Meeting documents

Personnel Partnership

Committee Minutes

Fri Jun 09 2006

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes


Councillor Greenslade, Hart, Haywood, Leadbetter, Owen and Smith

Mrs Andrews, Ms Flemington, Mr Franceschini, Mr King and Mr Spackman

Mrs Barnes (Director of Personnel and Performance)

PP/34 Election of Chairman

AGREED that Mr Franceschini be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

(Mr Franceschini in the Chair)

PP/35 Election of Vice-Chairman

AGREED that Councillor Greenslade be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.

PP/36 Minutes

(a) Confirmation

The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2006 were signed as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of Mr Spackman in the list of those present.

(b) Matters Arising: Minute PP/31 Social Services Privatisation

The Staff Side expressed concern that they were not sufficiently involved in the decision-making process on Social Services Modernisation, and that they tended to be informed of, rather than consulted on, developments. The Management Side explained that the Social Services Modernisation Board at which UNISON had been represented had recently been dissolved but referred to other formal and informal opportunities for engagement in the modernisation process. However, both Sides agreed that there was a need for improved communications with the Union on modernisation through better use of existing consultative mechanisms. This could help prevent unfortunate incidents such as that involving the press release by UNISON s Regional Office which had contained inaccuracies relating to Danby House, Exmouth. The Director of Personnel and Performance would discuss the way forward with the Joint Secretaries.

PP/37 Members Appeals

The Director of Personnel and Performance referred to the decision to defer implementation of changes in the way final grievance appeals were heard, involving their determination by chief officers rather than elected members (via the Personnel Panel), pending further consultation by the Staff Side with its membership via the County Council s website. Mrs Barnes reported that this consultation had not yet taken place and expressed concern at the lack of progress on this matter on which UNISON had first been consulted many months ago. The Staff Side explained the reasons for the delay and sought a further extension of time to enable the consultation to take place.

The Management Side felt that it was important for the matter to be brought to a conclusion but was prepared to allow further time for the proposed internet consultation provided that the exercise was completed by 14 July 2006, with a view to a final decision being taken on the proposed change following reference to the next Personnel Partnership meeting. The Director of Personnel and Performance s agreement to the wording of the consultation (upon which the use of the County Council s website was conditional) would therefore need to be obtained and the consultation launched as soon as possible. Should the consultation not be completed by the above date, the proposed change in the grievance appeals process would be implemented immediately thereafter.

PP/38 Pensions: Protection

The Staff Side referred to the continuing uncertainty regarding several aspects of the new pension regulations (particularly the 85 year rule ) and asked Management not to take decisions on issues where this applied. The Director of Personnel and Performance recognised the fluid nature of the situation and the difficulties for everyone caused by the changes in the draft regulations; she pointed out that the County Council could only act on information received as far as the regulations were concerned. Mrs Barnes indicated that she had asked for the pensions issue to be discussed at the AGM of the South West Provincial Council. In response to comments by the Staff Side, she confirmed that the voluntary redundancy exercise underway (2006/07) (Minute PP/40 below refers) would continue.

The Staff Side suggested that a report on the current situation regarding the pension regulations should be submitted to the County Council s Executive.

PP/39 Facilities Time: Progress

The Staff Side asked for information on progress relating to their proposals involving more time being made available during work hours for activities by UNISON representatives. The Director of Personnel and Performance referred to the present position, indicating that while Management supported the principle of more time being made available, the financial implications and other details of the proposals would need to be considered before any commitment could be given.

PP/40 Redundancies: Update

The Director of Personnel and Performance reported on the latest position on the voluntary redundancy process, indicating that Panels were meeting to consider applications for voluntary redundancies (to take effect from 31 August 2006) from each Directorate. A corporate view would be taken before individual applications were finally determined. Information would be given regarding voluntary redundancies when available.

PP/41 Dates of Future Meetings

Agreed as:

Monday 9 October 2006 (2.15pm)

Friday 2 February 2007 (10.30am).

The meeting started at 10.30am and finished at 11.25am

The Minutes of this Committee are published on the County Council's Website at:-

Date Published: Tue Jul 04 2006