Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Election of Chair and Vice-Chair (N.B. In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chair and Vice- Chair must be County Councillors) Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillors Atkinson and Brennan be elected Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the ensuing year. |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2018, attached. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2018 be signed as a correct record subject to correction of Minute 46 (Residents’ Parking Permits Working Group) with the inclusion of Councillor Brennan in the list of members. |
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Matter of Urgency: E4 Cycle Route - Eastern Fields - Betty's Mead Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: (An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
The Chair had decided that the Committee should consider this as a matter of urgency in view of the need to progress the proposed Scheme.
The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/40) on proposed improvements to the section of the E4 cycle route between Exhibition Way and Bettysmead Playing Fields, off Beacon Lane. This would be constructed in 2018/2019 following the completion of Phase 1 on Cumberland Way in July 2018.
Members referred to the need for early consultation with local Members about the proposed details of future Schemes, and provision for people with disabilities and the proposed links to Cumberland Way.
The proposed improved cycle infrastructure would help meet the aims and objectives of national and local plans and strategies.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Denham and
(a) that the construction of the E4 cycle route, as detailed in the Report PTE/18/40 at an estimated cost of £213,000 be approved; and
(b) that a report be submitted on the proposed links from this Scheme to Cumberland Way, Exeter and issues for people with disabilities on the new cycle path. |
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Bus Services in Exeter Bus and Coach Operators to answer Members’ questions. Minutes: Mr Williams, Commercial Director, and Mr P Clerk, Operations Director, Stagecoach South West, attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on developments affecting bus services and the network in and around Exeter since the last meeting, as follows:
• In May Stagecoach had been advised of the railway bridge closure at Hele that would effectively leave Bradninch isolated from a bus service and worked with DCC to convince Network Rail to fund a shuttle bus to link back in. It was originally expected to last until December 2018, but it was due to be suspended whilst some issues were resolved and further disruption was therefore likely; • on 6 July 2018 Stagecoach had introduced the Friday & Saturday evening and all-day Sunday extension of route H from St David’s to Exeter Quay in partnership with Exeter City Council, the Environment Agency and the Exeter Quay and Canal Trust. However, manoeuvring a bus in that area was proving very difficult at busy times, and poor parking meant the suspension of services on a couple of evenings and the arrangement would be reviewed shortly; • on 21 July 2018 a new 1+2, 1 adult and up to 2 children day ticket in Exeter had been introduced following discussions at the last meeting, and a survey was to be carried out later in the year once the schools had returned in September 2018; • consultation had been carried out on proposed changes and enhancements to services in the East of Exeter and Exmouth from 3 September 2018. The consultation period had now closed and in summary the resultant changes were:
o Route 56 – East Devon District Council and the East Devon & Exeter Growth point had come together in a ground-breaking arrangement to fund enhancements to the part of the route that ran between Exeter St David’s, the City Centre, Met Office and Exeter Airport to support the on-going development of this region over the next 3 years by providing improved transport links. The off-peak frequency would be doubled to run every 30 minutes Mondays – Saturdays, replicating the 30 minute frequency that already ran on Monday – Friday peak periods. There would also be new journeys very early in the morning, and a new evening service introduced to ensure connections for all flights and associated key worker hours. The route between the Met Office and Airport would be amended to serve Clyst Honiton instead of the A30 to provide twice the number of buses to the Science Park in combination with route 4, and provide links to Skypark. The timetable was coordinated with route 4 to provide a regular 15-minute frequency from Exeter Mondays-Saturdays. There would also be some minor changes to the timetable between the Airport, Woodbury and Exmouth, with one additional journey than was currently the case. The buses were also to receive free WiFi and a new look to provide the Airport, Skypark, Science Park and Met Office with the type of stand-out service associated with similar places ... view the full minutes text for item 54. |
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Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/58), attached. Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/38) on the Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme based on requests for waiting restrictions to be introduced or amended following consultation with local County Council Members.
According to the Policy following advertisement: · proposals which did not attract objections could be implemented without the need to report back to Committee; · proposals which attracted minor objections should be determined under delegated powers by the Chief Officer in consultation with the Local County Council Member and the Chair of the Committee; and · proposals attracting significant objections would be reported to the next available Committee.
There were no aids to movement improvements identified for consideration in this year’s programme to date. Minor schemes of below £25,000 in value could be delivered under delegated authority and did not need to be reported back to Committee.
