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Meeting documents

North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders

Committee Minutes

Tue Oct 25 2011

Related Documents:
agenda for these minutes

25 October 2011

Present: -

Devon County Council

Councillors Cann (Chairman), Chugg, Davis, Edgell, Fowler, Haywood and Yabsley

North Devon Council

Councillors Manuel and Spear


Councillors Biederman (NDC) and Greenslade (DCC)

*46 Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2011 be signed as a correct


*47 Traffic Regulation Order: 40 mph Speed Limit, Westleigh Junction

(An item taken under Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972)

The Chairman had decided that the Committee should consider this item as a matter of urgency in view of a recent recommendation from the Torridge HATOC.

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management (HTM/11/10 - text only | pdf HTM/11/10) (which had been previously circulated) on a proposal to advertise the introduction of a mandatory 40mph speed limit between Westleigh Junction and the Heywood Road roundabout and a mandatory 30mph speed limit across the whole of the Heywood Road roundabout, consistent with national guidance and County Council policy.

In line with the Council s Scheme of Delegation the Head of Service had consulted the local Members on the advertisement of the proposed Order and while the Member for Fremington Rural had supported the proposal the Member for Northam had requested that the matter be brought to the Torridge HATOC for consideration.

The Committee noted that the Torridge HATOC had recommended that, as an exception to the Council s policy, approval be given to the advertisement of an Order for a mandatory speed limit of 30 mph being applied between Westleigh Junction and the Heywood Roundabout as well as 30 mph across the whole of the Heywood Road Roundabout and the matter be submitted to the Cabinet for determination .

The Head of Highways and Traffic Management advised that the request for a 30mph speed limit was at variance with national guidance and County Council policy.

It was MOVED by Councillor Cann, SECONDED by Councillor Yabsley and

RESOLVED that the Cabinet be advised that this Committee strongly endorse the view that, in accordance with County Council policy, the proposed County Council (A39 Westleigh Junction) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order should be advertised, as originally proposed.

*48 ENV ID 4211 - Devon County Council (Road Past Bouchland Farm, Burrington) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) Order

(Mr Squibb and Mr Lander Stow spoke to this item under the Council s Public Participation procedures objecting to the proposed Order)

(Mr Pincombe attended and spoke to this item at the Chairman s discretion in support of the application)

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management (HTM/11/12 - text only | pdf HTM/11/12) on proposals to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting motor vehicles from using the R7124 known under the national Street Gazetteer as the Road Past Bouchland Farm. The report included the details of local and other objections to the application and that of the support of the application by the local Parish Council. The application had been made by an adjoining landowner and the proposed Order would be financed by him.

The Committee also received written representations from Mr Squibb and Mr Lander Stow circulated at the meeting along with printed photos of the junction and road following recent work to trim back hedgerows etc.

The local Member also reported the receipt of a letter from Burrington Parish Council supporting the application on safety grounds.

It was MOVED by Councillor Edgell, SECONDED by Councillor Yabsley and

RESOLVED that a site meeting of the Committee be held on 9 November 2011 at 2.30 pm for report to the next meeting for determination.

*49 Devon Highways - One Team

The Committee received a presentation from the Devon Highways Change Manager on the progress of the Devon Highways organisational changes in relation to the Pilot Project and Restructure including closer working with Devon Highways under the Virtual Joint Venture (VJV) arrangements.

The presentation covered the challenging budgetary reduction background and required savings to be made over the next financial years. This had resulted in the management review of the highway and traffic management service and approval of the pilot structure arrangements, which commenced in April/May 2011, together with on-going consultation with staff and union representatives. This presentation was followed by a report based upon the outcome of a formal submission made to a Joint Cabinet and Corporate Leadership Team meeting, held on Monday, in relation to efficiency savings and performance monitoring. Other points covered and discussions included:

as a result of the on-going consultation with staff, minor changes would be considered. The staff views and comments upon the restructure were greatly valued by management

a Member's view and concerns that staff morale was diminished by this process

the excellent liaison between the local neighbourhood team and local Members

the arrangements were running concurrently with the South West Highways contract which was due to terminate in 2017 but negotiations in respect of a new tender/contract process or other arrangements would commence circa 2015. Performance and quality standards were continually monitored under the current contract

the arrangements were designed to respond quickly according to need and in the most efficient and cost effective way

in terms of the use of the winter maintenance additional grant money, the County Council had to clearly evidence that it was spending the additional resources on damage to the network (potholes primarily) as a result of last year s severe weather conditions (and not general maintenance of the network)

Members view of the need for a continued weed killing programme to prevent structural damage and retention of a county wide budget notwithstanding that locality and discretionary budgets could be used to support such or similar initiatives (as the Exeter HATOC had done using its discretionary fund to include additional resource from the Probation Service)

the results of the national highway transport survey which ranked Devon 5th highest nationally and also compared favourably against the statistical neighbours

key indicators relating to speed and cost of repairs and maintenance were very encouraging and evidenced real improvement and good performance

any issues identified by Members should be reported to the neighbourhood team

the need for Members to encourage parish councils and community groups to work with the County Council in helping maintain the network to include possible use of Members locality budgets.

