Venue: Committee Suite
Contact: Karen Strahan 01392 382264 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Declarations of Interest Members of the Council will declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to any discussion taking place on that item.
The other registrable interests of Councillors of Devon County Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.
For details of District and or Town and Parish Twin Hatters – please see here - County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors Minutes: The Chair reminded Members they should declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered, prior to any discussion taking place on that item. The details of District and or Town and Parish Twin Hatters was on the attached list - County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors |
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Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2024. Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2024 be signed as a correct record. Minutes: It was MOVED by Councillor Hughes, SECONDED by Councillor Hart, and
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2024 be signed as a correct record. |
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Items requiring urgent attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. |
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Draft Calendar of Council Meetings for 2025/2026 Draft Calendar of Council Meetings for 2025/2026, attached. Decision: RESOLVED that the draft Calendar for 2025/2026 be approved for publication. Minutes: The Committee considered the draft calendar of meetings for 2025/26 prepared in line with the pattern of previous years, known determinants and relevant factors. Finance and other officers had been consulted to ensure the calendar was compliant with relevant legislation and requirements, for example Audit and Budget cycles.
The Committee noted that the budget cycle had been pushed back as far as was possible in terms of Scrutiny Committee meetings and Budget Consultations in order to support the finance process as part of budget setting.
The calendar also included Scrutiny masterclasses and Member Development and networking sessions and a recognition of the 2025 Quadrennial Elections, Results Day and the first Member Induction day.
Members supported the proposal to move all afternoon meetings to a 2.00pm start rather than 2.15pm.
It was further suggested that a scheduled break takes place two hours into the Full Council meetings.
Members discussed the timings of Transport Appeals and the rationale for Scrutiny meetings taking place in the mornings, previously moved from afternoon timings.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hart, SECONDED by Councillor Biederman, and
RESOLVED that the draft Calendar for 2025/2026 be approved for publication. |