The Chair of the Review also highlighted the increased national profile of the Rapid Response service given the recently announced Government plans.
The Committee RESOLVED that the Spotlight Review be welcomed, and the recommendations be commended to the Cabinet, subject to minor revisions to the wording and deletion of recommendation 2.4 and substitution thereof with ‘That consideration be given to provide a comprehensive description of the amount and type of community health and social care required at a local level’.
The subsequently amended Report of the Spotlight Review is attached.
(a) That the Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee be thanked for its Spotlight review and associated Report and that the amended recommendations of the Review, as outlined above, be endorsed; and
(b) that the relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Service for Adult Care Operations and Health be asked to take forward the Report and progress / co-ordinate the recommendations contained therein, engaging other partners as necessary.
Additional documents:
(Councillors Connett and Whitton attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
The Cabinet noted that at its meeting on 22 November 2018, the Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee had considered the Report relating to the spotlight review on Rapid Response which covered how the Rapid Response system should work, how it was working, identification of pressure points in the system and any actions that might ameliorate them.
The Chair of that Review had also highlighted the increased national profile of the Rapid Response service given the recently announced Government plans.
The Committee had RESOLVED that the Spotlight Review be welcomed, and the recommendations be commended to the Cabinet, subject to minor revisions to the wording and deletion of recommendation 2.4 and substitution thereof with ‘That consideration be given to provide a comprehensive description of the amount and type of community health and social care required at a local level’.
The amended Report was circulated for the attention of Members at this meeting.
It was MOVED by Councillor Leadbetter SECONDED by Councillor Hart and
(a) that the Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee be thanked for its Spotlight Review and associated Report and that the amended recommendations of the Review, as outlined above, be endorsed; and
(b) that the relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Service for Adult Care Operations and Health be asked to take forward the Report and progress / co-ordinate the recommendations contained therein, engaging other partners as necessary.
97 Rapid Response Spotlight Review PDF 759 KB
Report of the Spotlight Review, attached
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the Report of the Spotlight Review which covered:
· how the Rapid Response system should work and how it was working;
· a survey among GPs in Devon to ascertain if the concerns raised were typical of other primary care practitioners; and
· identification of pressure points in the system and what action might be taken to ameliorate them.
The Chair of the Review highlighted the increased national profile of the Rapid Response service given the Government plans announced that morning.
NHS Rapid Response teams were on call 24/7 to help elderly patients who fell or suffered infections to help keep people out of hospital.
It was MOVED by Councillor Scott, SECONDED by Councillor Russell and
RESOLVED that the Spotlight Review be welcomed, and the recommendations be commended to the Cabinet, subject to minor revisions to the wording and deletion of recommendation 2.4 and substitution thereof with:
That consideration be given to provide a comprehensive description of the amount and type of community health and social care required at a local level.