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Contact: Gerry Rufolo, 01392 382299 Email:
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Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2017 (previously circulated). Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2017 be signed as a correct record. |
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Matters of Urgency Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: (a) Pinhoe: Double Roundabouts
(An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
The Chairman had decided, at the request of Councillors Harvey and Morse, that the Committee should consider this item and concerns reported to the local City and County Council Councillors relating to safety in respect of these newly constructed roundabouts.
It was MOVED by Councillor Harvey, SECONDED by Councillor Morse and
RESOLVED that a site visit be arranged comprising the Chairman and local City and County Councillor Members for report back to the Committee.
(b) Proposed Construction Vehicle Access Arrangements: Proposed Development on Land adjacent the West of England School, Topsham Road, Exeter
(An item taken under Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
The Chairman had decided, at the request of Councillor Leadbetter, that the Committee should consider this item relating to proposed access arrangements in relation to the proposed residential development.
Mrs Barnes attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee expressing residents’ concerns about the proposed access and egress arrangements for construction vehicles via the A379 spur.
The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment undertook to provide the local County Councillor and Mrs Barnes with a response regarding arrangements.
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Bus Services in Exeter Bus and Coach Operators to answer Members’ questions Minutes: Mr Bailey, Commercial Manager, Stagecoach (Exeter) attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on developments affecting bus services and the network in Exeter and environs since the last meeting and, in particular on:
· Mobile phone ticketing: since January, Day rider tickets had been available to purchase by smart phone, where the customer shows the driver the ticket on the smart phone; this had been very successful and from mid-April, customers would also be able to purchase weekly tickets on their smart phone; · Smart Cards: Smart Cards had been in use and are very popular and Stagecoach would be introducing a 50p charge for driver issued smart cards (although the cost of supply is higher) to encourage their re-use and discourage people having a new card each week; · Green Park & Ride: the Matford and Sowton Park & Ride services were linked in January and this had proved very popular; however increasing traffic delays in Heavitree and Exe Bridges had caused reliability issues and from 18th April, the Company would be adding another bus to improve reliability of the service at key times in the morning and afternoon peak periods for a short period and the service frequency would also increase to 10 minutes.
Additionally issues and/or observations identified during the course of discussions, included:
· the possibility of ‘off-bus’ ticketing, taking the responsibility away from the driver and Mr Bailey undertook to discuss this idea with the Commercial Director; · issues relating to drivers’ knowledge of alternative/temporary bus stops due to changes as a result of street works, for example with the recent working the high street and information for passengers; Mr Bailey explained that drivers should be fully briefed via the company’s local intra net and notices should also be in situ (although sometimes removed) and the Company would continue to endeavour to keep drivers fully informed; · confirmation that following the ballot for strike action there was now a full staffing complement and that additional bus transport services for drivers on early and later shifts for the new Matford location had been provided and the proposed industrial action had been resolved; · concerns by the County Councillor for Duryard and Pennsylvania about problems which had been reported to him by a constituent with vision impairment relating to a long delay in respect of the ‘B’ service, the possibility of ‘talking buses’ (for some routes) for the visually impaired and ‘tactile’ paving at bus stop locations. Mr Bailey undertook to report back to the local member about the reported delays in the ‘B’ service and that he would raise the matter of ‘talking buses’ with the Commercial Director; · the County Council member for St David’s and St James intention to visit Matford Depot with the local MP and she would raise the matter of ‘talking buses’ and improved visual ‘real time’ information at stops at that visit; · concerns about loss of shelters in Barley Lane (serving residential care homes) and in Alphington and Cowick and the Neighbourhood Highway Group Manager reminded Members ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
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Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews [An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme (]. Minutes: There was no petition from a member of the public or the Council relating to Exeter. |
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Annual Local Waiting Restrictions Programme Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/25) attached Minutes: (Mr C Hooper and Mr R Ruffle attended under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and spoke in support of proposals relating to parking restrictions in Hatherleigh Road)
The Committee considered the report the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste HIW/17/25 on the development of an annual local programme for the HATOC area for the funding and delivery of waiting restriction schemes for 2017/18 and proposals for parking restrictions, across the City, following public consultation.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hill, SECONDED by Councillor Westlake and
(a) that work on the annual waiting restrictions programme and the prioritisation process applied in 2016/17 be noted;
(b) that the proposals contained in Section 4. of the Report HIW/17/25 relating to parking waiting restrictions be approved and proposals implemented where recommended;
(c) that pending Cabinet consideration of the scope of works and funding, a further programme be developed for 2017/18.
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Poor State of much of the Paving Surfaces in and around the City Centre In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Hannaford has requested that the Committee consider this matter. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Hannaford had requested that the Committee consider the poor state of paving in and around the City Centre).
Councillor Denham (Exeter City Council) attended in accordance with 25(2) and spoke to this item relating to the poor condition of the paving in the High Street and adjoining streets, deterioration over many years, increasing incidents of falls and trips, the economic importance of the centre and its wide catchment and the need for an effective maintenance and improvement programme.
