Report of the Head of Communities (SC/22/1) seeking approval to award the construction contract in relation to Bideford Library/ Arts Centre, attached.
Additional documents:
(a) that it be noted that the Council has completed a competitive tender procedure to award a contract to undertake works (“construction contract”) to the Bideford Arts Centre building;
(b) that Cabinet further notes that an RIBA Stage 4 design was completed by NPS South West which informed the basis of the Council undertaking the tender procedure;
(c) that the total Project cost of £1,696,052.70 made up of the construction contract value of £1,431,571.70, and NPS South West’s fees of £264,481 be approved;
(d) that the construction contract value falls within the Capital Programme budget previously agreed for this Project, and to approve virements in the sum of £100,000 from the Estates maintenance programme, and £16,052 from the Library Management Programme to cover the total Project cost be noted; and
(e) that the award of the construction contract to Pearce Construction (Barnstaple) Limited in the value of £1,431,571.70 be approved.
(Councillor Dewhirst attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
The Cabinet considered the Head of Communities (SC/22/1), circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
The Report updated Cabinet on the progress of plans to create a multiple occupancy at Bideford Arts Centre building accommodating both Learn Devon and Libraries Unlimited Services, and to obtain approval to enter into a construction contract with Pearce Construction (Barnstaple) Limited. The proposed construction contract start date was 6 June 2022 to complete in March 2023.
There was a requirement in Bideford to relocate the Library from its existing location in the town into the Bideford Arts Centre building. The Bideford Arts Centre building was currently used and managed solely by Learn Devon, whilst the current Library building in Bideford constrained the physical delivery of a modern Library Service.
The Library Service in Bideford currently operated out of the Town Hall building, owned by Torridge District Council, with the Learn Devon Service being delivered from an under-utilised Bideford Arts Centre building owned by Devon County Council. The proposal was to create a multiple occupancy Bideford Arts Centre building accommodating both Learn Devon and Libraries Unlimited Services.
Apart from the need and desire to update and improve the building, a passenger lift was required along with other interventions to make the facility fully accessible to all and to create an exciting and stimulating place where the advantages of a joint service could thrive to benefit Bideford and its wider community.
Consultation on the outline planning application was carried out in accordance with the statutory planning requirements (statutory consultees, members of the public and other stakeholders). Favourable decision notices from Torridge District Council confirming Listed Building Approval and Full Planning Application Approval, with no onerous conditions, had been obtained.
The Cabinet noted there was no Impact Assessment at this stage. Following relevant approvals to progress the scheme, an Assessment would be undertaken alongside development of detailed internal designs to ensure equality considerations were integrated in the Project design.
The matter having been debated and the options and/or alternatives and other relevant factors (e.g. financial, sustainability (including carbon impact), risk management, equality and legal considerations and Public Health impact) set out in the Head of Service’s Report and/or referred to above having been considered:
it was MOVED by Councillor Croad, SECONDED by Councillor Hart, and
(a) that it be noted that the Council has completed a competitive tender procedure to award a contract to undertake works (“construction contract”) to the Bideford Arts Centre building;
(b) that Cabinet further notes that an RIBA Stage 4 design was completed by NPS South West which informed the basis of the Council undertaking the tender procedure;
(c) that the total Project cost of £1,696,052.70 made up of the construction contract value of £1,431,571.70, and NPS South West’s fees of £264,481 be approved;
(d) that the construction contract value falls ... view the full minutes text for item 149