Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/02/2020 - Council (Item 270)

LGBT+ Inclusive Relationship and Sex Education (Minute 255 - 5 December 2019)

To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet (Minute 449(a)) as an amendment to the following Notice of Motion submitted previously to the Council by Councillor Hannaford and referred thereto in accordance with Standing Order 8(2), namely; 


This Council notes that LGBT+ inclusive relationships and sex education is crucial to the development of young LGBT+ people, and in creating a more tolerant, caring and open society.


Council notes with concern that the current climate for LGBT+ people in the UK means that that nearly half - including 64 per cent of trans pupils - are bullied for being LGBT+ in Britain's schools.


Council notes that the repeal of Section 28 was a pivotal moment for LGBT+ rights, and that the UK must never move backwards on LGBT+ rights by stopping LGBT+ inclusive education in schools.


Council notes that people of all faiths and none are LGBT+ and it is vital that all children receive comprehensive and inclusive age appropriate relationships and sex education.


Council welcomes the introduction of statutory Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), which all primary and secondary schools in England respectively will be required to teach from September 2020.


Council affirms unequivocally its support for compulsory LGBT+ inclusive Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education in all state funded primary and secondary schools.


Council commits to ensuring that schools are delivering RSE in line with new Government guidance.


Having had regard to the aforementioned, any factual briefing/position statement on the matter set out in Report (CSO/20/1) and other suggestions or alternatives considered at that meeting the Cabinet subsequently resolved:


‘that Council be asked to support the principles of the Motion and therefore commits to advocate, promote and challenge schools to deliver RSE in line with new Government guidance’.

Additional documents:


Pursuant to County Council Minute 255 of 5 December 2019 relating to the Notice of Motion set out below as previously submitted and formally moved and seconded by Councillor Hannaford that: 


This Council notes that LGBT+ inclusive relationships and sex education is crucial to the development of young LGBT+ people, and in creating a more tolerant, caring and open society.


Council notes with concern that the current climate for LGBT+ people in the UK means that that nearly half - including 64 per cent of trans pupils - are bullied for being LGBT+ in Britain's schools.


Council notes that the repeal of Section 28 was a pivotal moment for LGBT+ rights, and that the UK must never move backwards on LGBT+ rights by stopping LGBT+ inclusive education in schools.


Council notes that people of all faiths and none are LGBT+ and it is vital that all children receive comprehensive and inclusive age appropriate relationships and sex education.


Council welcomes the introduction of statutory Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), which all primary and secondary schools in England respectively will be required to teach from September 2020.


Council affirms unequivocally its support for compulsory LGBT+ inclusive Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education in all state funded primary and secondary schools.


Council commits to ensuring that schools are delivering RSE in line with new Government guidance.


and having had regard to the advice of the Cabinet set out in Minute 449(a) 15 January 2020:


Councillor Hart MOVED and Councillor McInnes SECONDED that the Cabinet’s advice be accepted and that the principles of the Notice of Motion be supported and that the Council commits to advocate, promote and challenge schools to deliver RSE in line with new Government guidance.


The amendment in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and subsequently thereafter also CARRIED as the substantive motion.