The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on the investment programme over 3 years from 2012/13 totalling £720,000 in City Centre footways and the maintenance programme and costs in 2016/17 relating to High Street/Bedford Street (o/s Laura Ashley), Sidwell Street, Queen Street and South Street and very recently o/s Guildhall, High Street totalling £137,444 (including £32,252 relating to the Guildhall awaiting approval) from an additional total County Council allocation £250,000 for town centre improvements.
Members referred to continuing remedial works and aesthetic issues and consideration of ‘black top’ for ease of maintenance and safety at certain locations and streets and the need for a joint longer-term strategy with the City Council and other agencies.
The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment also reported on the cycling and walking strategy and new guidance expected this Summer which may attract additional funding for schemes within the City.
It was MOVED by Councillor Owen, SECONDED by Councillor Hannaford and
RESOLVED that County Council work with Exeter City Council (and its City Centre Working Group) to develop a long term strategy and programme for the enhancement of the City Centre’s pavements and walkways and any options for use of funds from the On Street Parking Account be explored (subject to legal constraints on the use of the Account funds). |
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Transport Capital Programme Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment to report including presentation on Bus real Time Passenger information Minutes: Mr Bailey, Commercial Manager, Stagecoach (Exeter) attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on issues relating to the supply of data and the availability of real time information on the Company’s website.
The Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment gave a presentation on an update on Real Time Bus Information covering:
· the County Council’s rationale County Council for the project: to develop an attractive bus system suitable for the 21 Century ; to help sustain the commercial network; to increase passenger confidence about timing of services on a Countywide level, to help integrate bus and rail travel and link in with the Devon Metro Vision and to provide better information for tourists and move from tag and loop system to a GPS-based system; · what was being implemented: real time information available via use of i) display screens with display site at key locations with high footfall / visibility, ii) smart phone apps, / text and iii) the Travel Devon Website; · when this would happen: the website and smartphone apps were available; and there were delays with implementing some of the displays due to contractor availability and multiple stages in installation; the Council was working with Stagecoach and Cloud Amber to resolve data reliability issues through the trial phase and once the data was at a higher degree of accuracy, further promotion of the system would be promoted across the County and disruption messages would also be introduced when there were severe delays and the Authority was working through a trail phase to address issues.
Whilst acknowledging the developments the Chairman and Members referred to issues for some more elderly passengers in particular using smart phone apps and the need for real time displays at all stops. |
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Bus Shelters in Mount Pleasant Road In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Westlake has requested that the Committee consider this matter. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Westlake had requested that the Committee consider progress of the installation of a bus shelter at this location following agreement in principle with the Health Centre for use of its land and his locality funding.
It was MOVED by Councillor Westlake, SECONDED by the Councillor Hannaford and
RESOLVED that an update report be provided at the next meeting.
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Bedford Square and High Street - several complaints about Deliveroo staff knocking into pedestrians and causing real problems for Bus Drivers In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Hannaford has requested that the Committee consider this matter. Minutes: Mr Bailey, Commercial Manager, Stagecoach (Exeter) attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee on the monitoring of their drivers to ensure they kept within the 10 mph speed limit in the High Street and all allegations of aggressive and unsafe driving would be investigated by the Company.
In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Hannaford had requested that the Committee consider this matter.
The Head of Planning Transportation and Environment reported that the County Council encouraged convenient access for people on foot, on cycle and by public transport to and within the City Centre. The recent Deliveroo business arrival in Exeter meant increased numbers of deliveries were being made by cycle and provided a healthy employment option for people and also helped minimise car traffic. Pedestrians, Cyclists and Buses had an equal right to be in the High Street and it could not restrict any particular group from accessing the area. However the Council also promoted safe behaviour and tolerance between the different users through the Devon County Council’s ‘Share this Space’ initiative encouraging all highway users to be polite, courteous and take responsibility for their actions on roads and paths. In response to the reported issues, Officers would be contacting Deliveroo to remind cyclists of the need to consider other road users and requesting that details of the ’Share this Space’ code of conduct be circulated to their Exeter workforce. |
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Delays to the Improvements at Bridge Road In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Hannaford has requested that the Committee consider this matter. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Hannaford had requested that the Committee consider reported delays on the improvement works and the resulting disruption for commuters.
The Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste reported on the A379 Bridge Road widening scheme and its technical challenges and physical constraints and issues faced by the contractor including two flood events. The Council’s engineers were working closely with the contractor to mitigate delays and regain time with mobilisation of additional staffing and active seven day working.
The Committee noted that it was now anticipated by the Contractor that the four lanes of traffic and the footways/cycleway would be available to the public in early June. Members also referred to the value of forward signing and early public notice through local radio/press of closure or any expected protracted delay.
The Member for Priory and St Leonards reported on the relatively low number of complaints from local residents and frequent users and reasonably good flow of traffic. |
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Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/17/26) attached Minutes: The Committee received the report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Capital Development and Waste (HIW/17/26) on actions taken by him in respect of Traffic Orders under delegated powers since the last meeting. |
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Dates of Next Meeting 4 July and 20 November 2017 and 16 January and 26 April 2018
County Council Committee dates available on the website:
Minutes: 4 July, 20 November; and 16 January 2018 and 26 April 2018.
Note: The County Council calendar of meetings is available at: