Councillors Radford (Chairman), Berry, Colthorpe, Hannon, Lee and Way
Mid Devon District Council
Councillors Daw and Knowles
Devon Association of Parish Councils
Councillor Browse
*63 Minutes
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2011 be signed as a correct record.
*64 Tackling Rural Crime in Mid Devon - "Stop a Thief" Alarm Scheme
PCSO Martin Stephens, Tiverton Rural NHT, made a presentation on the Stop a Thief scheme, set up to combat theft from outbuildings and isolated locations. PCSO Stephens explained that the scheme worked by loaning PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor equipment to farms and explained that the Community Safety Partnership had contributed a small amount and was looking to the Committee to make a contribution of 1,500. Members asked questions about the detailed operation of the scheme and were generally supportive of making a contribution.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hannon, SECONDED by Councillor Radford and
RESOLVED that the Committee make a contribution of 1,500 to the Stop a Thief scheme from the County Discretionary Fund, the remainder of allocations to the Fund to be made later (see Minute 67).
*65 Early Years and Childcare Services - Termly Update for Councillors
The Committee considered the report of the Head of Social Care Commissioning (SCC/11/104) and the Early Years and Childcare Service District Co-ordinator for Mid Devon spoke to Members about the Update and answered Members questions. Members sought information on the number of providers and Government funding, the important role of Children s Centres and their work with primary schools.
It was MOVED by Councillor Radford, SECONDED by Councillor Colthorpe and
(a) that the update be noted and letters of congratulation be sent to the Leapfrog Day Nursery, Crediton and individual childminders listed in the report who received an outstanding Ofsted report;
(b) that the Committee receive an update on the outcome of the tendering process for Children s Centres in Mid Devon at a future meeting.
*66 Mid Devon County Committee Locality Budget for Financial Year 2011/12 - Confirmation of Spending Proposals and Spend To Date
The Committee considered the report of the County Community Strategy Officer (SC/11/19 - text onlySC/11/19) setting out recent Locality Budget spending proposals and the budget position as at 10 October 2011. The County Community Strategy Officer passed round a list of 29 further spending proposals not included in the report and asked Members to report any inaccuracies back to him.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hannon, SECONDED by Councillor Colthorpe and
(a) that approval for the spending proposals set out in the report and the additional list, including those agreed by the Chairman/Vice-Chairman since the last meeting, be confirmed;
(b) that the current budget position for 2010/11 be noted;
(c) that the appropriate Cabinet Member be advised that this Committee has concerns about delays in processing County Committee Locality Budget spending proposals and requests that this Committee receive a brief report on this matter at its next meeting in March 2012.
*67 County Discretionary Fund
(Councillor Way declared a personal interest in this item by virtue of being a member of the Mid Devon Transport Group)
The County Community Strategy Officer reminded Members that Cabinet had allocated a County Discretionary Fund of 29,700 to the Mid Devon Locality (County) Committee, to be used to benefit the residents of the area (Cabinet Minute 360 refers). The Committee was invited to determine how it wished to use the Fund based on local needs and priorities and received presentations from the following services:-
Youth Services in Mid Devon
The Devon Youth Services Team Manager distributed a document to Members setting out options for supporting Youth Service in Mid Devon. The document detailed the recent restructuring of the Youth Service required as a direct result of reduced local authority funding, the staffing of the 4 geographical teams, the DYS priority group of young people and the gaps in youth service provision in Crediton, Cullompton and Tiverton. The final page of the document set out 4 costed options for supporting the service. The Devon Youth Services Team Manager explained and elaborated on the paper.
Public Transport in Mid Devon
The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Transport Coordination Officer on options for supporting public transport. He explained that, for example, supporting a bus service directly would require ongoing funding and was outside the brief of the guidelines for the Discretionary Fund. However, the Committee could make one off contributions to support the installation of infrastructure items such as bus shelters, seating and hard-standing etc.
Community/Voluntary Transport in Mid Devon
The Rural Transport Advisor told Members about the important service undertaken by Community and Voluntary Transport in rural areas and explained that while it might be possible to buy a new vehicle for community transport use, the ongoing costs relating to fuel, tax and driver training etc. would not make the purchase viable. A much better use of any contribution would be to improve access to services, which had been identified as a priority as the Mid Devon Transport Group, through support to groups such as the Crediton and Tiverton Transport Group and the Blackdown Transport Support Group etc.
It was MOVED by Councillor Hannon, SECONDED by Councillor Colthorpe and
(a) that determination of the allocation of the Discretionary Fund be deferred to a special meeting of this Committee to be held on Monday 14 November 2011 at 10am at The Hayridge, Cullompton;
(b) that a report be considered at that meeting including proposals for funding support from the Discretionary Fund for community and voluntary transport services including volunteer car schemes.
*68 Mid Devon Local Strategic Partnership
The Committee received an update and feedback from the County Community Strategy Officer on the Mid Devon LSP Workshops held on 29 July and 23 September 2011.
*69 Member Development Steering Group
The Committee received the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2011 for information.
*70 Date of Next Meeting and Items for Future Discussion/Work programme
The Committee noted that the next ordinary meeting was due to be held on Monday 12 March 2012 at 2pm and that a special meeting would be held on Monday 14 November 2011 at The Hayridge, Cullompton (see Minute 67(a) above).
Members agreed that an item on Localism feature on the agenda of a future meeting.
The meeting started at 2.00pm and finished at 4.00pm.
The Minutes of the Mid Devon County Committee are published on the County Council s Website at:-