Issue - meetings

Meeting: 08/06/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 8)

8 Integrated Care Exeter - Progress Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

A report of the Development Director, Integrated Care Exeter, attached.


Members will also receive a presentation from the Development Director of Integrated Care Exeter on the progress with the Integrated Care Exeter Project.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report which included a position statement from the Integrated Care for Exeter (ICE) Executive, setting out a summary of progress as at May 2017.


The report outlined the background of ICE, which included its establishment in 2014 to meet the needs the changing and older population, including more complex conditions, and finding alternative ways to deliver public services. Also the growing evidence base that by working jointly in both planning and delivery achieved better outcomes and value for money.


The ICE vision is that future local services would be on an individual basis; provide preventive care and support, and be designed and delivered in partnership with communities. This involves services that were easy to explain; access and navigate, health and well-being was actively promoted, and health inequalities reduced, only those with clinical need would be in hospital, combined budgets, skills, staff and data.


During February 2015, a new model of place based care focused on population health and well-being was agreed and then a three year delivery programme to test out a range of new ways of working which included four work streams;

·         A1 - New Models of care: Joining Up Primary, Community and Acute Care:

·         A2 New Models of care: Street Homeless & Vulnerably Housed:

·         B Understanding need & risk stratification:

·         Programme C Community Resilience and Social Prescribing & Prevention:


The two years of the ICE delivery programme highlighted significant learning points which were set out in the formal Strategic Added Value Review conducted by SERIO (Plymouth University) and published in April 2017, the Executive Summary being found at Appendix 1 to the report.


The ICE project was due to close in December 2017 and exit strategies were currently being deployed. It was anticipated that components of each of the four programme areas would be embedded into business as usual.


A supporting presentation was also given the Board Members highlighting what had been learnt, what had been achieved, the exit strategy and an overview of ‘Wellbeing Exeter’ and that that worked with community connectors and community builders. In terms of learning, the presentation outlined how behaviours had needed to change from leadership perspectives and organisations, the impact on citizens and a place based approach.


Further quantitative evaluation was due in June 2017 with current planning on how to sustain and expand the learning.