Venue: Clinton/Fortescue Room, County Hall, Exeter
Contact: Wendy Simpson 01392 384383 Email:
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Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||
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Minutes of the meeting held on 7 April 2022, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 April 2022 be signed as a correct record.
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items requiring urgent attention. |
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Appointment of Vice-Chair Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair reported that Dr Paul Johnson had now left the Board and wished to record his thanks to Dr Johnson for his support to the Board and to wish him well in his new role.
It was MOVED by Councillor McInnes, SECONDED by Councillor Croad and
RESOLVED that Dr Sarah Wollaston be appointed Vice-Chair for the ensuing year (on a temporary basis). |
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COVID-19 Update Verbal update from the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health updated the Board on the current position relating to the Coronavirus and referred everyone to the newly refreshed public-facing dashboard (link below), which was presented at the meeting.
Nationally, there were increases in community transmission and hospitalisation of people with COVID, but not an increase in the number of people in high dependency units. BA5 was now the dominant strain across the country and was more transmissible than the BA2 variant.
In Devon the latest available data from the ONS infection survey showed there were around 1 in 25 people who currently had COVID, i.e. 4% of the County population.
The clear message was that COVID-19 was still with us and to encourage people to continue with the safety measures as before, e.g. mask wearing, hand sanitizing etc.
Discussion points included:
- That letters were soon to be circulated to schools to promote the vaccination programme and encourage uptake, with reinforcement of the need for handwashing, ventilation etc. - Clarity was requested as to the precise definition of those who were ‘mechanically ventilated’, which Officers would feedback on.
Latest available data was available at:
(new) DCC Covid-19 Dashboard: Coronavirus dashboard and data in Devon - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
National Coronavirus Tracker: Daily summary | Coronavirus in the UK (
National Coronavirus Interactive Map: Interactive Map | Coronavirus in the UK (
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Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Priorities and Outcomes Monitoring PDF 134 KB Report of the Director of Public Health, which reviews progress against the overarching priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2020-2025. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board noted the Report from the Director of Public Health, on the performance for the Board, which monitored the priorities identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Devon 2020-25.
The indicator list and performance summary within the full report set out the priorities, indicators and indicator types, and included a trend line, highlighting change over time.
The latest Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Report, along with this paper, was available on the Devon Health and Wellbeing website.
The Report monitored the four Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-25 priorities, and included breakdowns by local authority, district and trends over time. These priorities areas included:
· Create opportunities for all · Healthy safe, strong and sustainable communities · Focus on mental health · Maintain good health for all
The indicators below had all been updated since the last report to the Board;
% with NVQ4+ (aged 16-64), 2021 The percentage of people aged 16-64 with an NVQ4+ qualification in Devon was 37.5%, a decrease (worse) of 3.2 percentage points from the previous year. This remained significantly lower (worse) compared to the England average of 42.5%.
· % with No Qualifications (NVQ) (aged 16-64), 2021
The percentage of people aged 16-64 with no qualifications in Devon was 5.4%, an increase (worse) of 1.7 percentage points from the previous year. This remained significantly lower (better) compared to the England average of 6.3%.
· Adults Excess Weight, 2020/21
The percentage of adults classified as overweight or obese in Devon was 62.0%, an increase (worse) of 2.7 percentage points from the previous year. This was similar compared to the England average of 63.5%.
Key Stage 4 Performance, 2020/21 The percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above (in English and Mathematics GCSEs) in Devon was 50.9%, an increase (better) of 2.2 percentage points from the previous year. This was similar compared to the England average of 51.9%. Devon (47.0%) all significantly lower (worse) compared to the England average.
· Proportion of Physically Active Adults, 2019/20
The percentage of adults achieving at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week in accordance with UK CMO recommended guidelines on physical activity in Devon was 74.1%, a decrease (worse) of 2.3 percentage points from the previous year. This remained significantly higher compared to the England average of 65.9%.
· Rough Sleeping, 2020
In Devon, the rate of rough sleepers counted or estimated by the local authority was 0.6 per 10,000 population. This was similar compared to the England average of 0.4 per 10,000.
· Under 18s Conception Rate, 2020
The under 18s conception rate in Devon was 9.9 per 1,000 population, a decrease (better) of 1.8 per 1,000 from the previous year. This remained significantly lower (better) than the England rate of 19.0 per 1,000.
