Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Clinton/Fortescue room, County Hall, Exeter

Contact: Wendy Simpson, 01392 384383  Email:

Note: Due to Covid restrictions and social distancing measures, members of the press and public must contact the Clerk to book a place should they wish to attend this meeting in person. 

Note No. Item




Minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2021 (previously circulated).


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2021 be signed as a correct record.





The Chair wished to record the Committee’s thanks to former Members R Edgell, C Chugg and T Inch for their past contribution to the Committee.





Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency.


There was no item raised as a matter of urgency.



Revenue Monitoring (Final Outturn 2020/21), Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Revenue Monitoring (Month 1) 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Report of the County Treasurer (CT/21/50) on the County Farms Estate Revenue Monitoring, attached.



The Committee received the Report of the County Treasurer (CT/21/50) on the County Farms Estate Revenue Monitoring (Final Outturn) 2020/21, Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Revenue Monitoring (Month 1) 2021/22, noting the target surplus of £464,000 and providing a summary of the annual budget and detailing income and expenditure to date.




Capital Monitoring (Final Outturn) 2020/21, Capital Budget 2021/22 and Capital Monitoring (Month 1) 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Report of the County Treasurer (CT/21/51) on the County Farms Estate Capital Monitoring, attached.


The Committee received the Report of the County Treasurer (CT/21/51) on the County Farms Estate Capital Monitoring (Final Outturn) 2020/21, Capital Budget 2021/22 and Capital Monitoring (Month 1) 2021/22, noting that the approved capital programme for 2021/22 included schemes totalling £1 million.


There was an underspend of £215,019 in 2020/21 thus the balance of capital available to spend in 2021/22 amounted to £1,215,019 (subject to approval at Cabinet in July 2021).




The County Farms Estate - Annual Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 410 KB

Report of the County Treasurer (CT/21/52) on the County Farms Estate Annual Report 2020/21, attached.



The Committee received the Report of the County Treasurer (CT/21/52) incorporating the 30th Annual Report of the County Farms Estate. The Annual Report 2020/21 covered the Committee’s functions, financial performance, Estate management performance, and highlighted notable Estate achievements and events throughout the year.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Members noted that the annual Farmwise event did not take place last year, but it was hoped it would be possible again in 2022.


Members welcomed the Report.



Management and Restructuring Issues pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Report of the Head of Digital Transformation and Business Support (BSS/21/06) on Management and Restructuring Issues, attached.



(a)  Land at Combefishacre Farm, Ipplepen


RESOLVED that the land at Combefishacre Farm, Ipplepen amounting to 11.18 hectares (27.62 acres) be advertised to let in internal competition between the tenants of Bulleigh Elms Farm, Ipplepen; Lomans Farm, Broadhempston; Fairfield Farm, Denbury; Coppa Dolla Farm, Denbury; Buckridge Farm, Denbury and Cobberton Farm, Dartington on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of up to five years commencing 25 March 2022, subject to terms being agreed.


(b)  Part Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton


RESOLVED that the barns and 0.16 acres or thereabouts of land forming NG 9497 be declared permanently surplus to the operational requirements of the Estate and sold on the open market.



The Committee considered the Report of the Head of Digital Transformation and Business Support (BSS/21/06) on County Farms Estate management and restructuring issues.


(a)  Land at Combefishacre Farm, Ipplepen


It was MOVED by Councillor Brook, SECONDED by Councillor Dewhirst and


RESOLVED that the land at Combefishacre Farm, Ipplepen amounting to 11.18 hectares (27.62 acres) be advertised to let in internal competition between the tenants of Bulleigh Elms Farm, Ipplepen; Lomans Farm, Broadhempston; Fairfield Farm, Denbury; Coppa Dolla Farm, Denbury; Buckridge Farm, Denbury and Cobberton Farm, Dartington on a Farm Business Tenancy for a term of up to five years commencing 25 March 2022, subject to terms being agreed.


(b)  Part Middle Winsham Farm, Braunton


It was MOVED by Councillor Brook, SECONDED by Councillor Yabsley and


RESOLVED that the barns and 0.16 acres or thereabouts of land forming NG 9497 be declared permanently surplus to the operational requirements of the Estate and sold on the open market.