Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Mid Devon District Council, Phoenix House, Tiverton EX16 6PP

Contact: Fred Whitehouse, 01392 381362  Email:

Note: This meeting is not being livestreamed. For press and public attendance please contact to register in advance. 

Note No. Item



Election of Chair and Vice Chair

(NB: In accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, the Chair and Vice-Chair must be County Councillors)


RESOLVED that Councillor Berry and Councillor Squires be elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the ensuing year.


RESOLVED that Councillor Berry and Councillor Squires be elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the ensuing year.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2023, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2023 be signed as a correct record.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2023 be signed as a correct record.




Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.


There was no item raised as a matter of urgency.



Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum

Update from Committee representative


Members received an update on the Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum. Members heard that at the last meeting of the Forum they had received briefings on items such as the Devon County Council bus budget and information on Bus Service Improvement Plans.


The minutes of the meeting would be circulated to members when available.




Local Waiting Restriction Programme pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/58)


Additional documents:




(a) that the local waiting restriction programme be noted; and


(b) that the recommendations contained in Appendix 2 of the Report be agreed.



The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/58) which outlined objections received on proposed restrictions in the Mid Devon area, as part of the local waiting restriction programme. This had been advertised from 9 May until the 2 June 2023.


A summary of the proposals advertised were detailed in Appendix 1 (with associated plans) and details of the objections received to the proposals, and the Officers’ responses were shown in Appendix 2 of the Report.


Following advertisement, proposals which had not attracted objections would be implemented; and those which had received objections were detailed in Appendix 2, with recommendations for each location.


The respective local Members invited to comment on the proposals that had received objections.


It was MOVED by Councillor Chesterton, SECONDED by Councillor Squires and




(a) that the local waiting restriction programme be noted; and


(b) that the recommendations contained in Appendix 2 of the Report be agreed.




Action Taken Under Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/59)



Members noted the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/23/59) which detailed actions taken regarding traffic regulation orders under Delegated Powers since the last meeting of this committee.



Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

[An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme.]




There was no current petition for a parking review from a member of the public relating toMid Devon.




Items for Future Meetings


Members requested an update at the next meeting of this committee on the proposed 20mph speed limits in Mid Devon and the possibility of introducing speed limits / speed reduction features around schools in the area.



Dates for Future HATOC Meetings

The following dates have been agreed: 


24 October 2023 and 29 February 2024


Dates were noted as 24 October 2023 and 29 February 2024.