Venue: Council Chamber, Follaton House, Plymouth Road
Contact: Fred Whitehouse, 01392 381362 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Chair's Announcements Minutes: There was no announcement made by the Chair. |
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Declarations of Interest Members of the Committee will declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to any discussion taking place on that item.
The registrable interests of Councillors of Devon County Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.
For details of District and or Town and Parish Twin Hatters – please see here: County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors Minutes: Members were reminded that they should declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered, prior to any discussion taking place on that item.
The list of Membership of other Authorities can be found here: County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors |
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Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024, attached. Decision: RESOLVEDthat the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024 be signed as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVEDthat the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024 be signed as a correct record.
Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: Footpath between East and West Charleton
The Chair had agreed that this be raised by Councillor Brazil. The Committee heard that this was an ongoing issue arising from a previous stopping up order of the footpath in question, as the footpath ran through a farmer’s land. Previous objections were withdrawn as the landowner had agreed to allow usage of the footpath on his land; however, this agreement had been reneged on, which was of concern to the local parish council.
Officers agreed that this could be looked at and an update given at the next HATOC meeting.
Road Safety – Higher Ferry to Development at Noss
This was raised by Councillor Hawkins arising from safety concerns on the stretch of the A379 going from Dartmouth Higher Ferry to Noss. This was a longstanding local issue. A residents had raised concern of road safety along that stretch and queried the possibility of, for instance, signage warning pedestrians of the dangers of walking along that road. Councillor Hawkins referred to a petition that was ongoing and would be submitted to Devon County Council in due course.
Officers agreed that this could be looked at and an update given at the next HATOC meeting, although noted that this was a complex issue, which would be explored in greater detail once the petition referred to above was submitted to the Council.
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Stopping up of public highway: Forder Lane, Dartington Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/89), attached.
Decision: RESOLVED that a decision on the stopping up proposal regarding Forder Lane, Dartington, be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee to allow further conversations with officers, the local member, and local parish council. Minutes: The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/89) on the proposal to stop up an extend of highway land on Forder Lane, Dartington. Officers had received a request from a developer subsequent to the works taking place, meaning that it was a retrospective application. The part of the lane in question previously served a small parking area which had been demolished as part of developments and a new footpath constructed.
Councillor Hodgson, local member, expressed that she had not been notified on or consulted regarding this – and expressed concern that the application was retrospective in nature and that the developer had impacted public access to a well-used pedestrian lane without the proper local member oversight. In response, officers outlined the process of consultation including with local councils, with the communications they had sent and timelines thereof having been outlined in the report.
In light of the concerns raised above, it was suggested that further conversations be had with the local member and the parish council, before a final decision be made on the stopping up of the highway area in question.
It was MOVED by Councillor Brazil, SECONDED by Councillor Croad and
RESOLVED that a decision on the stopping up proposal regarding Forder Lane, Dartington, be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee to allow further conversations with officers, the local member, and local parish council. |
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Outcome of site visit at Plymouth Road, Western Bypass Junction, Totnes Verbal update. Decision: RESOLVED that
(a) the proposals to introduce a signal-controlled crossing on the north side of the junction are not progressed; and that
(b) the footway be cleaned to restore its full width, that the vegetation on the north west corner be cut back to improve visibility for and of pedestrians, and that this area be put on a cutting programme to ensure that it is cut in future years.
Minutes: Members received a verbal update from officers regarding a site visit undertaken on 6 September 2024 to the Western Bypass Junction in Totnes. This was due to safety concerns for users of the crossing, particularly pupils attending King Edward VI Community College nearby. A previous site visit had been agreed in June 2021 and undertaken shortly afterwards (details available here – minute *6 refers) in respect of these concerns, with a decision made by the Committee on 15 October 2021 to approve verge maintenance, which would include the cutting back of vegetation to increase visibility (details available here – minute *9 refers). At the Committee meeting in July 2024, the local member had raised concerns around the inadequacy of that decision in resolving visibility concerns, and raised also that the site visit in 2021 was not indicative of a normal school day (details available here – minute *44 refers). As such a further site visit, on a more representative school day, was agreed.
At the site visit, the possibility of implementing a staggered crossing at the north side of the junction was raised. Officers had explored this and advised members that the width of the road meant that to implement this crossing would negatively impact traffic flow as a wider central island would be needed, which would mean that the existing right turn lane into Plymouth Road would need to be removed.
Officers recalled that member consensus at the visit seemed to be to not progress with these proposals and continue with verge maintenance; therefore, officers were proposing this for member consideration. There was disagreement on this, with some members confirming that this was their understanding of the site visit, with other understanding being that further officer exploration on costings and so on would be taking place.
One member outlined that low usage of that crossing had been observed at both site visits and therefore questioned the justification for costly changes to the existing infrastructure on this basis. Another member disagreed suggesting that the provision of a safer, more accessible crossing could encourage greater use. This member further expressed that they were hoping for a detailed budgetary assessment of the staggered crossing proposals, and stated that it was their understanding that there were recently-installed ducts in the road which could substantially reduce the cost of introducing a crossing. An officer responded, advising that the majority of cost for infrastructure implementation was for ‘hard engineering,’ namely the physical installation of said infrastructure, and that therefore the presence of these ducts would not substantially reduce the cost estimates outlined at previous meetings.
It was MOVED by Councillor Croad and SECONDED by Councillor Gilbert that
(a) the proposals to introduce a signal-controlled crossing on the north side of the junction are not progressed; and that
(b) the footway be cleaned to restore its full width, that the vegetation on the north west corner be cut back to improve visibility for and of pedestrians, and that this area be put on a cutting programme ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
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Approach to Inclusive Design Minutes: (In accordance with Standing Order 25(4), Councillor Sarah Collinson, Totnes Town Council, attended to speak to this item. She spoke to her involvement with Inclusive Totnes, and the importance of inclusivity and accessibility particularly in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty.)
The Committee considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/90) on inclusive design. The Report outlined the Council’s responsibility to consider the needs of disabled people in the design and development of transport and pedestrian infrastructure.
The Report referred to a number of mechanisms by which the Local Authority aimed to ensure that infrastructure was developed in an inclusive way including through public engagement (including with stakeholders from the Voluntary and Community Sector), impact assessments, and requirements under the Equality Act 2010.
Discussion points between members and officers resolved around member support for the approach, who noted it as an important duty of the Council. One member referred to ongoing challenges with maintaining existing roads, such as debris on pavements not being cleared which impacted particularly on those with accessibility needs. |
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Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum Update from committee representative. The most recent published notes of the Forum are attached. Minutes: The Committee received an update from Councillor Hodgson who was the representative on the Bus Users and Stakeholders (BUS) Forum. Notes of the meeting held 7 October 2024 had been published shortly before the meeting, which were circulated by Councillor Hodgson, and referred to by her at the meeting (available at Councillor Hodgson referred particularly to the Devon & Torbay Local Transport Plan Consultation.
Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews [An item to be taken under s18 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to any reviews of parking policy sought in line with the Council’s Petition Scheme.]
Minutes: There was no petition from a member of the public or the Council relating to the South Hams.
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Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/91), attached. Minutes: The Committee received the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/91) setting out action taken under delegated powers on advertised Traffic Regulation Orders since the last meeting. The one action taken was well received by the Committee.
Dates for Future HATOC Meetings 5 March, 8 July and 4 November 2025 and 3 March 2026. Minutes: The Committee noted the dates for future HATOC meetings.
The Committee also thanked John Fewings, who advised that he would retire before the next meeting, for his support, wishing him the best in his retirement.