Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Proposals and Adoption of Functions.
(a) that as the relevant lead authority for the Combined Coroner Area for the County of Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, to the extent necessary, recommend that Council adopt the duties and functions from Torbay and Plymouth under the Criminal Justice Act for the purposes of enabling Devon to deliver the Coroner’s Service for the County of Devon, Plymouth and Torbay; and
(b) take assurance from the progress report presented.
Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Plymouth CC / Torbay Council / and
Contact: Maria Price, Director of Legal and Democratic Services Email:
Report author: Maria Price
Publication date: 10/04/2024
Date of decision: 10/04/2024
Decided at meeting: 10/04/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: