Agenda and minutes

Venue: Phoenix House, Tiverton

Contact: Wendy Simpson, 01392 384383  Email:

Note No. Item



Minutes pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2018, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2018 be signed as a correct record.






The Chair welcomed Mr Hodgins who was attending the meeting in his capacity as a Co-opted Member of the Council's Standards Committee to observe and monitor compliance with the Council’s ethical governance framework.



Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.


There was no matter raised as a matter of urgency.



Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme pdf icon PDF 7 MB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/68), attached.


(Councillor Way declared a personal interest in this item by virtue of being a member of the Crediton Town Council.)


The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/68) on the Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme which had previously been presented to this Committee on 11 June 2018. 


A significant number of objections had been received since the advertisement of the agreed proposals, details of which were shown in Appendix I to the Report with plans of the proposals shown in Appendix II.


It was MOVED Councillor Radford, SECONDED by Councillor Berry and




(a)   that work on the annual waiting restrictions programme process for 2018/19 be noted;


(b)   that the recommendations contained in Appendices I and II to Report HIW/18/68 be agreed and the proposals implemented where relevant, subject to:-


       (i)     ENV5668/02 (A) Castle Street, Bampton – that a site visit be arranged and that a decision on the matter be delegated to the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure, Development and Waste in consultation with the Local Member and Chair;


       (ii)    ENV5668/10 (A) Willand Road, Cullompton – that the proposal be implemented as advertised;


       (iii)   ENV5668/26 (A) Belle Parade, Crediton – that a site visit be arranged and that a decision on the matter be delegated to the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure, Development and Waste in consultation with the Local Member and Chair;


       (iv)   ENV5668/28 (A) Westwood Road, Crediton - that a site visit be arranged and that a decision on the matter be delegated to the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure, Development and Waste in consultation with the Local Member and Chair;


(c)   that the proposals detailed in Appendices I and II to Report HIW/18/68 which attracted no objections be implemented as advertised.




Review of Building, Improvement and Visibility Lines in Register of Local Land Charges pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/69), attached.



The Committee considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/69) following a review of Building, Improvement and Visibility Lines in the Register of Local Land Charges for Mid Devon. 


It was considered that the historic improvement, building and visibility lines in the Register of Local Land Charges summarised in the Report were now obsolete by virtue of the changes to road layout or traffic patterns over the years, the powers contained in current planning legislation, or there was no prospect of the identified highway improvement being progressed. 


It was MOVED by Councillor Berry, SECONDED by Councillor Slade and


RESOLVED that the building, improvement and visibility lines as prescribed in the Schedule attached at Appendix I to Report HIW/18/69 be revoked and rescinded and removed from the Register of Local Land Charges.





Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

[An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme]





There was no current petition for a parking review from a member of the public relating to

Mid Devon.



Delegated Powers pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/70), attached.



The Committee received the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/70) on action taken in consultation with the Chair and Local Members.



Dates for Future HATOC Meetings

Please use link below forCounty Council Calendar of Meetings:



18 February 2019, 11 June 2019 and 15 October 2019.