18 A3121 Safer Roads Fund – Kitterford Cross Roundabout Improvement - Scheme for Approval PDF 1 MB
Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/22), seeking approval to construct a roundabout junction on the A3121 at Kitterford Cross, attached.
An Impact Assessment is also attached for the attention of Members at this meeting and can also be found on the website at - https://devoncc.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/PublicDocs/Highways/EV1M_-ynZedHmoJaRsTXDuEBeAv-K2aZkreyyP-wyEWLiw
Additional documents:
(a) that approval be given to the proposed roundabout junction, as shown on Plan 17356-04KIT /18 in Appendix 1, for construction at an estimated cost of £1.411 million; and
(b) that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management and the Local Member, to make minor amendments to the scheme details.
(Councillors Connett and Hannaford attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
The Cabinet considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/21/22), which sought approval to construct a roundabout junction on the A3121 at Kitterford Cross, the Report having been circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
The roundabout scheme was being proposed to improve road safety on the A3121 corridor as part of the Safer Roads Fund (SRF) Project (a £175m Government fund from 2016 targeted at improving road safety on the most dangerous A-Roads across the country). A list of 50 high risk A-road corridors based on their road safety performance over the five year period 2012-2016 had been produced which included both the A3123 and the A3121 corridors in Devon.
The Report outlined the road accident statistics between 2012 and 2016 on the A3121 which had recorded 31 injury collisions of which six had resulted in a Killed or Serious category Injury (KSI) to road users. On the A3121 there had been two identified collision cluster sites, one at Kitterford Cross and one at the A379 junction to the west of Modbury (subject to a separate roundabout improvement scheme). The cluster site at Kitterford Cross recorded seven injury collisions between 2012-2016 and a further 4 injury collisions between 2017-2020. The Report further explained the current layout of the Kitterford Cross junction, visibility issues caused by road layout, topography and hedgebanks.
Grant funding bids had been submitted to the Department for Transport in 2017 and the Council had been subsequently awarded £1.9 million funding from the SRF fund for the A3121 and £2.2 million for the A3123.
The proposed scheme was shown on Plan 17356-04KIT/18 in Appendix 1 of the Report and the proposed four arm roundabout was offset to the northeast of the existing crossroads junction. Land agreements, ecological and archaeological surveys were currently being progressed towards completion and subject to concluding these elements of the design process and subject to final scheme approval, it was anticipated that a scheme could commence construction in early Autumn 2021.
An Impact Assessment was attached for the attention of Members at the meeting and could also be found on the website at - https://devoncc.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/PublicDocs/Highways/EV1M_-ynZedHmoJaRsTXDuEBeAv-K2aZkreyyP-wyEWLiw.
This had to be completed as part of the grant application bid and no adverse impacts had been identified. Road safety improvements were expected to be of general benefit across the road user demographic and the proposed scheme would offer a positive social impact by decreasing the risk of injury, and injury severity, arising from road travel.
The Cabinet noted that the project was in line with Devon’s Road Safety Vision that every route should be available to everyone, free from risk or fear of harm. The scheme would help to improve the A3121’s safety record at Kitterford Cross where a number of people had been and continued ... view the full minutes text for item 18