Meeting documents

Torridge Highways and Traffic Orders

Committee Agenda

Mon Mar 05 2012

Related Documents:
minutes for this agenda

A meeting of the Torridge Highways and Traffic Orders Committee will be held on the above date at 11.00 am in Riverbank House, Bideford to consider the following matters.


Chief Executive



1. Apologies

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 10 October (Page 1)

3. Items Requiring Urgent Attention

Items which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.

Electoral Divisions: All in Torridge

4. Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026: Proposed Programme 2012/13 to 2014/15 for Devon

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/12/9 - text only | pdf PTE/12/9) (Page 5) on the proposed programme for the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Block and corporate funding over the next three years in the Torridge area.

5. Update on References to Cabinet (9 November 2011 Min *410)

References from Committees

(a) Torridge North Devon HATOCs: Westleigh Junction Improvement 40 Speed Limit

To note that the Cabinet considered the Committee reference and resolved as follows:

RESOLVED that, there being no justification for a departure from current policy, the Cabinet accept the advice of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management on the proposal for a mandatory 40mph speed limit between Westleigh Junction and the Heywood Road roundabout and a mandatory 30mph speed limit across the whole of the Heywood Road roundabout, consistent with national guidance and County Council policy.

(d) Torridge HATOC: Devon Highways One Team

To note that the Cabinet considered the Committee reference and resolved:

RESOLVED that, while acknowledging the HATOCs comments, it be recognised that the operation of the Council s vacancy management system is outside the HATOCs terms of reference.

6. Torridge Signs and Lines: Torridge Signage Register - Review of Outstanding Items; Directional Signage in Torridge District, Alterations to Parking Restrictions in Great Torrington (Minute 54)

Head of Highways and Traffic Management to report.

Electoral Division: Torrington Rural

7. Environmental Enhancement of Jubilee Square, Bideford: Update on Project Progress

Report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management (HTM/12/12 - text only | pdf HTM/12/12) (Page 21) on progress to date and intended delivery programme.

Electoral Division: Bideford East

8. Road Safety Improvements, including Yarde and Townsend Hill at Winkleigh

(In accordance with Standing Order 23 (2) Councillor Boyd has requested that the above item be raised at the meeting)

9. Minor Road Maintenance: Allocation of Budget

(In accordance with Standing Order 23 (2) Councillor Boyle has requested that the above item be raised at the meeting)

10. Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers

Report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management (HTM/12/13 - text only | pdf HTM/12/13) (Page 25)

Electoral Divisions: Northam and Bideford East

11. Dates of Future Meetings

The Committee noted the following dates:

11 June, 8 October 2012 and 4 March 2013



Members are reminded that Part II reports contain confidential information and should therefore be treated accordingly. They should not be disclosed or passed on to any other person(s).

Members are also reminded of the need to dispose of such reports carefully and are therefore urged to return them to the Committee Secretary at the conclusion of the meeting for disposal.



Devon County Council

Councillors Boyle (Chairman), Boyd, Eastman, Parsons and Robinson

Torridge District Council

Councillor Brenton and Lee

Declaration of Interests

Members are reminded that they must declare any interest they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to any discussion taking place on that item.

Access to Information

Any person wishing to inspect the Cabinet Forward Plan or any Reports or Background Papers relating to any item on this agenda should contact Mr Hooper on 01392 382300. The Forward Plan is published on the County Council's website at

Agenda and minutes of the Cabinet are published on the Council s Website at

Webcasting of Meetings

The proceedings of this meeting may be recorded for broadcasting on the internet via the County Council s website Information Devon . The whole of the meeting will be broadcast apart from any confidential items which may need to be considered in the absence of the press and public. For more information go to:

Questions to the Cabinet/Public Participation

A Member of the Council may ask the Leader of the Council or the appropriate Cabinet Member a question about any subject for which the Leader or Cabinet Member has responsibility.

Any member of the public resident in the administrative area of the county of Devon may also ask the Leader a question upon a matter which, in every case, relates to the functions of the Council. Questions must be delivered to the Office of the Chief Executive Directorate by 12 noon on the fourth working day before the date of the meeting. For further information please contact Mr Rufolo on 01392 382299.


In the event of the fire alarm sounding leave the building immediately by the nearest available exit, following the fire exit signs. If doors fail to unlock press the Green breakglass next to the door. Do not stop to collect personal belongings, do not use the lifts, do not re-enter the building until told to do so.

Mobile Phones

Please switch off all mobile phones before entering the Committee Room or Council Chamber

If you need a copy of this Agenda and/or a Report in another format (e.g. large print, audio tape, Braille or other languages), please contact the Information Centre on 01392 380101 or email to: or write to the Democratic and Scrutiny Secretariat at County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD.

Induction loop system available

Date Published: Tue Mar 13 2012