267 Review of Parking Exemptions for Care and Health Staff PDF 808 KB
Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/93) with proposals relating to Parking Exemptions for Care and Health Staff, extending the Care Workers Parking Exemption Scheme and the management of permits, attached.
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(Councillors Connett and Whitton attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).
The Cabinet considered the Report of the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIW/18/93) on proposals to extend the Care Workers Parking Exemption Scheme and the management of permits, circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
The Cabinet noted that following the meeting of the South Hams Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) on 6 July 2018, it had been identified that the current arrangements for Care Workers provided limited assistance in some communities, notably Kingsbridge and Dartmouth, the HATOC Committee resolved to ask Cabinet to review the County position on this exemption.
A consultation had been carried out (outlined in section 4 of the Report) to identify if there were specific locations or communities where the existing exemptions did not assist staff, and whether there was a demand for an extension to the scheme. 150 responses to the questionnaire showed clearly that an extension to the scheme would be welcomed.
The Report outlined proposals to extend care / support workers exemptions to assist in areas of highest demand by allowing access to yellow line (no waiting) restrictions when there was no parking available in other areas (such as limited waiting, residents parking, and pay & display bays). It was proposed that up to 1-hour parking would be permitted on a yellow line restriction (so long as there was no restriction on “loading”) when undertaking a visit to a client.
The proposal would require a formal application and provision of an official permit. Permits would be issued for 12 months and would consist of 2 parts, a permit (including security features), and a timeclock similar to those found on blue badges. In benchmarking neighbouring Authorities (Appendix II) it was noted that similar permits ranged in price from £15 to £60, however, recognising the existing pressures on care services it was proposed to provide the permit without charge, with costs being met by the On-Street Parking Account.
The Cabinet noted that the effective management of care / support worker vehicles should enable improved accessibility which in turn would have a positive impact on equality and quality of life for those requiring support.
They further noted that the revised Exemption Scheme would require a new Traffic Regulation Order, which would need to be advertised and any objections considered.
The proposals put forward to develop the service were made based upon feedback from users to provide improved access to parking for care / support workers. It would also support the Parking Enforcement Service in the delivery of statutory parking enforcement duties, enabling efficient 'one stop' enforcement and ensuring the exemption was used by those undertaking appropriate activities.
The matter having been debated and the options and/or alternatives and other relevant factors (e.g. financial, sustainability (including carbon impact), risk management, equality and legal considerations and Public Health impact) set out ... view the full minutes text for item 267