It was MOVED by Councillor Chugg, SECONDED by Councillor Fowler and


(a) that the Cabinet be urged to retain a weed killing programme and budget for 2012/13 as an important and effective preventative measure in the maintenance of footways and highways;

(b) that progress reports on the new One Team arrangements be submitted to each meeting of this Committee.

*50 South Street, Braunton, Traffic Management Scheme for Formal Approval

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management (HTM/11/13 - text only | pdf | supplementary information HTM/11/13) on proposals to introduce traffic management measures in South Street, Braunton.

A member requested that the results of the monitoring of the effect of the downstream bridge be reported to a future meeting of this Committee.

It was MOVED by Councillor Chugg, SECONDED by Councillor Spear and

RESOLVED that the scheme shown on drawing number EATS(N)490-05-03 be approved at an estimated cost of 50,000.

*51 Boutport Street, Barnstaple Casualty Severity Reduction Scheme for Formal Approval

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management (HTM/11/14 - text only | pdf HTM/11/14) on proposals to provide uncontrolled crossing points and rationalisation of loading, parking and bus stops at Boutport Street, Barnstaple.

The Chairman reported the support of the local Member for the proposed scheme.

It was MOVED by Councillor Haywood, SECONDED by Councillor Davis and


(a) that the scheme shown on drawing number EATS(N)472 - 12 - 00 be approved at an estimated cost of 70,000;

(b) that traffic orders required to remove the loading bays and disabled bay be advertised, made and sealed if there are no objections.

*52 Highway Management Restructure - Efficiency Savings/Monitoring and Use of Additional Government Funding for Road Maintenance

(In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Councillor Cann had requested that the above items be raised at the meeting).

These items were taken under minute 49.

*53 Grass Cutting

(In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Cann had requested that the above items be raised at the meeting)

The Chairman reported that whilst additional funding had been provided for 4 cuts per year with the award of a contract to Fremington Rural Parish Council 8 cuts would be achieved for the same cost. The Committee noted the satisfactory outcome.

*54 Road Signs to Mark Entry to Biosphere Reserve

(In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Cann had requested that the above item be raised at the meeting)

The Chairman reported his view for the need to re-brand and promote the Biosphere Reserve and highlight its important world UNESCO designation, possibly to include re-design of road signs etc. The Committee discussed how this could be done with representatives from the other designated areas including the AONB and Exmoor National Park for example.

The Head of Highways and Traffic Management also reported on Department of Transport guidance and regulations relating to signage and what was permissible.

It was MOVED by Councillor Cann, SECONDED by Councillor Yabsley

RESOLVED that the need to further promote the Biosphere as an important UNESCO designation be supported in principle and that the Chairman with Councillors Edgell and Yabsley discuss how this could be achieved with County Council Officers and the District Councils and National Park as appropriate.

*55 Trees on the Barnstaple Western Bypass

(In accordance with Standing Order 23(2) Davis had requested that the above item be raised at the meeting)

Councillor Davis referred to the unsightly nature of the dying trees on the Western Bypass Bridge and the need for replanting or removal. The Neighbourhood Highway Manager reported that the matter comprised part of the maintenance contract and that he would discuss this issue with the contractor. The matter could also be referred to as part of the overall review of the bridge project. The Committee noted the position.

*56 Traffic Congestion at Roundswell - Site Meeting

The Neighbourhood Highway Manager reported on a site meeting he had held on 20 September 2011 with the Transport Planning Officer and the Chairman and Councillor Edgell to review the peak traffic conditions and capacities at the Roundswell and Cedars roundabouts.

The Committee noted that re-design proposals to alleviate congestion would be developed for report to the next meeting.

*57 Dates for Future Meetings

20 March 2012

26 June 2012

23 October 2012

19 March 2013

(all Tuesdays at 10.00am)


The meeting started at 10.00am and finished at 12.30pm

Minutes of this Committee are published on the County Council s Website at:

Date Published: Wed Nov 09 2011
