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Meeting documents


Committee Minutes

Fri Jun 27 2014

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes

27 June 2014


Councillors Edgell (Chairman), Clarance, Hannan, Hannon and B Hughes


Councillor Biederman and Channon

*30 Minutes

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2014 be signed as a correct record.

*31 Annual Governance Statement

The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Leadership Team (CS/14/17 - text only | pdf | supplementary information CS/14/17) on the governance statement which the Council was required to publish in accordance with CIPFA/SOLACE guidance and to comply with Regulation 4(2) of the Accounts and Audit (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006.

It was MOVED by Councillor Edgell, SECONDED by Councillor Clarance and

RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement be approved and Chairman of the Audit Committee be authorised to sign the Statement confirming approval by this Committee.

*32 Annual Internal Audit Report 2013/14

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Devon Audit Partnership (CT/14/48 - text only | pdf | supplementary information CT/14/48) on the performance of Devon Audit Partnership against the internal audit plans for 2013/14 approved by the Committee in March 2013 which led to the opinion that the Council had an effective framework of control providing reasonable assurance regarding effective, efficient and economic achievement of its objectives.

The County Treasurer reported on actions being taken to address the improvements required assessment in respect of the Payroll function.

The Members noted the positive Customer Satisfaction results within the local performance indicators.

It was MOVED by Councillor Hannan, SECONDED by Councillor Hannon and


(a) that the internal audit opinion that the Council s systems contain a satisfactory level of internal control be noted;

(b) that the satisfactory performance and achievements of Devon Audit Partnership during 2013/14 be noted

(c) that the Council s continuing commitment to the maintenance and enhancement of anti-fraud culture be endorsed.

*33 Control Environment

The Committee considered the report of the County Treasurer (CT/14/49 - text only | pdf | supplementary information CT/14/49) on the annual requirement of the Audit Committee and S151 Officer to respond to enquiries from the external auditors (Grant Thornton) regarding the overall control environment of the Council, with particular focus on arrangements to ensure that the production of the financial statements were free of material error.

The Committee was required to authorise the accounts after careful consideration of the external auditor s report. The letters, attached to the report, from the Chairman and the c151 officer set out the details of the control environment that contributed to the establishment of the audit opinion.

It was MOVED by Councillor Hannan, SECONDED by Councillor Edgell and

RESOLVED that the Report be noted and the letter from the Chairman (as amended to rectify typographical error) to the external auditor (Grant Thornton) be endorsed.

*34 External Audit Update Report

The Committee received the report of Grant Thornton (CT/14/50 - text only | pdf | supplementary information CT/14/50) on progress in delivering their responsibilities as external auditors and included a summary of emerging national issues relevant to the Council.

*35 External Audit Plan for the Devon Pension Fund

The Committee noted the report of Grant Thornton (CT/14/51 - text only | pdf | supplementary information CT/14/51) on the plan for the audit of the Pension Fund for 2013/14 and the main areas of account auditing, areas of risk, the results of interim work, the value for money conclusion and fees, in relation to the Pension Fund. Finals reports would be submitted to the Investment and Pension Fund Committee and this Committee at the September meetings.

Grant Thornton in the interim would also provide further information for Members on the audit processes in relation to the Custodian of the Pension Fund.

*36 Future Meetings

Thursday 25 September, Monday 1 December 2014 and Friday 27 March 2015 at County Hall at 2 pm.


The meeting started at 2.15 pm and finished at 3. 20 pm.

The Minutes of the Committee are published on the County Council s Website at:-

Date Published: Wed Jul 02 2014
