Meeting documents

Torridge Highways and Traffic Orders

Committee Minutes

Mon Feb 29 2016

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes


Devon County Council

Councillors Boyd (Chairman), Dezart and Eastman

Torridge District Council

Councillor Wiseman

Member attending in accordance with Standing Order 25:-

Councillor Hackett (Torridge District Council)

Apologies for Absence

Councillors Julian and Parsons (Devon County Council)

Councillor Brenton (Torridge District Council)

*39 Minutes

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2015 be signed as a correct record.

*40 Petitions/Parking Policy Reviews

There was no petition from a member of the public or the Council relating to the Torridge District.

*41 Devon Highways Update

(Councillor Hackett (Torridge District Council)) attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).

The Committee received a presentation by the Head of Highways, Capital Development Waste and Glen Robinson, South West Highways, also attended and spoke at the invitation of the Committee updating Members on Devon Highways issues. The presentation and discussions covered:

(a) The Incentive Fund: this was Government Top Up funding to the needs based highway maintenance capital allocation designed to encourage highway authorities to adopt good practice with an emphasis on collaboration with suppliers and other authorities. There were three bands of funding over 6 years from 2015/16 (with maximum funding in Band 3). The County Council was currently on course for Band 2 in 2016/17 and striving for Band 3 with its planned changes working with other local authorities and other efficiency savings and service improvements.

(b) Drainage Maintenance Strategy: relating to measures to mitigate drainage issues on the highway and the role and responsibilities of adjacent landowners, the programmed works for rural and urban gullies for example and budgetary constraints and challenges and the work of the County Ccouncil with its contractor to develop valid data sources and information to better target limited resources.

(c) Footway Maintenance Programme: the programme to maintain a condition which was safe and commensurate with use with analysis of survey condition and budget allocations. Members referred to the need to recycling and re-use of materials which should be programmed within the planning stage in respect of remedial and replacement schemes.

(d) Community Road Warden Update: relating to the number of approved Road Warden Agreements, those pending, numbers trained to Chapter 8 level and booked for or awaiting training. A county-wide Project Officer had been engaged (on secondment) to promote the Scheme and develop a roll out plan. A trial pothole repair pilot using new materials for repairs was also being carried out under the Warden Scheme involving 4 Parishes, the results of which would inform future developments and plans.

(e) Community Payback Scheme: the extent of the work in communities across Devon and the positive feedback received from Towns and Parishes and the benefits for the Service Users under the Scheme under the supervision of probation staff working with neighbourhood officers. Future plans included additional training for the probation service supervisors to facilitate Chapter 8 work on the highway. Examples of the variety of work carried out across the County was also presented. Members commended the success of the scheme and the benefits for the local communities and Service Users.

*42 Proposals for the delivery of an Annual Local Waiting Restrictions Programme

The Report of the Head of Highways, Capital Development Waste (HCW/16/10 - text only | pdf HCW/16/10) was deferred to the next meeting pending further information on local priorities.

*43 Dates for Future HATOC Meetings

Details of future meetings of this Committee may be found at:


Minutes of this Committee are published on the County Council s Website at:

The meeting started at 10.30am and finished at 11. 55 pm

Date Published: Thu Mar 03 2016