Meeting documents

Torridge County

Committee Minutes

Mon Mar 07 2011

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes


Devon County Council

Councillors Parsons (Chairman), Boyd, Boyle, Eastman and Robinson

Torridge District Council

Councillor P Pennington

Devon Association of Parish Councils

Councillor Snetzler

Member Attending in Accordance with Stranding Order 25

Councillor Leadbetter


Councillor Johns

*43 Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2010 be signed as a correct record.

*44 Devon Minerals and Waste Development Framework

The Committee noted the report of the Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture (EEC/11/43/HQ - text only | pdf EEC/11/43/HQ) on the development plans within a Minerals and Waste Development Framework. This covered the Minerals Core and the Waste Core Strategies.

Members comments included support for the option to minimise the distances minerals were transported by road and referred to the preference for salt reserves being disembarked at Bideford Quay (from Ireland) in accordance with this objective.

*45 Third Party Reporting Forms

The Committee received presentation by Mr Dave Wright (Hate Crime Prevention Officer) and his work with the Safer Devon Partnership. He outlined his role in respect of hate crime defined as crimes based on disability, race religious belief or sexual orientation and gave examples of incidents in Devon where action had been taken. He outlined the significant increase in numbers for example the Black Minority Ethnic group was currently 6% (from 1.24% ten years ago) of the Devon population and research relating to the proportion within the BME group who felt vulnerable (about 20% of the BME population) and the level of hate crime the majority of which was unreported. In this respect he referred to the production of a Third Party Reporting Form for use by victims. In 2009/10 there were 57 forms completed and referred to him which would then be passed to the relevant agency usually the police. This service was designed to complement the police and other support services for victims as they often lacked the confidence to report crimes directly.

In response to member questions he emphasised the role of members as community leaders in liaising with local BME and other minority groups in the community, the importance of education and gave examples of community activities and County Council initiatives with primary schools for example. He would also encourage all groups to celebrate their cultural heritage and gave examples of the links and ties in the county and with many differing cultures.

Mr Wright circulated the Third Party Reporting Form pamphlet and a BME Directory of key contacts for members information (Mr Wright s email is for any additional advice for members).

The Chairman thanked Mr Wright for his interesting and informative presentation.

*46 How to Raise Public Service Productivity

The Committee received a presentation by Councillor Clive Bone (Bideford Town Council) on a range of statistical tools, originating from the manufacturing sector, designed to improve productivity (to reduce costs but not services) . These tools related to statistical process control and value management and Mr Bone outlined how they can be adopted in local government.

Members referred to the progress being made both in the District and within the County Council which involved private sector partners for example North Devon Plus.

*47 Locality Budgets 2009/10 Outturn and Spend to Date for 2010/11

The Committee considered the report of the Community Strategy Officer (CX/11/25 - text onlyCX/11/25) on new spending proposals and the current position for 2010/11. The Community Strategy Officer reported on further applications.

Revised guidelines on the application of next year s revenue and capital allocations would be reported at a training event for all members on 29 March 2011.

It was MOVED by Councillor Robinson, SECONDED by Councillor Boyd and


(a) that the spending proposals set out in the report including those agreed by the Chairman/Vice Chairman since the last meeting be endorsed; and

(b) that the following proposals be also approved:

Morwenna Orchard: Councillor Eastman - 500;

16 Grit Bins: Councillor Parson - 4, 800;

Tarka Pipe Band: Uniforms - Councillor Robinson - 3,000;

(c) that the details of other applications including from the Appledore Book Festival be circulated by the Community Strategy Officer with current policy advise.

*48 Member Development Steering Group

The Committee noted the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2011. Members individual training needs should be reported to the Marion Geare, Member Development Officer.

*49 Future Meetings

(a) Monday, 13 June 2011

(b) Monday, 10 October 2011

(c) Monday, 5 March 2012

at 2 pm at Riverbank House, Bideford

The meeting started at 2.00 pm and finished at 3. 50 pm

The Minutes of the Committee are published on the County Council s Website at:-


Date Published: Mon Apr 04 2011