Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Chair's Announcement Minutes: The Chair welcomed Mrs R Saltmarsh who was attending the meeting in her capacity as a Co-opted Member of the Council's Standards Committee to observe and monitor compliance with the Council’s ethical governance framework. |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 30th July 2018, attached Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2018 be signed as a correct record. |
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
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Bus Services in Exeter Bus and Coach Operators to answer Members’ questions Minutes: Mr P Clark, Operations Director, Stagecoach South West, attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on developments affecting bus services and the network in and around Exeter. He reported that the Company was due to publish an on-line public consultation (from late November to January/February) on proposed changes to their timetable and network (to incorporate new and proposed residential developments) for implementation in Spring 2019.
Mr Clark answered Members’ questions relating to:
· operation of the experimental H service which was being monitored by the Company; · continuing problems with the K service created by inappropriate parking on the Quay; · an incident relating to the P Service on 19 October 2018 involving a passenger with a trolley which would be investigated by the Company for report to the local member. Mr Clark advised that any complaints should be reported to the Company via their website as soon as possible; · enforcement issues relating to the bus stop and taxi rank outside the Chevalier public house; · the Adult and Children’s Ticket trial and survey, the outcome of which was awaited and clarification as to whether it would be extended beyond Exeter. Mr Clark indicated he would respond to members after further investigation; and · liaison between Stagecoach the City and County Councils relating to new residential developments and bus services.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Brennan and
RESOLVED that a meeting be arranged involving Exeter City Council Licensing (Taxis), Devon County Council (Enforcement), Stagecoach and the Chair to discuss the issues relating to Taxi and Bus operations outside the Chevalier Public House. |
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Bus Shelters in Exeter Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/45), attached
Minutes: (Representatives from Clear Channel attended the meeting and spoke at the invitation of the Committee and answered members’ questions relating to additional bus shelters and the practicalities involved where there was restricted pavement width)
The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/45) on bus shelters in Exeter, the replacement programme and use of Digital Advertising revenue to acquire additional shelters.
The Committee noted that Exeter City Council had decided that funds from their share of the digital revenue would not be made available for new bus shelter provision leaving £41,756 (from a total previous allocation of £82,000) and this now equated to up to nine sites (four free plus up to five paid from digital revenue plus contingency). To allow for some slippage eleven sites could now be earmarked for additional shelters.
The Appendix B to the Report listed those sites which, based on an initial assessment, offered scope for a shelter installation.
Members referred to the need for repair of the shelter at Kinnerton Way, and for shelters at Harrington’s and Knowle Drive/Gloucester Road, and disappointment at the City Council’s decision to not make available funding from their share of digital revenues.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Ackland and
(a) that the progress with pursuing the bus shelter replacement programme be noted; and
(b) that the priority list of new shelters to be installed over and above the replacement programme be drafted by the Chair in consultation with officers, Stagecoach and Clear Channel for circulation to Members prior to determination at the next meeting. |
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Exeter Transport Steering Group Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/46), attached Minutes: The Committee noted the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/46) on the Exeter Transport Steering Group, its terms of reference and the minutes from its meetings held on 31 January 2018 and 9 July 2018. The minutes of the Group meeting held on 10 September 2018 would be circulated when available.
The Group had been set up to improve communication between Devon County Council and Exeter City Council on strategic land use and transportation matters particularly in relation to the emerging Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, acting in an advisory capacity.
Members referred to membership of the Group, the Air Quality Plan and monitoring and the improving trends identified, the Workplace Parking Levy and noting that any proposal for Congestion Charging was not feasible or appropriate for the City; and the current position regarding the Marsh Barton Rail Halt with revised costings expected in mid-November 2018.
Members asked that Officers should continue their work on the feasibility and case for a Work Place Parking Levy in the City.
It was MOVED BY Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Asvachin and
RESOLVED that the Group be requested to extend it Membership to include an Exeter City Member nomination from the County Council’s Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Scrutiny Committee. |
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Exeter Transport Strategy/Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) update Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment to report Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment on the Exeter Transport Strategy/SUMP Update covering: the last decade, evolvement of transport policy, the draft strategy; and impact measures and alternatives. The current draft Strategy would align with the themes in the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Vision: greater connectivity, greater places for people; and greater innovation.
Members broadly welcomed the strategy and policies outlined and referred to the need for safe cycling routes and suggested further availability of cycle route maps, the importance of education and use of apps and emphasis on public transport, cycling and walking and away from past car centric policies.
(N.B A copy of the presentation was to be made available online on the County Council’s web page ) |
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Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/71), attached
Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/71) on the Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme and on proposals advertised since the last meeting which had attracted objections as detailed in Appendices I and II of the Report.
Proposals approved for advertisement at the last meeting which had not attracted objections would be implemented.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Brennan and
(a) that the work on the annual waiting restrictions programme process for 2018/2019 be noted; and
(b) that the recommendations contained in Section 4 of the Report (as detailed in Appendices I and II) be agreed subject to monitoring of the impact of the restrictions in Digby Drive on Etonhurst Close, Exeter. |
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Travel to Work Plans and Promotion of Best Practice: Role of HATOC (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Atkinson has requested that the Committee consider this matter) Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Atkinson had requested that the Committee consider this matter)
The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment reported on work by a City and County Council Officer Group on accessible and simple travel to work advice and best practice planning guidance, a draft of which would be presented to the next meeting of this Committee. It was intended that the document would be published on the Councils’ websites.
The Chair referred to the role of the Committee in promoting travel to work plans and best practice for existing and new employers, in accordance with the Local Transport Plan and Transport Strategy framework.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Hannaford and
RESOLVED that the Cabinet be asked to consider the Terms of Reference of the Highways and Traffic Orders Committees so they can review Travel to Work Plans and promote best practice for both existing and new employers.
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Exeter Interim Bus Station: response to issues raised at previous HATOC Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment to report Minutes: (Mr J Penfold, WSP Consultants and Mr R Sims, Exeter City Council attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee)
The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment reported on current issues identified regarding the interim arrangements in Sidwell Street, Exeter for coach parking and passenger waiting facilities. Officers were consulting with the coach operators about proposed new arrangements for a new stop near the John Lewis store which offered shelter and was away from the more residential areas for late night time operations after 24.00hrs. Of the two operators one was supportive and the views of the other were still awaited. The operators would also be asked not to leave engines idling after complaints had been received from residents. New panels advising drivers to switch off their engines were to be installed on existing shelters within the week. It was noted by the Committee that any move to a second bay near John Lewis would involve a minor amendment to the existing Traffic Order. The feasibility of using a vacant room at The Barn (Student accommodation block, Sidwell Street) was also being investigated by Exeter City Council as part of a permanent solution for coaches.
Members expressed their support for the new proposed arrangements.
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St David's Gateway (St Clements Lane) Enhancements Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/47), attached Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/47) on proposed enhancements to St Clements Lane, Exeter which provided an important link between Exeter St David’s Railway Station and the wider city for pedestrians.
Exeter College and Devon County Council had been awarded funding from Great Western Railway’s (GWR) Customer and Communities Improvement Fund (CCIF) to create an improved corridor between Exeter St David’s Station and Exeter University, Exeter College, and the city centre. The focus of improvements on St Clements Lane was expected to increase the attractiveness of the route for the significant numbers of pedestrians who used the path. The total scheme budget was £110,000 which comprised £60,000 from Great Western Railway’s Customer and Communities Improvement Fund (via Exeter College) and £50,000 from the Council’s Local Transport Plan.
Members referred to the need for appropriate signing for people with disabilities.
It was MOVED by Councillor Prowse, SECONDED by Councillor Newby and
(a) that the construction of proposals for enhancements to St Clements Lane outlined in Section 2 of Report (PTE/18/47) be approved;
(b) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, in consultation with the Local Member and Chair of HATOC, be authorised to make minor amendments to the Scheme details and select those options that were affordable within the available budget; and
(c) that the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, in consultation with the Local Member and Chair, be given delegated power to approve construction works once costs have been confirmed. |
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E4 Cycle Route Consultation Update The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment to report Minutes: The Head of Planning of Planning, Transportation and Environment gave a presentation on the E4 Cycle Route and proposed new links and the current public consultation arrangements running from 15 October – 19 November 2018. The outcome of the consultation would be reported to Cabinet in January 2019 along with detailed proposals with anticipated construction commencing in Spring 2019.
