Committee details

Purpose of committee

The Standards Committee is made up of Devon County Councillors as well as other co-opted members.  It ensures that all Councillors and officers of the Council perform their duties within agreed Codes of Conduct.


The Committee responsibilities include:


·         Advising the County Council on the adoption of a Members' Code of Conduct with any appropriate local provisions and its subsequent monitoring and updating

·         Implements the code of Conduct including the training of members and officers

·         Advising members as to the declaration of interests and the grant of dispensations where appropriate to allow members to participate in matters in which they have interests

·         Supervises the Registers of Members' and Officers' Interests and of politically restricted officers

·         Receives reports from the Standards Board or ethical standards officers following investigations and to advise the Council on the implications of any disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Board or consign action within the Council's own competence

·         Advises the County Council on disciplinary matters within its competence

·         Oversees the Council's policy on the Proper Conduct of Business

·         Develop and adopt a Code of Practice on relations between members and officers

·         Responsible for the Council's procedures for investigating and responding to complaints

·         Adopt contract conditions to apply the Council's complaints procedure to contractors

·         Approve a Local Planning code

·         Consider Findings of Maladministration by the Local Government Ombudsman

·         Undertakes such other functions as the Secretary of State may by regulations refer to a Local Authority Standards Committee.


The Standards Committee also produces annual reports, which can be accessed on the link or in the library.


Contact information

Support officer: Email: