Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Suite, County Hall, Exeter

Contact: Wendy Simpson 01392 384383  Email:

Note: To view livestream, copy & paste this link to your browser: 


Note No. Item




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The Chair welcomed to Mr I Hipkin who attended the meeting in his capacity as a co-opted member of the Council's Standards Committee to observe and monitor compliance with the Council’s ethical governance framework.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2022, attached.

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2022 be signed as a correct record.





Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.

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There were no items requiring urgent attention.



Terms of Reference - Refresh pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health, attached.

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The Board received the Report of the Director of Public Health on the Board’s Terms of Reference and Operating Procedures, noting the Membership update.


RESOLVED that discussions take place with the Plymouth and Torbay Health and Wellbeing Boards to ensure accord with the new NHS structures.









COVID-19 Update

Verbal update from the Director of Public Health.

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The Director of Public Health updated the Board on the current position relating to the Coronavirus.


Cases of Covid-19 had increased since the beginning of September and the return to school, with the Office for National Statistics data currently showing infection rates at 1 in 35.  There had been a slight fall in Covid-related hospital admissions, and numbers in high dependency units were also lower.


The Director of Public Health encouraged those eligible to go ahead and have their Covid booster and flu vaccines.


Data was available at:


DCC Covid-19 Dashboard: Coronavirus dashboard and data in Devon -

Coronavirus (COVID-19)


National Coronavirus Tracker: Daily summary | Coronavirus in the UK



National Coronavirus Interactive Map: Interactive Map |

Coronavirus in the UK (



Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

The Council having a statutory responsibility to publish the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25 by 1 October 2022, the Chair agreed the PNA under delegated powers and the Board is asked further to endorse this (attached report for information only).



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(Councillor P Maskell attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke in relation to pharmacy workforce and the disparity of services in rural areas.)

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment was a comprehensive assessment of the current and future pharmaceutical needs of the local population. Health and Wellbeing Boards had a statutory duty to produce, consult and publish a PNA for their area.


The Board noted that the Devon Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25 had been approved by the Chair under delegated powers on 23 September 2022.


The Chief Medical Officer of NHS Devon reported that in the new NHS structure there would be a specific workforce lead for Pharmacy and agreed to update the Board on this at a future meeting..


Members asked if future draft Assessments could also be shared with the Voluntary and Community Sector.


RESOLVED that the Devon Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25 be endorsed.




Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Priorities and Outcomes Monitoring pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health, which reviews progress against the overarching priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2020-2025.

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The Board noted the Report from the Director of Public Health, on the performance for the Board, which monitored the priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2020-25.


The indicator list and performance summary within the full report set out the priorities, indicators and indicator types, and included a trend line, highlighting change over time.


The latest Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report, along with this paper, was available on the Devon Health and Wellbeing website.


The Report monitored the four Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-25 priorities, and included breakdowns by local authority, district and trends over time. These priorities areas included:


·         Create opportunities for all

·         Healthy safe, strong and sustainable communities

·         Focus on mental health

·         Maintain good health for all


The following indicators had been updated since the last report to the Board:


·         Child Poverty, 2020/21

·         Estimated Dementia Diagnosis Rate (65+), 2022

·         Fuel Poverty (low income, low energy efficiency methodology), 2020


The Board noted that a cost of living index was currently being worked on and would be shared with the Board at a later date.


The Board, in discussion, highlighted and asked questions on:


-       Concern that dementia diagnosis rates remained low and it was hoped the new approach would help this.

-       In view of the current financial crisis and other national and global circumstances, it was questioned whether Cabinet felt there was a need to amend the Council’s Strategic Plan to enable the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy to realign its priorities.


RESOLVED that the performance report be noted and accepted.






NVQ Level 4 Performance in Devon pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Briefing note on Level 4 performance in Devon, as requested at the last meeting.

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The Board noted the briefing update on the Outcomes Report indicator ‘% -With NVQ4+ (Aged 16-64) 2021’ as requested at the last meeting, particularly in relation to Teignbridge and Torridge.


One of the key strategic plans was around tackling poverty as the foundation in order to raise educational attainment and standards of living for children and young people in Devon. 


Economy Officers offered Board members a meeting to go through the data in more detail, if desired.


The Board voiced their concern at the longstanding economic problems in Teignbridge and Torridge and requested that a further update be brought back to a future meeting.






Homelessness Update pdf icon PDF 689 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health, attached.

Additional documents:


The Board received the Report of the Director of Public Health which summarised the current need in relation to core homelessness; the action that was underway to address the need for homeless and rough sleeping individuals; and discussed options for addressing the issues raised for not only those who were homeless but for broader health inclusion groups.


Nationally the numbers of core homelessness had gradually risen between 2012 and 2019.  A reduction in 2020 was as a result of the emergency response to the Covid pandemic.  Assuming no change in national policy, Crisis project a one-third increase to core homelessness between 2019 and 2024. 


A Health Needs Assessment of inclusion health groups was currently underway in Northern Devon with a view to being replicated across all of the Integrated Care Partnership localities and findings would be reported back to the Board in 2023.  One of the key challenges already identified was that of short-term funding.


The report recommended that learning was taken from Plymouth and Torbay and a move towards an alliance approach, embedding a Trauma Informed culture within the system.  There was also good practice to learn from Somerset where a multi-agency Homelessness Reduction Board had been established.


Board comments and discussion included:


-       NHS Devon offered discussion with Public Health colleagues around the whole homelessness agenda to explore what can be done.

-       That agencies involved in supporting people experiencing homeless take advantage of the fully funded suicide prevention offer in Public Health.






Better Care Fund - Annual Plan 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Report of the Director of Integrated Adult Social Care, attached.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Integrated Adult Social Care Commissioning (Interim) on the Better Care Fund (BCF) Annual Plan 2022/23, summarising the annual plan for the Devon County Council area for 2022/23 as defined by national planning requirements.


The Annual Plan 2022/23 for Devon was submitted by the required deadline of 26 September 2022, having been signed off by the Chair on behalf of the Board, and approval was currently awaited from NHS England.


Future planning requirements were expected to be published before the end of March 2023 and Government had indicated the intention to move to a two-year planning cycle.


Board and Officer discussion included:


-       A full review was to be undertaken of the BCF investment to ensure all requirements and value for money were being achieved.

-       The Board asked for clarity on the Community Based Schemes and Housing Related Scheme, which Officers agreed to provide.

-       Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service offered to contribute to the strategic working alongside existing arrangements.


RESOLVED that the Better Care Fund Annual Plan for 2022/23 be endorsed.







Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) – Update pdf icon PDF 922 KB

Presentation on the VCSE led Covid Outbreak Management Fund (COMF), attached.

Additional documents:


The Board received a presentation (attached to Agenda) from Devon Voluntary Action and Devon Communities Together on the achievements, impact, learning and legacy of a Devon-wide Alliance of voluntary agencies funded through the Covid Outbreak Management Fund (COMF).  The Alliance included Citizens Advice Devon, Living Options Devon, Devon Communities Together and Young Devon.


COMF was a Government programme designed to support public health activity tackling Covid-19, working to break the chain of transmission and protect the most vulnerable.  Public Health Devon commissioned the Alliance to use existing relationships and capacity as a spring board for delivering services across Devon against COMF objectives.  The Alliance received a COMF grant of just over £1 million and had to deliver its services between October 2021 and March 2022. 


A Devon, Plymouth and Torbay VCSE Assembly had now been developed, aided by investment from public sector colleagues, and presenters were pleased to report that there were now three Assembly places on the One Devon Integrated Care Service Partnership Board.


Work was continuing to address challenges in local communities, such as cost of living crisis; food insecurity and poverty; money and debt; winter pressures, fuel energy and housing; and skills and employment.


The Chair thanked the representatives from Devon Voluntary Action and Devon Communities Together for their very comprehensive presentation and congratulated them on the work so far.