The local Member Pinhoe and Mincinglake referred to further proposals on Pinhoe Road and Langaton Lane which the Officers would discuss further with the local Member.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Brennan and
(a) that the work on the annual waiting restrictions programme process for 2018/2019 be noted; and
(b) the recommendations contained in Appendix I & II of Report HIW/18/38 be agreed and the proposals be advertised. |
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Residents' Parking Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste to report. Minutes: The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on schemes agreed by the Working Party and this Committee in January 2018.
Consultations for the four areas identified were being progressed and were planned to happen in September/October 2018 with results being reported to the January 2019 meeting. |
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Rosebarn Lane Area - Residents' Parking Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/59), attached. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/59) on consultation with residents and responses following proposals to extend residents’ parking in the Rosebarn Lane area to include Stoke Valley Road, Shepherd Road and Collins Road, Exeter.
Members referred to the levels of responses received in respect of the informal consultation carried out.
It was MOVED by Councillor Prowse, SECONDED by Councillor Atkinson and
(a) that the results of the informal consultation be noted;
(b) that the advertising of a traffic regulation order to introduce a residents parking scheme in the Rosebarn Lane area as described in Report (HIW/18/59) be approved, subject to the detailed design being agreed by the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure and Waste in consultation with the Chair and the local County Councillor; and
(c) that details of the statutory consultation arrangements be agreed by the Chief Officer in consultation with the Chair and local County Councillor. |
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Travel Plan for the IKEA Store in Exeter Presentation by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment. Minutes: The Committee received a presentation by the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment on the IKEA Travel Plan, which had been required as part of the planning conditions relating to the retail development.
The presentation covered: the primary purpose of a Travel Plan, its aims and objectives in accordance with national and local policies, the approach adopted depending on land use and scale; and monitoring and review arrangements by IKEA (an ECC condition of the planning approval).
Members referred to how IKEA could encourage its staff not to use their cars but other methods of travel which could include bike and other facilities; and the need to review the Pan and arrangements after two years. |
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Bus Shelters in Exeter (a) Reference from Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee (12 June 2018/Minute*76) - Clear Channel Contract
Report of the Task Group (CSO/18/22) attached. The Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Committee resolved as follows:
that the recommendations contained in the Task Group Report (CSO/18/22) be endorsed and referred to Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee for consideration.
(b) Bus Shelters in Exeter
Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/39), attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/18/39) which provided an update on the provision of bus shelters in Exeter provided by Clear Channel under a joint agreement with Devon County Council and Exeter City Council. This followed concerns about delays in achieving replacement targets. As part of a Member Investigation a meeting with Clear Channel had been held on 10 January 2018 to discuss the reasons for the delays and to seek assurances regarding outstanding works.
This Report outlined the implementation of the recommendations of the Member Investigation (CSO/18/22), appended to this report, as endorsed by the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee on 12 June 2018 and subsequently referred to this Committee.
Regarding Clear Channel reporting annually on profit sharing (arising from revenue from digital advertising sites) by the County Council and Exeter City Council, Members noted that a net amount of £44,492 (subject to clarification of VAT requirements) was due to be shared by both Councils.
Members also referred to the need for additional and improved facilities for National Express and Megabus passengers in Sidwell Street arising from the Bus Station Traffic Management plans and the interim arrangements agreed at the last meeting (Minute *43). Members suggested that the City Council could be asked to make available a vacant retail unit for waiting passengers.
The Mount Pleasant Surgery was not part of any other programme or funding, so would be a candidate for one of the two free shelters per year. It was noted that the Working Party had recommended that, in preparation for this phase of the project, this Committee determine the first four priority sites for free shelters at its November meeting.
It was MOVED by Councillor Atkinson, SECONDED by Councillor Denham and
(a) that progress with pursuing the bus shelter replacement programme be noted;
(b) that the implementation of the recommendations of the Member Investigation be noted, and that Clear Channel be asked to attend this Committee’s meeting on 6 November 2018;
(c) that the Cabinet and Exeter City Council be asked that the net income from the profit sharing agreement with Clear Channel (currently standing at £44,492) be used solely for additional and improved bus shelters in the City; and
(d) that the City Council be requested to permit digital advertising on the bus shelters in the High Street to increase revenues for improved bus shelter provision. |
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Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews [An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme (]. Minutes: No petition for a parking review from a member of the public relating to Exeter had been received. |
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Actions taken under Delegated Powers Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/60), attached. Minutes: The Committee received the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure and Waste (HIW/18/60) on action taken in consultation with the Chair and local County Councillors. |
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Date of Next meetings 6 November 2018, 14 January 2019, 9 April 2019.
The County Council Calendar of meetings is available on the website:
Minutes: Tuesday, 6 November 2018 and 14 January and 9 April 2019
The County Council Calendar of meetings was available on the website: |