Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Email:
Note | No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests Members of the Council will declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to any discussion taking place on that item.
The other registrable interests of Councillors of Devon County Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors Decision: The Chair reminded Members they should declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered, prior to any discussion taking place on that item. The details of District and or Town and Parish Twin Hatters was on the attached list - County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors Minutes: The Chair reminded Members they should declare any interests they may have in any item to be considered, prior to any discussion taking place on that item. The details of District and or Town and Parish Twin Hatters was on the attached list - County councillors who are also district, borough, city, parish or town councillors |
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Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2024, previously circulated. Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2024 be signed as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2024 be signed as a correct record. |
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Decision: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised as a matter of urgency.
Pay Policy Statement 2025/2026 Joint Report of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services and Director of People and Culture outlining the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2025/2026, attached. Decision: RESOLVED that the revised Pay Policy Statement (Appendix 1 of the Report) for 2025/26 be endorsed and commended to the Council. Minutes: The Committee considered the Joint Report of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services and Director of People and Culture which outlined the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2025/2026.
The Pay Policy Statement, required under the Localism Act 2011, was a statutory requirement and needed to be reviewed annually.
The Localism Act 2011 further required the Pay Policy Statement to include Deputy Chief Officers (defined by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 as those reporting directly to or those who were directly accountable to a statutory or non-statutory Chief Officer.
The Pay Policy Statement took account of the implications of the National Living Wage on the pay and grading structure, recruitment and retention difficulties and the changing nature of work and roles within the Council.
A Pay and Allowances Review continued to be conducted and the Committee noted the launch of the staff benefits platform in 2023, the Annual Leave Purchase scheme in February 2024, Gymflex bieng launched in October 2024 and the accessibility of the car leasing scheme enhanced by introducing pre-loved electric vehicles.
Appendix 2 of the Pay Policy Statement set out the current Officer and Chief Officer roles and salary levels based on 2024/25 pay rates. No changes were proposed to salary levels until the agreement of the 2025/26 pay award.
The Report recommended that the Committee endorsed the revised Pay Policy Statement for submission to the Council.
Members asked and made comments on the following matters clarification around market supplements, the term special salary, coroner appointments.
It was agreed that fuller definitions could be provided in future reports.
It was MOVED by Councillor McInnes, SECONDED by Councillor Saywell and
RESOLVED that the Committee revised Pay Policy Statement (Appendix 1 to the Report) for 2025/26 be endorsed and recommended to the Council for adoption and the subsequent amendments to the Council’s Constitution. |
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County Election Fees - Clarification on Holiday Pay Members of the Committee previously agreed a range of fees and scale of costs for staffing and delivery of the 2025 County Elections (Minute 95 refers - Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee 7th November 2024).
The Assistant Director for Democratic Services will update the Committee on the latest guidance relating elections pay bands and holiday pay.
The Committee is asked to reaffirm the scale of fees and costs, but that the holiday pay requirement of 12.07% be paid on top of the fees already agreed. Decision: RESOLVED that agreement to the scale of fees and costs be reaffirmed, but that the holiday pay requirement of 12.07% be paid on top of the fees previously agreed, as per the attachment to the minutes.
Minutes: The Committee noted it previous discussion relating to the range of fees and scale of costs for staffing and delivery of the 2025 County Elections (Minute 95 referred - Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee 7th November 2024).
The Assistant Director for Democratic Services updated the Committee on the latest guidance relating elections pay bands and holiday pay. With recent increases to the minimum wage, some roles (for example poll clerks) would be below the hourly rate once the holiday pay element was deducted.
It was MOVED by Councillor Davis SECONDED by Councillor McInnes and RESOLVED
that agreement to the scale of fees and costs be reaffirmed, but that the holiday pay requirement of 12.07% be paid on top of the fees previously agreed, as per the attachment to the minutes. |
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Annual Statement - Settlement Agreement Data Report of the Director of People & Culture, providing the annual report on settlement agreements across the Authority, attached.
Decision: RESOLVED that the data in the 2025 annual report be noted.
Minutes: The Committee received the annual Report relating to settlement agreements across the Authority.
At the Council meeting in July 2022, the Leader committed to reporting annually on this matter to the Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Officer Conduct Committee and this was the third report of its kind.
The data was broken down into the following 3 categories: · Corporate agreements, · Schools agreements and · ACAS agreements (known as COT3 settlements).
It was MOVED by Councillor McInnes, SECONDED by Councillor Davis and RESOLVED
that the data in the 2025 annual report be