Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/02/2020 - Council (Item 267)

267 Pay Policy Statement 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To receive and approve the Councils Pay Policy Statement, as recommended by the Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee (4 February 2020) (Minute 55 refers). The minutes and Pay Policy Statement are attached.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendations of the Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee held on 4 February 2020 relating to the adoption by the County Council of the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2020/21.


The Leader of the Council MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the recommendations of the Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee be approved and that the Pay Policy Statement for 2020/21 (and consequential changes to the Council’s Constitution) as set out at Minute 55 of that Committee be endorsed and the Constitution amended accordingly.


The motion was put to the vote and declared CARRIED.

Meeting: 04/02/2020 - Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee (Item 55)

55 Pay Policy Statement 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Joint Report of the County Solicitor, Chief Officer for Legal, Human Resources and Communications and the Head of Human Resources outlining the proposed and revised pay Policy Statement for 2020/2021, attached.


The Committee considered the Joint Report of the County Solicitor, Chief Officer for Legal, Human Resources and Communications and the Head of Human Resources outlining the

proposed and revised pay Policy Statement for 2020/2021, and consequential amendments to the Chief Officer Employment Procedure Rules and Disciplinary Policy, for ratification by the County Council.


The Committee were reminded that the Localism Act 2011 required Councils to prepare and approve, annually, a Pay Policy Statement setting out its policy for each financial year relating to remuneration of Chief Officers and other employees and the relationship between the pay of Chief Officers and the lowest paid employee. It also specified that salaries for those on leadership grades were fixed for the duration of the Policy.


The draft Pay Policy Statement was attached at Appendix 1 to the Report and continued to reflect the Government’s proposal to implement various pieces of legislation to restrict exit payments for public sector workers.  The implementation date was still to be confirmed, but the proposals included:


·                     a £95,000 Exit Payments Cap, covering all types of exit payment;

·                     the Public-Sector Exit Payment Recovery Regulations, which proposed the recovery of public sector exit payments where high earners (over £80,000 per annum) returned to any part of the public sector within 12 months of receiving such a payment and;

·                     the further reforms to Public Sector Exit Payments, which proposed changes to limit the amount of redundancy compensation payments and employer funded top-ups for early retirement across the various public sector compensation schemes.


The draft Pay Policy Statement continued to reflect a potential future review of terms and conditions and the Authority’s wider reward strategy, bearing in mind the pay and grading implications of the National Living Wage, and other issues such as recruitment and retention and the changing nature of work and roles within the Authority.


The Trade Unions had submitted a pay claim for 2020/21 to the national employers and further development was awaited.


Appendix 2 of the Report set out the current senior management roles and salary levels and no changes were proposed to salary levels.  


Members discussed and asked questions on the range of other public sector pay awards, the cost to the Authority of wage rises and that the Council were part of the national pay bargaining process.


It was MOVED by Councillor Croad, SECONDED by Councillor Hart, and




(a) that the proposed amendments to the Pay Policy Statement be endorsed and the revised Statement for 2020/21 be commended to the Council; and


(b) that it be noted that the leadership roles and salary rates, are unchanged, but may be impacted by any national pay award.

Meeting: 21/02/2019 - Council (Item 175)

Pay Policy Statement 2019/2020

To receive and approve the Councils Pay Policy Statement, as recommended by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (15 January 2019) (Minute 47), attached and can be viewed here.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendations of the Appointments & Remuneration Committee held on 15 January 2019 relating to the adoption by the County Council of the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20.


The Leader of the Council MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the recommendations of the Appointments & Remuneration Committee be approved and that the Pay Policy Statement for 2019/20 (and consequential changes to the Council’s Constitution) as set out at Minute 47 of that Committee be endorsed and the Constitution amended accordingly.


The motion was put to the vote and, nem con, declared CARRIED.

Meeting: 15/01/2019 - Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee (Item 47)

47 Pay Policy Statement 2019/2020 pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Joint Report of the County Solicitor and the Head of Human Resources outlining the proposed and revised Pay Policy Statement for 2019/2020, attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Joint Report of the County Solicitor and the Head of Human Resources outlining the proposed and revised pay Policy Statement for 2019/2020, and consequential amendments to the Chief Officer Employment Procedure Rules and Disciplinary Policy, for ratification by the County Council.


