(Councillor Davis declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in this matter by virtue of being Chair of Exmoor National Park and also the Peninsula Transport Shadow Sub National Transport Body and withdrew from the meeting during its consideration).
The MOTION in the name of Councillor Hart was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED, as below.
(a) that all those who responded to the consultation be thanked, for the time they gave in considering the draft proposal and in preparing responses to it;
(b) that the analysis of the responses (Appendix A) on the draft proposal for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority, showing the variety, breadth and range of views expressed, have been fully considered;
(c) that the proposal (Appendix B) for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (DT CCA) for submission to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, be approved, having taken into consideration and having due regard to the consultation responses and the Public Sector Equality Duty;
(d) that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be given delegated authority to consent to the making of the necessary Regulations to create the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority thereby implementing and giving effect to the proposal, subject to those Regulations reflecting the principles in the proposal document and this report;
(e) that, subject to the approval of the proposal and making of Regulations, the Council will give consideration to a draft Constitution for the DT CCA in September 2024; and
(f) that the establishment of the statutory Team Devon Joint Committee be supported to formalise the existing partnership, address shared priorities and have a voice in the work of the Combined County Authority and note that its proposed terms of reference will be considered by the Council in September 2024.
(NOTE: In accordance with Standing Order 32(4) Councillors Bailey, Brazil, Connett, Cox, Leaver, Letch, Roome, Thomas and Wrigley asked for their abstention from voting on the Motion to be recorded in the minutes.
(Councillor Davis declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in this matter by virtue of being Chair of Exmoor National Park and also the Peninsula Transport Shadow Sub National Transport Body and withdrew from the meeting during its consideration).
that Council be recommended to;
(a) thank all those who responded to the consultation be thanked, for the time they gave in considering the draft proposal and in preparing responses to it;
(b) consider the analysis of the responses (Appendix A) on the draft proposal for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority, showing the variety, breadth and range of views expressed,
(c) approve the proposal (Appendix B) for the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (DT CCA) for submission to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, having taken into consideration and having due regard to the consultation responses and the Public Sector Equality Duty.
(d) delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to consent to the making of the necessary Regulations to create the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority thereby implementing and giving effect to the proposal, subject to those Regulations reflecting the principles in the proposal document and this report.
(e) note that, subject to the approval of the proposal and making of Regulations, the Council will give consideration to a draft constitution for the DT CCA in September 2024.
(f) support the establishment of the statutory Team Devon Joint Committee to formalise the existing partnership, address shared priorities and have a voice in the work of the Combined County Authority and note that its proposed terms of reference will be considered by the Council in September 2024.