Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No




(a) that the Month 6 budget monitoring forecast and the very challenging financial position faced by the Council be noted;


(b) that the immediate action being taken to safeguard the financial sustainability of the Authority be supported;


(c) that the savings and additional income resulting from the Financial Sustainability Programme be noted;


(d) that the introduction of a new charge when novating contracts be agreed, with immediate effect;


(e) that changing the financing of the Special Educational Needs Capital Programme totalling £12.3 million from internal borrowing to external grant be approved; and


(f) that authority be given to change the financing of other capital projects totalling £8.7 million from internal borrowing to Capital Receipts.

Reason Key: Strategic, Political or Financial Significance;

Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);

Other reasons / organisations consulted




Contact: Angie Sinclair, Director of Finance and Public Value Email:

Report author: Angie Sinclair

Publication date: 10/11/2022

Date of decision: 09/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 09/11/2022 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: