Issue - decisions

13/04/2023 - County Road Highway Maintenance Capital Budget and Progress on 2022/23 Schemes and Proposals for the 2023/24 Programmes



(a) that the progress on 2022/23 capital funded highway maintenance

programme as detailed in Appendices B and C to the Report is noted;


(b) that the capital funded highway maintenance programme for 2023/24 as

set out in Appendices D and E is approved;


(c) that the Climate Change, Environment and Transport 2023/24 capital

programme is increased by £9,390,800, funded by external grants;


(d) that detailed allocation of the available budget be determined by the

Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport, in consultation with

the Cabinet Member for Highway Management, on the basis of the Highways

Infrastructure Asset Management Plan, and within the limits of the approved

budget; and


(e) the programme funded from the On-street Parking Account for 2023/24 as

set out in Appendix F of the Report is also approved