Issue - meetings

Meeting: 11/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 269)

269 Contract Extension for the Supported Living Options Framework for Children Looked After and Eligible Care Leavers pdf icon PDF 223 KB

Report of the Head of Childrens Health and Wellbeing (Deputy Chief Officer), CS/23/1) seeking approval for an extension to the current Framework Agreement for 16+ Supported Accommodation, attached.

Additional documents:




(a) that an eight-month extension to the existing Supported Living Options Framework Agreement for 16-17-year-old children in care and eligible care leavers, be approved, with an additional entry point at the start of the extension period, to go live at the start of February 2024;


(b) that approval of the future commissioning and procurement strategy be delegated to the Director of Children and Young People’s Futures in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services; and


(c) that an increase of 5% to Framework Agreement prices for the duration of the extension period be applied.


(Councillors Biederman, Brazil and Whitton attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).


The Cabinet considered the Report of the Head of Children’s Health and Wellbeing (Deputy Chief Officer), (CS/23/1) which sought approval for an extension to the current Framework Agreement for 16+ Supported Accommodation, circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


The Services provide supported accommodation to 16-18-year-old children in care and eligible care leavers that promoted independence and preparation for adulthood. This commissioning enabled the Council to deliver statutory duties to children in care and care leavers in line with Devon’s Corporate Parenting Strategy, A Place Called Home Devon Sufficiency Strategy and Devon’s SEND Strategy.


The Supported Living Options Framework Agreement secured accommodation which catered for a broad range of needs, including emotional and behavioural issues, allowed young people to thrive and enabled them to transition to independence or reunification with family. 


All supported accommodation providers accommodating young people aged 16 and 17 needed to be registered with OFSTED by October 2023. This required providers to submit the necessary documentation and would precede OFSTED inspection visits from April 2024.


The current Framework Agreement had two lots;


·         Lot 1 – Supported Lodgings for Children Looked After & Eligible Care Leavers in Devon & Neighbouring Authorities.

·         Lot 2 –   Semi-Independent Residential and Shared Accommodation for Children Looked After & Eligible Care Leavers in Devon & neighbouring Authorities.


The Report highlighted that in 2020, the Government had consulted on a series of reforms to supported accommodation provision for children in care and care leavers, including the introduction of statutory regulation of this sector. The introduction of the mandatory national standards had been welcomed by providers currently on the Framework Agreement and they were committed to working with the Council to prepare for, and meet, the national standards.


In summary, the Framework Agreement had been working well with the majority (71%) of young people placed in on-Framework Agreement placements which were achieving a better weekly average cost compared to those not placed within this Framework Agreement. By including an entry point during the extension period there would be scope to include more providers and properties within the framework to increase capacity and choice.


Under Lot 1, there was 1 provider on the Framework Agreement offering supported lodgings placements across Devon and under Lot 2, there were 23 providers offering in 68 settings (50 settings in Devon, 1 in Plymouth and 17 in Somerset).


The future procurement model would need to take into account the new national standards and the proposed extension period was required to complete this essential work through engagement with providers and key partners.


An options appraisal was outlined in the Report with the recommendation of Option 3 which was to extend the current Framework Agreement for 8 months until 31st January 2024, with an additional entry point at the start of the extension period, to go live at the start of February  ...  view the full minutes text for item 269