The Committee were reminded that the Localism Act 2011 required Councils to prepare and approve, annually, a Pay Policy Statement setting out its policy for each financial year relating to remuneration of Chief Officers and other employees and the relationship between the pay of Chief Officers and the lowest paid employee.


The draft Pay Policy Statement was attached at Appendix 1 to the Report and continued to reflect the Government’s proposal to implement various pieces of legislation to restrict exit payments for public sector workers. The implementation date was yet to be confirmed, but proposals included:


·         a £95,000 Exit Payments Cap, covering all types of exit payment including those for voluntary and compulsory redundancy and other severance payments as well as employer funded contributions to access a pension early;

·         the Public-Sector Exit Payment Recovery Regulations, which proposed the recovery of public sector exit payments where high earners (over £80,000 per annum) returned to any part of the public sector within 12 months of receiving such a payment; and

·         the Further Reforms to Public Sector Exit Payments, which proposed changes to limit the amount of redundancy compensation payments and limiting the amount of employer funded top-ups for early retirement across the various public sector compensation schemes.


An updated Report had been circulated to the Committee highlighting that as a result of the 2018 and 2019 NJC 2 year pay award, from April 2019 new pay spines were being introduced to accommodate the new minimum rate of pay of £9 per hour.  This resulted in the requirement to assimilate the new spinal column points (SCPs) into the Council’s existing pay and grading structure.  Following extensive consultation with the Trade Unions, a proposal had been agreed and staff consultation would begin shortly. The changes, however, had no significant impact on the Pay Policy Statement.


The draft Pay Policy Statement continued to reflect a potential future review of terms and conditions and the Authority’s wider reward strategy, bearing in mind the pay and grading implications of the National Living Wage, the current National Joint Council (NJC) Review of the Pay Spine and other issues such as recruitment and retention and the changing nature of work and roles within the Authority.


It was MOVED by Councillor McInnes, SECONDED by Councillor Hannaford, and




(a) that the proposed amendments to the Pay Policy Statement be endorsed and the revised Statement for 2019/20 be commended to the Council; and


(b) that the leadership roles and salary rates, which are unchanged except for the nationally agreed 2018/20 Pay Award of 2% each year, be noted.

Meeting: 15/02/2018 - Council (Item 75)

Pay Policy Statement 2018/2019

To receive and approve the Councils Pay Policy Statement, as recommended by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (15 January 2018) (Minute 36), attached.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendations of the Appointments & Remuneration Committee held on 15 January 2018 relating to the adoption by the County Council of the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19.


The Leader of the Council MOVED and Councillor Clatworthy SECONDED that the recommendations of the Appointments & Remuneration Committee be approved and that the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 (and consequential changes to the Council’s Constitution) as set out at Minute 36 of that Committee be endorsed and the Constitution amended accordingly.


The motion was put to the vote and, nem con, declared CARRIED.

Meeting: 15/01/2018 - Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee (Item 36)

36 Pay Policy Statement 2018/2019 pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Joint report of the County Solicitor and the Head of Organisational Development (CS/18/2) outlining the proposed revised pay Policy Statement for 2018/2019, and consequential amendments to the Chief Officer Employment Procedure Rules and Disciplinary Policy, for ratification by the County Council, attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Joint report of the County Solicitor and the Head of Organisational Development (CS/18/2) outlining the proposed and revised pay Policy Statement for 2018/2019, and consequential amendments to the Chief Officer Employment Procedure Rules and Disciplinary Policy, for ratification by the County Council.


The Committee were reminded that the Localism  Act  2011 required  Councils to prepare and approve, annually, a Pay Policy Statement setting out its policy for each financial year relating to remuneration of Chief Officers and other employees and the relationship between the pay of Chief Officers and the lowest paid employee.


The Committee further noted that the Policy had been amended to reflect current practice in relation to market supplements.


It was MOVED by Councillor Hart, SECONDED by Councillor Parsons, and




(a) that the revised Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19, appended to these Minutes, be endorsed and commended to the County Council; and


(b) that the leadership roles and salary rates, which are unchanged except for the nationally agreed 2016/18 Pay Award of 1%, be noted.