Healthier Weight for Children, Young People & Families in Devon pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health, attached (including presentation).

Additional documents:


The Board noted the Report and Presentation (attached to agebnda) of the Director of Public Health on Creating the Conditions for Healthier Weight in Devon, which was a long term programme requiring multi-sector involvement.


Obesity was a complex problem with many causes and significant implications for health and beyond.  Whilst most children and young people in Devon were within a health body weight range, it was not the case for many, particularly those living in more deprived areas.


Workstreams highlighted and currently underway across Devon (and the ICS) included:


-       A new tracking data was now available that identified the weight status of children between the first and final years of primary school.

-       A Baby Friendly public health nursing service enabling staff to provide support to pregnant women, mothers and parents.

-       Maximising the uptake of Healthy Start through Children’s Centres, primary care and community organisations.

-       A new Devon Healthy Schools Programme.

-       Food Resilience – the Goodie Box Project.

-       Cost of living resilience.

-       Whole system approaches at locality level.

-       National pilot (ICS) to provide specialist support for children with complications from obesity.

-       (ICS) Focus on trauma, bias, stigma to enable compassionate approaches.


Discussion was around:


-       The successful healthy weight programme undertaken in Amsterdam particularly in relation to evidence around the importance of sleep; and having only healthy food in the school environment.

-       Useful interactive Devon Health and Wellbeing dashboard - National Child Measurement Programme: Devon.

-       Devon was part of a national trial called the MapMe study designed to help parents recognise unhealthy weight.

-       That PE should be considered a ‘core’ subject in secondary schools.


RESOLVED that the ongoing work to support a whole system approach to healthier weight for children, young people and families in Devon and support for the formation of a partnership board/alliance to steer the work from January 2023 be endorsed.




Naturally Healthy pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport, attached.

Additional documents:


The Board received the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport on Naturally Healthy as a tool to deliver wellbeing interventions in Devon. 


The Devon Local Nature Partnership had an initiative called Naturally Healthy which had been running since 2015 and at present this was jointly run by Active Devon and Devon County Council. 


The initiative had a successful Sports England funded 5-year project, Connecting Actively to Nature (CAN), focussing on getting over 55s active across Devon.  CAN was due to end in June 2023.  Other external funding sources were now being explored and a new action plan was being delivered.


Discussion points included:


-       The Public Health team were happy to provide support and to assist in a successful bid for National Lottery Heritage funding.

-       That the Surfwell Charity used by the police to improve mental health may have useful evidence available.

-       That the Board could write a letter in support for Lottery funding.


RESOLVED to support the approach of the Local Nature Partnership’s new action plan to seek continued funding for the Naturally Health initiative, and to work closely with Public Health to align outcomes.




NHS Devon - Update pdf icon PDF 402 KB

Update report from NHS Devon, attached.

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The Board received an update from NHS Devon which provided Devon-wide and national developments within the NHS.  It was intended to provide the Board with summary information to ensure Members were kept abreast of important developments.


Highlights of the update included:


-       A busy winter was being prepared for in view of potential Covid, flu and other respiratory illnesses; and additional capacity/beds had been put in.

-       Virtual wards were now being introduced which would allow patients to receive care at home or in a community setting, rather than in hospital.

-       Local authorities in Devon had been examining ways to help people through the current cost of living crisis.

-       NHS partners in the south west were working together on measures to support more children to have surgery closer to home to reduce waiting times.

-       Work on a new system ‘Devon and Cornwall Care Record’ was underway that would enable health and care staff to view a patient’s complete history.





Scrutiny Work Programme

In order to prevent duplication, the Board will review the Council’s Scrutiny Work Programme.

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The Board reviewed the Council’s Scrutiny Work Programme in order to avoid any potential duplications.



Dates of Future Meetings

Please note that dates of future meetings and conferences will be included in the Council’s Meetings Calendar.


Next meeting:  19 January 2023


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Next meeting date:  19 January 2023.