127 Flood Risk Management Action Plan 2022/2023 PDF 1 MB
Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/22/9) on the Flood Risk Management Action Plan, attached.
The Impact Assessment had been previously circulated and could be found at https://www.devon.gov.uk/impact/flood-risk-management-strategy/, noting that individual schemes would require separate assessments at the appropriate time.
Additional documents:
(a) that budgets be allocated to the Annual Flood Risk Management Plan schemes in the 2022/23 Action Plan as set out in Appendix B, noting the level of overprogramming planned; and
(b) that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities and Equality to made amendments to the Revenue and Capital allocations.
(Councillors Brazil and Hannaford attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
The Cabinet considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/22/9) on the Flood Risk Management Action Plan, circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
The purpose of the Report was to present the achievements in delivering the essential flood improvements approved in the 2021/22 Action Plan and to seek approval for the new 2022/23 Action Plan. The Report detailed how the Council had worked in partnership with the other Risk Management Authorities to reduce the risk of flooding and the level of external funding that had been and would continue to be secured to support delivery of the much-needed improvements.
With regards to physical works, over £1.5million of major flood improvements had been delivered in Sidmouth, Ivybridge, Stokeinteignhead, Harbertonford, South Pool and Chillington providing a reduction in flood risk to over 200 properties. A more detailed account of the projects could be found in Appendix A of the Report.
It was noted that the ongoing risk of flooding continued to be evident with a number of significant events happening over the year.
The proposed Action Plan for 2022/23 was provided in Appendix B. The Council was in the first year of Defra’s 6 year programme for 2021-27 and in anticipation of this there were four major schemes (Sidmouth, Colaton Raleigh, Beeson and Broadhempston) and a number of smaller interventions in the pipeline for delivery in 2022/23 which made up the majority of spending in 2022/23.
However, studies had been commissioned for Barnstaple (continuation of previous work), Exeter Phase 3, Ilfracombe, Teignmouth, Exmouth, Crediton, Newton Abbot, Bideford, Okehampton, Dawlish, Budleigh Salterton and Seaton and opportunities for delivering natural flood management (NFM), where the risk of flooding to properties could be reduced, would be explored in partnership with other Risk Management Authorities and in collaboration with non-government organisations.
The Impact Assessment had been previously circulated and could be found at https://www.devon.gov.uk/impact/flood-risk-management-strategy/. To support the production of the revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy a full Strategic Environmental Assessment had been carried out and would be referred to when carrying out flood improvements to ensure any impact on the environment was minimised. All major capital flood schemes would also require a bespoke Environmental Assessment to consider not only impact on the environment but also to identify any enhancements that could be achieved.
The threat of flooding continued to be a high risk for Devon’s communities. The Flood & Coastal Risk Management Team continued to maintain the required level of resource to deliver the statutory responsibilities and to deliver essential flood improvements across the County. The Action Plan for 2022/23 identified the proposed investment for developing the programme that will help reduce the risk of flooding to those communities in Devon.
The matter having been debated and the options and/or alternatives and other relevant factors (e.g. financial, ... view the full minutes text for item 127