Members commended the Scheme noting the provisions for people with disabilities and efforts to remove obstacles as far as practicable and noted that the financing was mainly from external grant finding and developer contributions, with a small proportion from the Local Transport Plan.
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Parking Restriction Enforcement, The Quay Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report Minutes: The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on the current monitoring of the parking restrictions on the Quay and the number of recent Civil Parking Notices issued. The position would continue to be monitored to include late evening Civil Enforcement Officer deployments.
(N.B The public can utilise the ‘report it’ function on the County Council’s web page, or contact the Customer Service Centre)
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Cycle/Motorcycle Safety Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment to report Minutes: The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment presented an overview and detailed analysis of Cycle and Motor Cycle traffic collision data and trends and contributory factors involved and schemes and initiatives to mitigate against and reduce risk and promote safety.
Members in discussion with the Head of Service referred to police enforcement of 20 mph limits using an intelligence-based approach and Department of Transport guidance which was still awaited; and the ‘safe systems’ approach to road safety within the Road Safety Strategy.
[N.B detailed information on road safety data available at] |
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(In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Prowse has requested that the Committee consider this matters)
Information relating to the Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) and Virtually Activated Signs, attached Additional documents: Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Prowse had requested that the Committee consider these matters)
The Committee received information relating to the Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) covering its purpose and membership; and on Virtually Activated Signs.
The SCARF Team was normally made up of the Police Road Casualty Reduction and Traffic Management Officer (RCRO), Devon County Council Road Safety Officer and members of the County’s Traffic and Local Highway Teams.
Once a site had been accepted for SCARF review, the Team would look at the collision history and obtain covert speed data for the site. To obtain the speed data, a detection device would be located at the site for approximately 10 – 14 days and this recorded the speed and number of passing vehicles. . Once the data had been collected, the SCARF team would discuss the site and make a decision based on the data and the topography. There were several different outcomes from no further action or if the data indicated that a speeding issue existed, the team would decide what action was necessary and this could be education, enforcement and/or engineering.
Councillor Prowse agreed to forward the correspondence he had received regarding The Great West Run so that the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure and Waste may investigate and respond. |
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DCC/ECC Clear Streets Charter Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report Minutes: The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on the joint Devon County Council and Exeter City Council Clear Streets Charter. This was to help ensure that all pedestrians, especially those affected by sight loss or mobility difficulties could fully participate in and enjoy the local built environment, without feeling unsafe or concerned about walking into an obstacle. The Councils were engaging positively with residents on how to plan, develop and manage the built environment. The ‘street charter’ set out a list of agreed actions and commitments under different headings, which represented the main issues that pedestrians, particularly those who were blind or partially sighted faced when negotiating the built environment in Exeter.
Further information was available at: |
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(i) An update on the cycle signage around the city; (ii) The mini roundabout in Glasshouse Lane Countess Wear, repainted and signage adjustment; and (iii) the traffic lights junction Higher Wear road junction Topsham road, timing for Green (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Newby has requested that the Committee consider these matters)
Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Newby had requested that the Committee consider these matters)
The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste agreed he would continue to liaise directly with Councillor Newby to address these matters. |
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Car park information signing - update on operational problems (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Atkinson has requested that the Committee consider this matter) Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Atkinson had requested that the Committee consider this matter)
The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on the car park information signs and counting systems. Of the 13 signs in the City two were currently faulty. Of the 9 car parks included in the system, two had current problems with counting systems. These problems were being addressed by the County Council through maintenance or up grading works. |
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Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/72), attached Minutes: The Committee received the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/72) on actions taken in respect of traffic regulation orders under delegated powers since the last meeting.
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Dates of Meetings 14 January, 9 April, 9 July and 11 November 2019 and 27 January and 27 April 2020 Minutes: 14 January, 9 April, 9 July and 11 November 2019 and 27 January and 27 April 2020 |