A3121 in Ermington - Request for reduction in speed limit to 30mph
In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Thomas has requested that the Committee consider this matter.
The Councillor is requesting a departure from policy to revoke the existing 40mph TRO on the A3121 in Ermington. This would lower the majority of the stretch to 30mph by virtue of an existing system of street lighting. The remaining stretch (currently TRO 40mph) would require a new 30mph TRO.
It was MOVED by Councillor Brazil, SECONDED by Councillor Thomas and
That Cabinet be requested to consider a departure from policy, to revoke the existing 40mph Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on the A3121 in Ermington, thus lowering the majority of the stretch to 30mph by virtue of an existing system of street lighting, with the remaining stretch (currently TRO 40mph) requiring a new 30mph TRO.
(Councillor Onley, Ermington Parish Council spoke to this matter with the consent of the Committee, expressing his support for Councillor Thomas’ proposal).
The Committee noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 23, Councillor Thomas had asked that the Committee consider this matter.
The local County Councillor who had had ongoing discussions with Officers, supported the Parish Councillor’s view requesting a departure from policy to revoke the existing 40mph Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on the A3121 in Ermington. This would lower the majority of the stretch to 30mph by virtue of an existing system of street lighting, with the remaining stretch (currently TRO 40mph) requiring a new 30mph TRO. It was noted that there had been a number of collisions (including fatalities) along this stretch of road. The local community concerns included the nature of the route, speed and the ability of various user groups (including persons who were more vulnerable) to safely access areas and facilities in the village and public rights of way. This discouraged active travel, cycling and walking in the area.
The Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport advised that should this Committee be minded to support this request, it would need to be referred to Cabinet for determination as a departure from policy. Officers further advised of the reasoning behind their decision and caution for not supporting the request, including that:-
-a road safety audit (in accordance with national and Devon standards) indicated that the current speed limit was correct and that a lower speed limit level may cause a potential safety hazard as some drivers may not adhere to a speed they considered to be inappropriately low compared to other similar routes. The Department of Transport required road speed to be self evident; and
-there was potentially a stronger risk of liability where road speeds did not comply with national and Devon standards.
In considering all the points put forward above, Members remained concerned at safety on this stretch of road and that it could therefore also be inhibiting pedestrian and cyclist use. Members also considered that policy criteria needed regular review to keep pace with changes e.g. in active travel and consideration of the needs of residential areas.
It was MOVED by Councillor Brazil, SECONDED by Councillor Thomas and
that Cabinet be requested to consider a departure from policy, to revoke the existing 40mph Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on the A3121 in Ermington, thus lowering the majority of the stretch to 30mph by virtue of an existing system of street lighting, with the remaining stretch (currently TRO 40mph) requiring a new 30mph TRO.