Meeting documents

Personnel Partnership

Committee Minutes

Fri Feb 02 2007

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes


Mr Franceschini (Chairman), Mrs Andrews, Ms Flemington, Mr King,

Ms Roberts, Mr Spackman and Mr Trudgeon

Councillor Greenslade, Hannon, Hart, Haywood and Owen

Mrs Barnes (Director of Personnel and Performance), Mr Turner (Principal Pension Manager minute PP/50 only)

PP/46 Minutes

AGREED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2006 were signed as a correct record.

Under minute PP/42 the Director of Personnel and Performance was pleased to report that in the light of Unison s ballot in respect of a proposed change in the grievance appeals process, the status quo would remain, ie such appeals could be considered by the Personnel Panel as a last resort rather than by heads of directorates.

PP/47 Job Evaluation Update

The Director of Personnel and Performance reported that appeals were now in hand with the unions for staff notified of their grade by the end of November. 409 appeals had been lodged, covering 1855 staff, ie a 21% appeals rate. First priority appeals were for green circled posts or apparent anomalies. Second priority appeals were those affecting high risk posts directly involved with service delivery (eg childcare and social worker posts). Directors had been asked to prioritise appeals.

The Director of Personnel and Performance added that it was hoped that all the appeals would be completed by the end of August to avoid a protracted process. So far the progress had been good and directorate heads and deputies had been asked to release union members from their normal duties so they could assist more fully in

JE and the appeals. Existing Corporate funding for TU activity would continue into the next financial year for this and it was clarified that in consequence the Unison s Branch Secretary post would not attract corporate funding for the future but would be a matter for directorate negotiation after the AGM via the joint secretaries.

In respect of schools, Headteachers had been notified on 29 January 2007 and so far the feedback on how this was progressing was good. Other school based staff would be notified on 5 February 2007.

The authority had received notification of its capitalisation allocation yesterday and this was 57.19% of that requested (a similar % to what most other authorities had been given), ie around 19.2m, leaving a gap of 11.3m. Subject to the agreement of the District Auditor there were proposals to meet the gap and none of these would have a direct impact on staffing and one proposed suggestion to be made to the Executive was for the Discounting Equal Pay Compensation to be at a rate of 3% per annum over the six year period, rather than at a rate of 2.5%, giving savings of just under 0.5m. This was acceptable to the union in principle and likely to receive cross party support for this and supporting the job evaluation project.

The Director of Personnel and Performance confirmed that she would continue to work with the union on job evaluation and equal pay and both the Employers Side and Staff side wanted this to succeed. The Chairman added that what had been achieved in this authority by both sides working together so far was remarkable.

PP/48 Budget 2007/08

The Staff Side also requested that other items on the agenda relating to the

National Pay Claim Rationale and Voluntary Redundancy Package be considered as part of this item.

The Director of Personnel and Performance reported that the Revenue Budget, Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Strategy report to the Executive on 6 February 2007 was now available. There was no significant change between the provisional settlement considered by the Executive on 2 January 2007 and final settlement just announced.

The Staff Side explained in relation to the national pay claim that Unison s national negotiations had asked for 5% or 1,000 whichever was the greater. Devon County Council supported a 2% pay rise as recommended by Government and this was a one year pay deal. The SW Employers position collectively however was to commit up to 2.5% without the need to return to regional negotiations. The Director of Personnel and Performance reported that this authority did not support bottom loading given the rationale of equality behind Job Evaluation. The Staff Side referred to housing and transport costs in Devon affecting lower paid employees, but the Employers considered such issues needed to be taken into account through a more modern approach to pay and conditions of service nationally.

The Director of Personnel and Performance also reported that the authority was on course to deliver 100 voluntary redundancies under the corporate scheme by the end of March. It was noted however that the voluntary redundancy package would need re-evaluating in light of possible further changes to pension arrangements from national negotiations to be announced on 6 February.

The Employers Side added that there had been surplus budget outturns over the last 15 years and hopefully there would be a small surplus this year, but there was nothing currently in the new budget for voluntary redundancies, nor was it clear at this stage whether further voluntary redundancies would be required.

PP/49 Local Government White Paper: Possible Changes in Devon

The Staff Side reported that they were opposed to change unless there was good reason and did not support Exeter City Council s bid for single status.

The Employers Side confirmed their support for improved two tier working and the case put forward by Devon on behalf on the Devon local government family, including the Dartmoor National Park Authority and Devon Association of Parish Councils. Any further reorganisation in Devon would be disruptive and costly and this authority did not support Exeter s bid. The last decade, ie post the last reorganisation in Devon had shown good working together within the Devon family and the signatories to the prospectus now put forward were committed to continue this.

The Staff Side wished to work with the Employers and to consider making a joint response where appropriate.

AGREED that the Staff Side be given a copy of the Devon family prospectus and be invited to meet with those staff involved in preparing Devon s case.

PP/50 Pension Scheme: Consultations on the New Draft Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations

It was noted that there were still ongoing discussions and negotiations taking place at national level with various aspects still being considered. A draft document had been jointly prepared between the Staff Side and the Employers Side with only a few remaining difficult areas but it was hoped that national negotiations may resolve some of these.

The Chairman reported that there were three main areas of difficulties and with some areas not clearly defined by government, but added that locally both sides had almost reached a solution.


(a) that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Personnel Partnership prepare a joint response as appropriate to submit to the Department of Communities and Local Government by 28 February 2007;

(b) that prior to the joint response in (a) above being sent to government, it be forwarded to other members of the Personnel Partnership for comment.

PP/51 Dates of Future Meetings

Thursday 7 June 2007 at 10.30am

Thursday 18 October 2007 at 10.30am.

The meeting started at 10.30am and finished at 11.45am.

The Minutes of this Committee are published on the County Council's Website at:-

Date Published: Fri Feb 16 2007