Issue - meetings

Meeting: 05/03/2018 - Appeals Committee (Item 101)

101 School Transport Appeals

Timetable attached, together with briefing notes prepared by the Chief Officer for Children’s Services and representations from appellants.

Additional documents:


(An item taken under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 during which the press and public were excluded)


The Committee considered reports from the Head of Education & Learning on appeals and written and verbal submissions from appellants who attended as follows:-


ST 104              Torrington - Northam St George’s CE     Local County Councillor


ST 105              Sticklepath Primary – Fremington CP     -


ST 103 AS )      South Milton - Kingsbridge CP               Appellant and friend

ST 103 JS )

ST 103 MS)


RESOLVED  that the following appeal(s) be allowed:-


ST 104              Torrington - Northam St George’s CE


ST 105              Sticklepath Primary – Fremington CP    


ST 103 AS )      South Milton - Kingsbridge CP              

ST 103 JS )

ST 103 MS).