Meeting documents

Teignbridge Highways and Traffic Orders

Committee Minutes

Thu Jul 03 2014

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes


Devon County Council

Councillors Brook (Chairman), Barker, Clarance, Clatworthy, Connett, Dewhirst, Gribble Hook and Younger-Ross

Teignbridge District Council

Councillors Cox, Haines and Prowse


Councillors Barisic and Dempster (Devon County Council)

*31 Election of Chairman

RESOLVED that Councillor Brook be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

*32 Election of Vice-Chairman

RESOLVED that Councillor Clarance be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

*33 Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2014 be signed as

a correct record.

*34 Ashburton Road, Newton Abbot Pedestrian/Cycle Improvements

The Committee received the report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment (PTE/14/48 - text only | pdf PTE/14/48), on the proposed scheme representing the first stage to improve cycling infrastructure along the Ashburton Road corridor. The proposal attracted Department for Transport funding to March 2015 from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund Access to Education capital programme for infrastructure to encourage more children to walk or cycle to school - in this case serving Coombeshead Academy.

Given the amount of new housing development further along the Ashburton Road corridor and increase in pupils needing to access Coombeshead Academy and other schools, members were keen that improvements along the corridor were reviewed as an entirety (and in the wider context of the E-W Newton Abbot cycle provision/commuter traffic effect on parking). Improvements proposed today for this short stretch of the route would have relatively limited impact, but to secure the funding available to March 2015 the current proposals were ready to proceed.


(a) that the scheme shown on plan B2300197/106 be approved at an estimated cost of 114,000;

(b) that a presentation be made to the next meeting on the overall transport plan for Newton Abbot, including the programme for completion of the E-W cycle route.


*35 Traffic Regulation Order for Mandatory Disabled Parking Bay, West Buckeridge, Teignbridge (minute *23)

(Councillor Younger-Ross declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this matter by virtue of being the owner of property within the immediate area and withdrew from the meeting during its consideration)

(Mr Mesley attended the meeting under the County Council s Public Participation Scheme and spoke to this item against the proposals to locate a mandatory disabled parking bay in West Buckeridge)

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Programmes and Waste (HCW/14/54 - text only | pdf HCW/14/54), the matter having been deferred from the last meeting for a more detailed report. The Traffic Regulation Order in respect of the disabled parking bay in West Buckeridge, Teignmouth was recommended to be made and sealed as advertised, based on further details from the applicant s doctor, that a parking bay in front of the applicant s property would be significantly more detrimental to the applicant s health than one positioned in West Buckeridge

In view of further questions raised at the meeting (eg location, unlit steps at rear of property, evidence submitted), members considered a site visit the best way forward.

RESOLVED that the report be noted and a site visit be held with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, with delegated authority to determine the matter.

*36 Proposed Speed 30mph and 40 Speed Various Roads, Bishopsteignton and Teignmouth

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Programme and Waste (HCW/14/55 - text only | pdf HCW/14/55), contact with the police and Parish Council, four representations received (including the police) to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order (Appendix 1 to the report) and resulting recommended modification.

The section of the A381 between Ware Barton Roundabout and Teignmouth Shaldon Bridge had been identified through the Casualty Severity Reduction Investigation Processes as ranking 9th out of 138 sections of A road route analysis in the county.

Members also felt it desirable to extend the 40mph speed limit beyond the Wear Farm bends due to accidents occurring there and the local County Councillor referred to the Parish Council s wish for this to be extended. The officers explained the collision data through the bends did not suggest that speed was a factor, that the proposed positioning of the speed restrictions was where they would have maximum impact on collisions and potential sign maintenance issues with speed limit repeaters in hedge banks.


(a) that representations to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order be noted;

(b) that the Traffic Regulation Order, modified as detailed in section 5 of the report and shown on drawing number ENV5331/1(B)(Appendix III to report HCW/14/55 - text only | pdf HCW/14/55) be made and sealed and the scheme implemented;

(c) that the officers further investigate extending the 40mph speed limit beyond the bends at Wear Farm and report back.

*37 Peartree Cross, Ashburton Waiting Restrictions (minute *28)

Members noted that concerns expressed by the local County Councillor at the last meeting had now been resolved and proposed waiting restrictions advertised as a Traffic Regulation Order. The proposals removed some parking immediately at the new entrance to the garage and junction by the hotel on road safety grounds, whilst retaining as much parking as possible to avoid further congestion within the town.

*38 Actions Taken Under Delegated Powers

The Committee received the report of the Head of Highways, Capital Programmes and Waste (HCW/14/23 - text only | pdf HCW/14/23) on actions taken in respect of Traffic Regulation Orders under delegated powers, following consultation with the Chairman and local County Councillors.

*39 Dates of Future Meetings

Thursday 27 November 2014

Thursday 26 March 2015

All meetings will be held at 2.15pm in the Council Chamber at Forde House, Newton Abbot.


The meeting started at 2.15pm and finished at 3.05pm

Date Published: Wed Jul 09 2014