Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/19/20) regarding the A361 North Devon Link Road seeking various approvals in relation to Pedestrian Cycle Crossings at Bishops Tawton and Landkey and Advance Planting Works, attached.
An Impact Assessment is also attached for the attention of Members at this meeting.
Additional documents:
(Councillors Edgell, Hannaford, Whitton and Yabsley attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
The Cabinet considered the Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/19/20) seeking various approvals in relation to Pedestrian Cycle Crossings at Bishops Tawton and Landkey and Advance Planting Works (North Devon Link Road), circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
The Report followed the Cabinet Report of 11 July 2018 regarding the A361/A39 North Devon Link Road (NDLR) project. Since then, planning permission for the main works had been granted and the objection period for compulsory purchase order for land had now passed without objection.
The next major milestone was tendering and the appointment of a contractor which represented a significant achievement for the main scheme. However, to remain on programme some advance planting needed to be undertaken in 2019; to achieve a 12-month establishment period prior to the start of works in November 2020.
In addition, further consultation had been undertaken regarding provision of two further segregated pedestrian cycle facilities at both Bishop’s Tawton junction and at Landkey junction in addition to the main scheme and a preferred option for a facility at each location had been reached.
The Report then outlined each of the proposals in detail. In relation to the Advanced Planting Contract, a tender process had been undertaken and a preferred contractor identified. The total cost of the works was estimated to £500k which was in line with the overall scheme cost estimates previously produced. The Cabinet noted that advance works such as these had to be funded by the Council from its capital fund.
The Segregated Pedestrian & Cycling Facility at Bishop’s Tawton Roundabout proposals were consulted upon between 12 October 2018 and 23 November 2018. The report could be found at The responses provided valuable insight to the impact of the proposals and several suggestions for improvements to the design. The recommendation for an underpass placed to the west of the roundabout remained the preferred option with designs for the recommended underpass option and an indicative design of the rejected overbridge option were shown as an Appendix to the Report. The Report also explained the additional recommendations as part of the scheme. A final layout with a 3D flythrough was available on the scheme website ( Residents had suggested that a planning application for the scheme should be submitted giving stakeholders further opportunity to comment, particularly on any environmental impacts associated with the scheme.
With regard to the segregated Pedestrian & Cycling Facility at Landkey Junction, suggestions raised by Landkey Parish Council were reviewed and it was subsequently agreed that a segregated crossing here would be in-line with the Council’s ambition to segregate, where possible, all pedestrian movements from the live carriageway for safety reasons.
The Report outlined the programme of works. With the advanced planting, this was planned to commence ... view the full minutes text for item 348