Meeting documents

Torridge County

Committee Minutes

Mon Oct 11 2010

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes


Devon County Council

Councillors Parsons (Chairman), Boyd, Boyle and Robinson

Torridge District Council

Councillors P Pennington

Devon Association of Parish Councils

Councillor Snetzler


Councillors Eastman and Johns

*36 Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2010 be signed as a correct record.

*37 Emergency Planning for Communities in Devon

The Committee received a Briefing Note on the development of Community Emergency Plans.

The Committee also received a presentation from Dom Maxwell-Batten Emergency Planning Officer on the process involved, the current position, future proposals and implementation. The Committee received a package of information which included: Business Continuity in the community; the emergency planning service, emergency management for extreme events ; planning advice for families; and the Halwill Parish Council s Community Emergency Plan.

Discussion points included:

the value and purpose of effective community emergency planning

the excellence of the Halwill Parish Plan as a template for other parishes, and the need to regularly update and review plans

the objective for 60% of parishes across the County to have developed emergency plans by 2012 (from the level of 30% in Q4 2008)

the initial contact point about emergency services in the District being Ruth Staddon

the reference of the new policy relating to Winter Maintenance into current and developing parish/town plans

issues for parishes relating to insurance liabilities and the basic principle where by volunteers should not be asked to do anything which places them at risk of harm or litigation. Volunteers should be asked to do things for which they are trained and preferably insured to do

the reasons behind the closure of one of three arterial roads into the District during the extreme weather conditions

the National Flood Exercise in March 2011 Ex Watermark , with information for communities on the website

The Committee thanked Mr Maxwell-Batten for his interesting and informative presentation.

*38 AONB Programme and Future Programme

(Councillor P Pennington declared a personal interest in this item in view of his involvement with the Atlantic Array and Councillor Robinson declared a personal interest in this item in view of his membership of the Devon Sea Fisheries Committee)

The Committee received a presentation from Andrew Bell (Biosphere Co-ordinator and Countryside Service Manager) and Matt Edworthy (Bio Sphere Reserve Outreach Coordinator) relating to the background and strategic fit of the service, its functions, finance headlines and achievements 2009/10 and ongoing work.

Discussion points included:

the community events organised by the Service

the national and international recognition of the Biosphere Reserve

the service s core funding and implications of the comprehensive spending review and consequent contingency panning

LPSA 2 funding for a local health walking initiative

management of the landscape and safeguarding the environment whilst achieving sustainable economic growth in partnership with statutory and independent agencies

the economic and social value of the Tarka Trail

the development of biodiversity off-sets within the Local Development Framework

the development of the service s website and its dovetailing with the Explore Devon site

the need for further information on the application of grants awarded by the Service and the outcomes achieved, which would be forwarded to members.

The Committee thanked Mr Bell and Mr Edworthy for their interesting and informative presentation.

*39 Locality Budgets 2009/10 Outturn and Spend to Date for 2010/11

The Committee considered the report of the Community Strategy Officer (CX/10/106 - text onlyCX/10/106) on new spending proposals and the current position for 2010/11. The Community Strategy Officer reported on two further applications.

It was MOVED by Councillor Robinson, SECONDED by Councillor Boyd and


(a) that the spending proposals set out in the report including those agreed by the Chairman/Vice Chairman since the last meeting be endorsed; and

(b) that the following proposals be also approved: Highways North: Weare Gifford Speed Limit Scheme: Cllr Robinson - 3,900; and Highways North: Design Work for footpath at Frithlestockstone: Cllr Robinson - 1,500.

*40 Local Policing Updates

The Locality Development Officer circulated the local Neighbourhood policing newsletter produced by Inspector Stuart Kennealy on local operations, initiatives and general information including forthcoming community events. Also circulated was the summary report from the community safety mapping project and third party reporting forms for hate crime.

*41 Member Development Steering Group

The Committee received the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2010.

*42 Future Meetings

(a) Monday, 7 March 2011

(b) Monday, 13 June 2011

(c) Monday, 10 October 2011

(d) Monday, 5 March 2012

at 2 pm at Riverbank House, Bideford


The meeting started at 2.00 pm and finished at 4. 40 pm

The Minutes of the Committee are published on the County Council s Website at:-

Date Published: Wed Mar 09 2011