Discussion and questions covered:
- Data showed that the % of adults classified as overweight or obese in Devon had increased from the previous year; there was also concern around childhood obesity. - That numbers of rough sleepers appeared low for Exeter and North Devon; and the number of ... view the full minutes text for item 63. |
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Update Verbal update. Additional documents: Minutes: Public Health Devon provided a brief update on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) PNA Assessment
The PNA was a comprehensive assessment of the current and future pharmaceutical needs of the local population for community pharmacy, dispensing appliance contractors and dispensing doctors in rural areas (where relevant).
NHS England used the PNA to inform their decision-making around pharmaceutical services.
It was highlighted that the Health and Wellbeing Board was not responsible for making decisions around opening, consolidating or closing pharmacy services.
The Devon Health and Wellbeing Board were consulting on the draft PNA for 2022-25 until 29 August 2022. Plymouth City Council were hosting the consultation for the Devon ICS.
The PNA was available to view on the Health and Wellbeing website along with further information here: PNA Assessment
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Better Care Fund - Update PDF 158 KB Report of the Head of Integrated Adult Social Care Commissioning (Interim), attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the Report of the Head of Integrated Adult Social Care Commissioning (Interim) on the Better Care Fund, which covered latest performance.
The Better Care Fund (BCF) was the only mandatory policy to facilitate integration between Health and Social Care, providing a framework for joint planning and commissioning. The BCF brought together ring-fenced budgets from Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) allocations, the Disabled Facilities Grant and funding paid to local government for adult social care services. The Health and Wellbeing Board had oversight of the BCF and was accountable for its delivery.
The Report set out the latest performance for the following BCF metrics:
- Avoidable Admissions - Length of Stay - Discharge to Normal Place of Residence - Residential Admissions - Reablement
Nationally, Government had indicated its intention to continue with the BCF for 2022/23 and would announce further development of the BCF for the future. It was expected the national Planning and Reporting Guidance for 2022/23 would be published in July.
Discussion and questions covered:
- Although the BCF was showing an underspend of £10m, there was confidence that it would be spent, due to the issues within the system and the hospital discharge requirements. - It was questioned how much of the Disabled Facilities Grant of £8.2m was underspent across the County, and Officers would respond post-meeting on this.
RESOLVED that the Board note the latest performance data and national requirements.
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Suicide Prevention for Children and Young People PDF 335 KB Public Health Devon report, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the Public Health Devon paper on Suicide Prevention for Children and Young People.
The discussion paper was an addendum to the previous 2018 paper of the Devon & Torbay Suicide Prevention Strategic Group (Task & Finish Group), which considered suicide in children and young people to ensure the universal suicide prevention offer was right; to understand best practice; and to improve prevention and early intervention for this age group.
The paper covered:
- Developments since the 2018 paper - Update on National Policy - Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic - Update on National Data and risk Factors - Update on Local Data and knowledge - Current System Mapping
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NHS Devon update report, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a paper from One Devon providing an update on Devon-wide and national developments within the NHS.
Launched on 1 July 2022, One Devon was the name of the new health and care system that included NHS organisations and local councils, as well as many other local organisations, groups and communities that worked together to improve the health, wellbeing and care of people in Devon.
The paper also reported on the newly formed partnership, One Devon, and a new NHS organisation, NHS Devon, which was responsible for commissioning the majority of NHS services Devon. Staff who had previously worked for NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group would transfer to NHS Devon.
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Scrutiny Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: The Board reviewed the Council’s Scrutiny Work Programme in order to avoid any potential duplications. |
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To review and agree the Board’s Forward Plan, attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the contents of the Forward Plan, as outlined below (which included the additional items agreed at the meeting).
RESOLVED that the Forward Plan be approved, including the items approved at the meeting. |
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Briefing Papers, Updates & Matters for Information - VCSE verbal update Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Board received regular email bulletins directing them to items of interest, including research reports, policy documents, details of national/ regional meetings, events, consultations, campaigns and other correspondence. Details were available on the Devon Health and Wellbeing website.
Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) – update
Members had previously been circulated a business Case for developing a VCSE Assembly covering Devon, Plymouth and Torbay. This Business Case had now been agreed by the Integrated Care System (ICS).
The aim of the Assembly was to facilitate open and equal cross-sector partnership working with public sector providers, where people, communities and organisations could contribute and engage in what they wanted to. Everyone who wanted to be included from the VCSE would be included.
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Dates of Future Meetings Please note that dates of future meetings and conferences will be included in the Devon County Council meetings calendar.
Meetings 7 April 2022 14 July 2022 20 October 2022 19 January 2023 6 April 2023
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that future meetings of the Board would be held on the following dates.
20 October 2022 19 January 2023 6 April 2023