officers would also liaise with the City Council about the position of the ‘no idling’ signs in respect of the temporary arrangements in Sidwell Street in relation to national coach services.
The replacement programme was now ready and the list (as attached) highlighted ones that required replacement due to maintenance issues or because of vehicle collision.
Additional funds would be available from the digital advertisement revenue for two additional sites from July 2019 and Clear Channel would also provide two additional sites in accordance with their contract. A new ‘long list’ would be drafted to include requests from Members for shelters at Chancellors Way, Gloucester Road/Lichfield Road junction, Newcourt, Admiral Way and Bridge Hill, for example.
It was MOVED by Councillor Prowse, SECONDED Councillor Newby and
RESOLVED that the nine new shelters (as listed) and the replacement programme as attached, be approved. |
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Exeter Transport Steering Group Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/19/2), attached. Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/19/2) covering the minutes of the last meeting held in September 2018 (Appendix I) which had been attended by the Exeter Cycling Campaign who had presented an eight-point plan for cycling and a process of developing a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. An implementation timeframe could not be finalised (but was anticipated that it could be commenced in 2019) at this stage as Local Transport Plan funds were limited and there were currently no external grant funding opportunities to support walking and cycling. It had been agreed by the Steering Group that Devon County Council and Exeter City Council would respond to the eight-point plan produced by the Cycling Campaign.
The minutes for the Steering Group meeting held in December 2018 were yet to be agreed and would be circulated with the agenda for the next Committee.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hannaford, SECONDED by Councillor Aves and
(a) that the Minutes of the Exeter Transport Steering Group held on 10 September 2018 be noted; and
(b) that the response to the Exeter Cycling Campaign’s eight-point plan in Appendix II of the Report be endorsed.
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Topsham Parking Review Report of the Chief Officer of Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/2) attached Minutes: (Councillor Ackland declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest by virtue of being resident in a road within the proposed Residents Parking Scheme and left the meeting for this item; and Councillor Leadbetter declared a personal interest by being a resident in Topsham and spoke on this matter as the local Member and left the meeting during the debate and vote on the matter)
The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer of Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/2) on proposals developed with Topsham community groups designed to increase the availability of on street parking for residents, encourage turnover of limited waiting areas to support businesses, encourage longer term visitors to use off street car parks and enable enforcement to be undertaken efficiently (proposals detailed in Appendix I and II); and on the outcome of a statutory consultation on the revised proposals undertaken in May and June 2018, excluding Fore Street; and the options available.
Members commended the extensive consultation process and communication with the community in Topsham.
It was MOVED by Councillor Newby, SECONDED by Councillor Hannaford and
(a) that the results of the statutory consultation be noted;
(b) that the Traffic Regulation Order advertised be part sealed and implemented subject to the modifications detailed in section 4. Option 1 of Report HIW/19/2; and
(c) that approval be granted to allocate funding of £80,000 for the approved scheme.
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Old Rydon Lane - One Way and Contraflow Cycle Lane Report of the Chief Officer of Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/3) attached Minutes: (Mr J McKechnie (Agent for a local landowner) attended in accordance with the Public Participation Scheme and spoke to this item objecting to the proposals on legal grounds, specifically Section 122 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and the detrimental impact on residents’ access and local amenity (the objections were detailed in the Report [sixtieth respondent]; and Mr R Bishop, Mr M Dare and Mr B Frost (all local residents) attended in accordance with the Public Participation Scheme and spoke to this item in support of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order referring to improved safety and amenity)
The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/3) on comments and objections submitted to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a one-way restriction with a contra-flow cycle lane on a section of Old Rydon Lane to mitigate the traffic changes following the construction of a hotel for Sandy Park. The report also outlined the options available.
The Chief Officer addressed the point raised by Mr McKechnie in regard to S 122 of the Act. It was explained that the provisions of this section related to the Local Authority Network Management Duty to ensure the safe and expeditious movement of vehicular and other traffic, including pedestrians and the provision of suitable and adequate parking facilities. This duty applied, insofar as is practicable, having regard to the desirability of securing and maintaining reasonable access to premises, the effect on the amenities of the area including the importance of regulating and restricting the use of roads by heavy commercial vehicles and the desirability of facilitating the passage of public service vehicles and securing the safety and convenience of passengers. It was further explained that these issues had been properly considered when formulating the proposal.
Members noted that details of the proposals used in the consultation, which appeared to show the proposed contra-flow cycle lane encroaching slightly on adjoining land, were a matter of interpretation and had no material effect on the advertised proposal which was described as being along the length of the public highway and would be fully contained within the adopted highway. Members also noted that further development in the area, including a new link road connecting Old Rydon Lane with the A379, would require that the restrictions were reconsidered in line with any proposed changes to the highway network.
It was MOVED by Councillor Leadbetter, SECONDED by Councillor Newby and
(a) that the comments submitted be noted; and
(b) that the Traffic Regulation Order be made and sealed as advertised.
[N.B In accordance with Standing Order 32(4) Councillors Ackland, Hannaford, Pearson, Prowse and Whitton requested that their abstention from the vote taken be recorded]
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Residents Parking Working Group Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report Minutes: The Chair was presented, by Mr M Harreld with a petition by the residents of Woodwater Lane, Exeter containing approximately 34 signatures asking that the Council introduce a Residents’ Parking scheme in Woodwater Lane because of displacement parking from neighbouring parking restrictions.
The Chair indicated that the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste would be asked to respond direct to Mr Harreld on the issues raised, within 15 days.
The Chief Officer reported that a meeting of the Group on priorities for proposed schemes across the City had been held and that a further meeting was required, and the outcome would be reported to the Committee’s April meeting.
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Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/4) attached Minutes: The Committee noted Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/19/4) on actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under delegated powers since the last meeting.
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Dates of Meetings 9 April, 9 July and 11 November 2019 and 27 January and 27 April 2020. Minutes: 9 April, 9 July and 11 November 2019 and 27 January and 27 April 2020 |